blob: e033fca6d29ac2a5c2f443c969629ad867e09131 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../scanner/error_token.dart' show UnmatchedToken;
import '../scanner/token.dart'
abstract class TokenStreamRewriter {
/// Insert a synthetic open and close parenthesis and return the new synthetic
/// open parenthesis. If [insertIdentifier] is true, then a synthetic
/// identifier is included between the open and close parenthesis.
Token insertParens(Token token, bool includeIdentifier) {
// Throw if the token is eof, though allow an eof-token if the offset
// is negative. The last part is because [syntheticPreviousToken] sometimes
// creates eof tokens that aren't the real eof-token that has a negative
// offset (which wouldn't be valid for the real eof).
if (!(!token.isEof || token.offset < 0)) {
// Inserting here could cause a infinite loop. We prefer to crash.
throw 'Internal Error: Rewriting at eof.';
Token next =!;
int offset = next.charOffset;
BeginToken leftParen =
next = new SyntheticBeginToken(TokenType.OPEN_PAREN, offset);
if (includeIdentifier) {
next = _setNext(
new SyntheticStringToken(
TokenType.IDENTIFIER, '', offset, /* _length = */ 0));
next = _setNext(next, new SyntheticToken(TokenType.CLOSE_PAREN, offset));
_setEndGroup(leftParen, next);
// A no-op rewriter could skip this step.
_setNext(token, leftParen);
return leftParen;
/// Insert [newToken] after [token] and return [newToken].
Token insertToken(Token token, Token newToken) {
// Throw if the token is eof, though allow an eof-token if the offset
// is negative. The last part is because [syntheticPreviousToken] sometimes
// creates eof tokens that aren't the real eof-token that has a negative
// offset (which wouldn't be valid for the real eof).
if (!(!token.isEof || token.offset < 0)) {
// Inserting here could cause a infinite loop. We prefer to crash.
throw 'Internal Error: Rewriting at eof.';
// A no-op rewriter could skip this step.
_setNext(token, newToken);
return newToken;
/// Move [endGroup] (a synthetic `)`, `]`, or `}` token) and associated
/// error token after [token] in the token stream and return [endGroup].
Token moveSynthetic(Token token, Token endGroup) {
// Throw if the token is eof, though allow an eof-token if the offset
// is negative. The last part is because [syntheticPreviousToken] sometimes
// creates eof tokens that aren't the real eof-token that has a negative
// offset (which wouldn't be valid for the real eof).
if (!(!token.isEof || token.offset < 0)) {
// Inserting here could cause a infinite loop. We prefer to crash.
throw 'Internal Error: Rewriting at eof.';
// ignore:unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(endGroup.beforeSynthetic != null);
if (token == endGroup) return endGroup;
Token? errorToken;
if ( is UnmatchedToken) {
errorToken =;
// Remove endGroup from its current location
_setNext(endGroup.beforeSynthetic!, (errorToken ?? endGroup).next!);
// Insert endGroup into its new location
Token next =!;
_setNext(token, endGroup);
_setNext(errorToken ?? endGroup, next);
_setOffset(endGroup, next.offset);
if (errorToken != null) {
_setOffset(errorToken, next.offset);
return endGroup;
/// Replace the single token immediately following the [previousToken] with
/// the chain of tokens starting at the [replacementToken]. Return the
/// [replacementToken].
Token replaceTokenFollowing(Token previousToken, Token replacementToken) {
Token replacedToken =!;
_setNext(previousToken, replacementToken);
replacementToken as SimpleToken, replacedToken.precedingComments);
return replacementToken;
/// Given the [firstToken] in a chain of tokens to be inserted, return the
/// last token in the chain.
/// As a side-effect, this method also ensures that the tokens in the chain
/// have their `previous` pointers set correctly.
Token _lastTokenInChain(Token firstToken) {
Token? previous;
Token current = firstToken;
while ( != null &&!.type != TokenType.EOF) {
if (previous != null) {
_setPrevious(current, previous);
previous = current;
current =!;
if (previous != null) {
_setPrevious(current, previous);
return current;
/// Insert a new simple synthetic token of [newTokenType] after
/// [previousToken] instead of the token actually coming after it and return
/// the new token.
/// The old token will be linked from the new one though, so it's not totally
/// gone.
ReplacementToken replaceNextTokenWithSyntheticToken(
Token previousToken, TokenType newTokenType) {
assert(newTokenType is! Keyword,
'use an unwritten variation of insertSyntheticKeyword instead');
// [token] <--> [a] <--> [b]
ReplacementToken replacement =
new ReplacementToken(newTokenType,!);
insertToken(previousToken, replacement);
// [token] <--> [replacement] <--> [a] <--> [b]
// [token] <--> [replacement] <--> [b]
return replacement;
/// Insert a synthetic identifier after [token] and return the new identifier.
Token insertSyntheticIdentifier(Token token, [String value = '']) {
return insertToken(
new SyntheticStringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, value,!.charOffset, /* _length = */ 0));
/// Insert a new synthetic [keyword] after [token] and return the new token.
