blob: ba6526604cacd9c5204b1a430d07fb74df73e697 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.12
library vm.transformations.mixin_deduplication;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
/// De-duplication of identical mixin applications.
void transformComponent(Component component) {
final deduplicateMixins = new DeduplicateMixinsTransformer();
final referenceUpdater = ReferenceUpdater(deduplicateMixins);
// Deduplicate mixins and re-resolve super initializers.
// (this is a shallow transformation)
.forEach((library) => deduplicateMixins.visitLibrary(library, null));
// Do a deep transformation to update references to the removed mixin
// application classes in the interface targets and types.
// Interface targets pointing to members of removed mixin application
// classes are re-resolved at the remaining mixin applications.
// This is necessary iff the component was assembled from individual modular
// kernel compilations:
// * if the CFE reads in the entire program as source, interface targets
// will point to the original mixin class
// * if the CFE reads in dependencies as kernel, interface targets will
// point to the already existing mixin application classes.
// TODO( Remove this extra O(N) pass over the AST if the
// CFE decides to consistently let the interface target point to the mixin
// class (instead of mixin application).
class _DeduplicateMixinKey {
final Class _class;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is _DeduplicateMixinKey) {
final thisClass = _class;
final otherClass = other._class;
if (identical(thisClass, otherClass)) {
return true;
// Do not deduplicate parameterized mixin applications.
if (thisClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty ||
otherClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
// Deduplicate mixin applications with matching supertype, mixed-in type,
// implemented interfaces and NNBD mode (CFE may add extra signature
// members depending on the NNBD mode).
return thisClass.supertype == otherClass.supertype &&
thisClass.mixedInType == otherClass.mixedInType &&
listEquals(thisClass.implementedTypes, otherClass.implementedTypes) &&
thisClass.enclosingLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault ==
return false;
int get hashCode {
if (_class.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
return _class.hashCode;
int hash = 31;
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + _class.supertype.hashCode);
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + _class.mixedInType.hashCode);
for (var i in _class.implementedTypes) {
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + i.hashCode);
return hash;
class DeduplicateMixinsTransformer extends RemovingTransformer {
final _canonicalMixins = new Map<_DeduplicateMixinKey, Class>();
final _duplicatedMixins = new Map<Class, Class>();
TreeNode visitLibrary(Library node, TreeNode? removalSentinel) {
transformClassList(node.classes, node);
return node;
TreeNode visitClass(Class c, TreeNode? removalSentinel) {
if (_duplicatedMixins.containsKey(c)) {
// Class was de-duplicated already, just remove it.
return removalSentinel!;
if (c.supertype != null) {
c.supertype = _transformSupertype(c.supertype!, c, true);
if (c.mixedInType != null) {
throw 'All mixins should be transformed already.';
if (!c.isAnonymousMixin) {
return c;
Class canonical =
_canonicalMixins.putIfAbsent(new _DeduplicateMixinKey(c), () => c);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(canonical != null);
if (canonical != c) {
// Ensure that kernel file writer will not be able to
// write a dangling reference to the deleted class.
c.reference.canonicalName = null;
_duplicatedMixins[c] = canonical;
// Remove class.
return removalSentinel!;
return c;
Supertype visitSupertype(Supertype node, Supertype? removalSentinel) {
return _transformSupertype(node, null, false);
Supertype _transformSupertype(
Supertype supertype, Class? cls, bool isSuperclass) {
Class oldSuper = supertype.classNode;
Class newSuper = visitClass(oldSuper, dummyClass) as Class;
if (identical(newSuper, dummyClass)) {
Class canonicalSuper = _duplicatedMixins[oldSuper]!;
supertype = new Supertype(canonicalSuper, supertype.typeArguments);
if (isSuperclass) {
_correctForwardingConstructors(cls!, oldSuper, canonicalSuper);
return supertype;
TreeNode defaultTreeNode(TreeNode node, TreeNode? removalSentinel) =>
throw 'Unexpected node ${node.runtimeType}: $node';
/// Rewrites references to the deduplicated mixin application
/// classes. Updates interface targets and types.
class ReferenceUpdater extends RecursiveVisitor {
final DeduplicateMixinsTransformer transformer;
void visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
node.stubTarget = _resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.stubTarget);
visitInstanceGet(InstanceGet node) {
node.interfaceTarget = _resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget)!;
visitInstanceTearOff(InstanceTearOff node) {
node.interfaceTarget =
_resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget) as Procedure;
visitInstanceSet(InstanceSet node) {
node.interfaceTarget = _resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget)!;
visitInstanceInvocation(InstanceInvocation node) {
node.interfaceTarget =
_resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget) as Procedure;
visitEqualsCall(EqualsCall node) {
node.interfaceTarget =
_resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget) as Procedure;
visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) {
node.interfaceTarget = _resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget);
visitSuperPropertySet(SuperPropertySet node) {
node.interfaceTarget = _resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget);
visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
node.interfaceTarget =
_resolveNewInterfaceTarget(node.interfaceTarget) as Procedure?;
Member? _resolveNewInterfaceTarget(Member? m) {
final Class? c = m?.enclosingClass;
if (c != null && c.isAnonymousMixin) {
final Class? replacement = transformer._duplicatedMixins[c];
if (replacement != null) {
// The class got removed, so we need to re-resolve the interface target.
return _findMember(replacement, m!);
return m;
Member _findMember(Class klass, Member m) {
if (m is Field) {
return klass.members.where((other) => ==;
} else if (m is Procedure) {
return klass.procedures
.where((other) => other.kind == m.kind && ==
} else {
throw 'Hit unexpected interface target which is not a Field/Procedure';
visitClassReference(Class node) {
// Safeguard against any possible leaked uses of anonymous mixin
// applications which are not updated.
if (node.isAnonymousMixin && transformer._duplicatedMixins[node] != null) {
throw 'Unexpected reference to removed mixin application $node';
/// Corrects forwarding constructors inserted by mixin resolution after
/// replacing superclass.
void _correctForwardingConstructors(Class c, Class oldSuper, Class newSuper) {
for (var constructor in c.constructors) {
for (var initializer in constructor.initializers) {
if ((initializer is SuperInitializer) && == oldSuper) {
Constructor? replacement = null;
for (var c in newSuper.constructors) {
if ( == {
replacement = c;
if (replacement == null) {
throw 'Unable to find a replacement for $c in $newSuper';
} = replacement;