blob: 40042390f0e74e28508a0dcbc102e0d3904b8f97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
final isFile = TypeMatcher<File>();
final isFileSystemException = TypeMatcher<FileSystemException>();
final isFolder = TypeMatcher<Folder>();
abstract class FileSystemTestSupport {
/// The content used for the file at the [defaultFilePath] if it is created
/// and no other content is provided.
String get defaultFileContent;
/// A path to a file within the [defaultFolderPath] that can be used by tests.
String get defaultFilePath;
/// A path to a folder within the [tempPath] that can be used by tests.
String get defaultFolderPath;
/// Return `true` if the file system has support for symbolic links.
/// Windows until recently (Windows 10, 2016) did not have it.
bool get hasSymbolicLinkSupport;
/// Return the resource provider to be used by the tests.
ResourceProvider get provider;
/// The absolute path to the temporary directory in which all of the tests are
/// to work.
String get tempPath;
/// Create a link from [path] to [target].
/// The [target] does not have to exist, can be create later, or not at all.
void createLink({required String path, required String target});
/// Return a file accessed through the resource provider. If [exists] is
/// `true` then the returned file will exist, otherwise it won't. If [content]
/// is provided then the file will have the given content, otherwise it will
/// have the [defaultFileContent]. If the file does not exist then the content
/// is ignored. If a [filePath] is provided, then the file will be located at
/// that path; otherwise the file will have the [defaultFilePath].
File getFile({required bool exists, String? content, String? filePath});
/// Return a folder accessed through the resource provider. If [exists] is
/// `true` then the returned folder will exist, otherwise it won't. If a
/// [folderPath] is provided, then the folder will be located at that path;
/// otherwise the folder will have the [defaultFolderPath].
Folder getFolder({required bool exists, String? folderPath});
/// Return a file path composed of the provided parts as defined by the
/// current path context.
String join(String part1,
[String? part2,
String? part3,
String? part4,
String? part5,
String? part6]) =>
provider.pathContext.join(part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6);
/// Unlike most test mixins, this mixin defines some abstract test methods.
/// These are tests whose behavior differs between the two implementations of
/// the file system and therefore need to be implemented differently. (They
/// probably shouldn't differ, but they do.) The abstract methods exist so that
/// we cannot forget to implement the tests for each implementation.
mixin FileTestMixin implements FileSystemTestSupport {
test_changes() {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this.
fail('Not tested');
test_copyTo_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true, content: 'contents');
Folder destination = provider.getFolder(join(tempPath, 'destination'));
File copy = file.copyTo(destination);
expect(copy.parent2, destination);
expect(copy.shortName, file.shortName);
expect(copy.exists, isTrue);
expect(copy.readAsStringSync(), 'contents');
test_copyTo_notExisting() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
Folder destination = provider.getFolder(join(tempPath, 'destination'));
expect(() => file.copyTo(destination), throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_createSource() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
Source source = file.createSource();
expect(source, isNotNull);
expect(source.fullName, defaultFilePath);
expect(source.uriKind, UriKind.FILE_URI);
expect(source.uri, Uri.file(defaultFilePath));
expect(source.exists(), isTrue);
expect(, defaultFileContent);
test_delete_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.exists, isTrue);
expect(file.exists, isFalse);
test_equals_beforeAndAfterCreate() {
File file1 = getFile(exists: false);
File file2 = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file1 == file2, isTrue);
test_equals_differentPaths() {
File file1 = getFile(exists: true);
File file2 = getFile(exists: true, filePath: join(tempPath, 'file2.txt'));
expect(file1 == file2, isFalse);
test_equals_samePath() {
File file1 = getFile(exists: true);
var file2 = provider.getResource(file1.path) as File;
expect(file1 == file2, isTrue);
test_exists_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.exists, isTrue);
test_exists_links_existing() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var a_path = join(tempPath, 'a.dart');
var b_path = join(tempPath, 'b.dart');
createLink(path: b_path, target: a_path);
getFile(exists: true, filePath: a_path);
var a = provider.getFile(a_path);
var b = provider.getFile(b_path);
expect(a.exists, isTrue);
expect(b.exists, isTrue);
