Providing Kythe Data

Note: Kythe support is experimental and might be removed or changed without notice.

Kythe is, in their own words, “A pluggable, (mostly) language-agnostic ecosystem for building tools that work with code.” The analysis server can be used to produce the data that should be sent to Kythe. In other words, the analysis server is (almost) a Kythe indexer. (The data needs to be converted from a Json representation to a protobuf format before being sent to Kythe.)

Implementation details

When appropriate, the analysis server will send your plugin a kythe.getKytheEntries request. The request includes the file for which data should be generated. The data consists of a list of KytheEntrys.

When a kythe.getKytheEntries request is received, the method handleKytheGetKytheEntries will be invoked. This method is responsible for returning a response that contains the entries to be sent to Kythe.

The easiest way to implement this method is by adding the classes EntryMixin and DartEntryMixin (from package:analyzer_plugin/plugin/kythe_mixin.dart) to the list of mixins for your subclass of ServerPlugin. This will leave you with one abstract method that you need to implement: getEntryContributors. That method is responsible for returning a list of EntryContributors. It is the entry contributors that produce the actual entries. (Most plugins will only need a single entry contributor.)

To write an entry contributor, create a class that implements EntryContributor. The interface defines a single method named computeEntries. The method has two arguments: an EntryRequest that describes the file to be indexed and an EntryCollector through which entries are to be added.

If you mix in the class DartEntryMixin, then the request will be an instance of DartEntryRequest, which also has analysis results.


Start by creating a class that implements EntryContributor, then implement the method computeEntries. This method is typically implemented by creating a visitor (such as an AstVisitor) that can visit the results of the analysis (such as a CompilationUnit) and extract the navigation information from the analysis result.

For example, your contributor might look something like the following:

class MyEntryContributor implements EntryContributor {
  void computeEntries(EntryRequest request, EntryCollector collector) {
    if (request is DartEntryRequest) {
      EntryVisitor visitor = new EntryVisitor(collector);

class EntryVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
  final EntryCollector collector;


  void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
    // ...

Given a contributor like the one above, you can implement your plugin similar to the following:

class MyPlugin extends ServerPlugin with EntryMixin, DartEntryMixin {
  // ...

  List<EntryContributor> getEntryContributors(String path) {
    return <EntryContributor>[new MyEntryContributor()];