Token insertSyntheticKeyword(Token token, Keyword keyword) => insertToken(
token, new SyntheticKeywordToken(keyword,!.charOffset));
/// Insert a new simple synthetic token of [newTokenType] after [token]
/// and return the new token.
Token insertSyntheticToken(Token token, TokenType newTokenType) {
assert(newTokenType is! Keyword, 'use insertSyntheticKeyword instead');
return insertToken(
token, new SyntheticToken(newTokenType,!.charOffset));
Token _setNext(Token setOn, Token nextToken);
void _setEndGroup(BeginToken setOn, Token endGroup);
void _setOffset(Token setOn, int offset);
void _setPrecedingComments(SimpleToken setOn, CommentToken? comment);
void _setPrevious(Token setOn, Token previous);
/// Provides the capability of inserting tokens into a token stream. This
/// implementation does this by rewriting the previous token to point to the
/// inserted token.
class TokenStreamRewriterImpl extends TokenStreamRewriter {
// TODO(brianwilkerson):
// When we get to the point of removing `token.previous`, the plan is to
// convert this into an interface and provide two implementations.
// One, used by Fasta, will connect the inserted tokens to the following token
// without modifying the previous token.
// The other, used by 'analyzer', will be created with the first token in the
// stream (actually with the BOF marker at the beginning of the stream). It
// will be created only when invoking 'analyzer' specific parse methods (in
// `Parser`), such as
// Token parseUnitWithRewrite(Token bof) {
// rewriter = AnalyzerTokenStreamRewriter(bof);
// return parseUnit(;
// }
Token _setNext(Token setOn, Token nextToken) {
return setOn.setNext(nextToken);
void _setEndGroup(BeginToken setOn, Token endGroup) {
setOn.endGroup = endGroup;
void _setOffset(Token setOn, int offset) {
setOn.offset = offset;
void _setPrecedingComments(SimpleToken setOn, CommentToken? comment) {
setOn.precedingComments = comment;
void _setPrevious(Token setOn, Token previous) {
setOn.previous = previous;
abstract class TokenStreamChange {
void undo();
class NextTokenStreamChange implements TokenStreamChange {
final Token setOn;
final Token? setOnNext;
final Token nextToken;
final Token? nextTokenPrevious;
final Token? nextTokenBeforeSynthetic;
UndoableTokenStreamRewriter rewriter, this.setOn, this.nextToken)
: setOnNext =,
nextTokenPrevious = nextToken.previous,
nextTokenBeforeSynthetic = nextToken.beforeSynthetic {
rewriter._changes.add(this); = nextToken;
nextToken.previous = setOn;
nextToken.beforeSynthetic = setOn;
void undo() {
nextToken.beforeSynthetic = nextTokenBeforeSynthetic;
nextToken.previous = nextTokenPrevious; = setOnNext;
class EndGroupTokenStreamChange implements TokenStreamChange {
final BeginToken setOn;
final Token? endGroup;
UndoableTokenStreamRewriter rewriter, this.setOn, Token endGroup)
: endGroup = setOn.endGroup {
setOn.endGroup = endGroup;
void undo() {
setOn.endGroup = endGroup;
class OffsetTokenStreamChange implements TokenStreamChange {
final Token setOn;
final int offset;
UndoableTokenStreamRewriter rewriter, this.setOn, int offset)
: offset = setOn.offset {
setOn.offset = offset;
void undo() {
setOn.offset = offset;
class PrecedingCommentsTokenStreamChange implements TokenStreamChange {
final SimpleToken setOn;
final CommentToken? comment;
UndoableTokenStreamRewriter rewriter, this.setOn, CommentToken? comment)
: comment = setOn.precedingComments {
setOn.precedingComments = comment;
void undo() {
setOn.precedingComments = comment;
class PreviousTokenStreamChange implements TokenStreamChange {
final Token setOn;
final Token previous;
UndoableTokenStreamRewriter rewriter, this.setOn, Token previous)
: previous = setOn.previous! {
setOn.previous = previous;
void undo() {
setOn.previous = previous;
/// Provides the capability of inserting tokens into a token stream. This
/// implementation does this by rewriting the previous token to point to the
/// inserted token. It also allows to undo these changes.
class UndoableTokenStreamRewriter extends TokenStreamRewriter {
List<TokenStreamChange> _changes = <TokenStreamChange>[];
void undo() {
for (int i = _changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
TokenStreamChange change = _changes[i];
void _setEndGroup(BeginToken setOn, Token endGroup) {
new EndGroupTokenStreamChange(this, setOn, endGroup);
Token _setNext(Token setOn, Token nextToken) {
return new NextTokenStreamChange(this, setOn, nextToken).nextToken;
void _setOffset(Token setOn, int offset) {
new OffsetTokenStreamChange(this, setOn, offset);
void _setPrecedingComments(SimpleToken setOn, CommentToken? comment) {
new PrecedingCommentsTokenStreamChange(this, setOn, comment);
void _setPrevious(Token setOn, Token previous) {
new PreviousTokenStreamChange(this, setOn, previous);