test_exists_links_notExisting() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var a_path = join(tempPath, 'a.dart');
var b_path = join(tempPath, 'b.dart');
createLink(path: b_path, target: a_path);
var a = provider.getFile(a_path);
var b = provider.getFile(b_path);
expect(a.exists, isFalse);
expect(b.exists, isFalse);
test_exists_notExisting() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(file.exists, isFalse);
test_hashCode_samePath() {
File file1 = getFile(exists: true);
var file2 = provider.getResource(file1.path) as File;
expect(file1.hashCode, equals(file2.hashCode));
test_isOrContains_false() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(file.isOrContains(join(tempPath, 'foo', 'a.dart')), isFalse);
test_isOrContains_true() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(file.isOrContains(file.path), isTrue);
test_lengthSync_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
List<int> bytes = <int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
expect(file.lengthSync, bytes.length);
test_lengthSync_notExisting() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(() => file.lengthSync, throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_modificationStamp_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.modificationStamp, isNonNegative);
test_modificationStamp_notExisting() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(() => file.modificationStamp, throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_parent() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
var parent = file.parent!;
expect(parent.exists, isTrue);
expect(parent.path, defaultFolderPath);
test_parent2() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
var parent = file.parent2;
expect(parent.exists, isTrue);
expect(parent.path, defaultFolderPath);
test_path() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(file.path, defaultFilePath);
test_readAsBytesSync_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.readAsBytesSync(), <int>[97]);
test_readAsBytesSync_notExisting() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(() => file.readAsBytesSync(), throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_readAsStringSync_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.readAsStringSync(), defaultFileContent);
test_readAsStringSync_notExisting() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(() => file.readAsStringSync(), throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_renameSync_existing() {
String oldPath = join(tempPath, 'file.txt');
String newPath = join(tempPath, 'new-file.txt');
File oldFile = getFile(exists: true, filePath: oldPath);
File newFile = oldFile.renameSync(newPath);
expect(oldFile.path, oldPath);
expect(oldFile.exists, isFalse);
expect(newFile.path, newPath);
expect(newFile.exists, isTrue);
expect(newFile.readAsStringSync(), defaultFileContent);
test_renameSync_existing_conflictsWithFile() {
String oldPath = join(tempPath, 'file.txt');
String newPath = join(tempPath, 'new-file.txt');
File oldFile = getFile(content: 'old', exists: true, filePath: oldPath);
File newFile = getFile(content: 'new', exists: true, filePath: newPath);
expect(oldFile.path, oldPath);
expect(oldFile.exists, isFalse);
expect(newFile.path, newPath);
expect(newFile.exists, isTrue);
expect(newFile.readAsStringSync(), 'old');
test_renameSync_existing_conflictsWithFolder() {
String oldPath = join(tempPath, 'file.txt');
String newPath = join(tempPath, 'new-baz');
File oldFile = getFile(exists: true, filePath: oldPath);
Folder newFolder = getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: newPath);
expect(() => oldFile.renameSync(newPath), throwsA(isFileSystemException));
expect(oldFile.path, oldPath);
expect(oldFile.exists, isTrue);
expect(newFolder.path, newPath);
expect(newFolder.exists, isTrue);
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_links_existing() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var a_path = join(tempPath, 'aaa', 'a.dart');
var b_path = join(tempPath, 'bbb', 'b.dart');
getFile(exists: true, filePath: a_path);
createLink(path: b_path, target: a_path);
var resolved = provider.getFile(b_path).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
expect(resolved.path, a_path);
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_links_existing2() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var a = join(tempPath, 'aaa', 'a.dart');
var b = join(tempPath, 'bbb', 'b.dart');
var c = join(tempPath, 'ccc', 'c.dart');
getFile(exists: true, filePath: a);
createLink(path: b, target: a);
createLink(path: c, target: b);
var resolved = provider.getFile(c).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
expect(resolved.path, a);
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_links_notExisting() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var a = join(tempPath, 'a.dart');
var b = join(tempPath, 'b.dart');
createLink(path: b, target: a);
expect(() {
}, throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_noLinks_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(), file);
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_noLinks_notExisting() {
var path = join(tempPath, 'a.dart');
expect(() {
}, throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_shortName() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(file.shortName, 'test.dart');
test_toString() {
File file = getFile(exists: false);
expect(file.toString(), defaultFilePath);
test_toUri() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.toUri(), Uri.file(file.path));
test_writeAsBytesSync_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
file.writeAsBytesSync(<int>[99, 99]);
expect(file.readAsBytesSync(), <int>[99, 99]);
test_writeAsStringSync_existing() {
File file = getFile(exists: true);
expect(file.readAsStringSync(), 'cc');
mixin FolderTestMixin implements FileSystemTestSupport {
test_canonicalizePath_absolute() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
String path2 = join(tempPath, 'folder2');
expect(folder.canonicalizePath(path2), equals(path2));
test_canonicalizePath_absolute_dot() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
String path2 = join(tempPath, 'folder2');
expect(folder.canonicalizePath(join(path2, '.', 'baz')),
equals(join(path2, 'baz')));
test_canonicalizePath_absolute_dotDot() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
String path2 = join(tempPath, 'folder2');
String path3 = join(tempPath, 'folder3');
folder.canonicalizePath(join(path2, '..', 'folder3')), equals(path3));
test_canonicalizePath_relative() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
folder.canonicalizePath('baz'), equals(join(defaultFolderPath, 'baz')));
test_canonicalizePath_relative_dot() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder.canonicalizePath(join('.', 'baz')),
equals(join(defaultFolderPath, 'baz')));
test_canonicalizePath_relative_dotDot() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
String path2 = join(tempPath, 'folder2');
expect(folder.canonicalizePath(join('..', 'folder2')), equals(path2));
test_changes() {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this.
fail('Not tested');
test_contains_immediateChild() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder.contains(join(defaultFolderPath, 'aaa.txt')), isTrue);
test_contains_nestedChild() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder.contains(join(defaultFolderPath, 'aaa', 'bbb.txt')), isTrue);
test_contains_self() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder.contains(defaultFolderPath), isFalse);
test_contains_unrelated() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder.contains(join(tempPath, 'baz.txt')), isFalse);
test_copyTo() {
Folder source =
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(tempPath, 'source'));
String sourcePath = source.path;
Folder subdirectory =
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(sourcePath, 'subdir'));
String subdirectoryPath = subdirectory.path;
exists: true,
content: 'file1',
filePath: join(sourcePath, 'file1.txt'));
exists: true,
content: 'file2',
filePath: join(subdirectoryPath, 'file2.txt'));
Folder destination =
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(tempPath, 'destination'));
Folder copy = source.copyTo(destination);
expect(copy.parent2, destination);
_verifyStructure(copy, source);
test_create() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder.exists, isFalse);
expect(folder.exists, isTrue);
test_delete() {
File file =
getFile(exists: true, filePath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'myFile'));
var folder = file.parent2;
expect(folder.exists, isTrue);
expect(file.exists, isTrue);
expect(folder.exists, isFalse);
expect(file.exists, isFalse);
test_equals_differentPaths() {
Folder folder1 =
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(tempPath, 'folder1'));
Folder folder2 =
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(tempPath, 'folder2'));
expect(folder1 == folder2, isFalse);
test_equals_samePath() {
Folder folder1 = getFolder(exists: false);
Folder folder2 = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder1 == folder2, isTrue);
test_exists_links_existing() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var foo_path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var bar_path = join(tempPath, 'bar');
createLink(path: bar_path, target: foo_path);
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: foo_path);
var foo = provider.getFolder(foo_path);
var bar = provider.getFolder(bar_path);
expect(foo.exists, isTrue);
expect(bar.exists, isTrue);
test_exists_links_notExisting() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var foo_path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var bar_path = join(tempPath, 'bar');
createLink(path: bar_path, target: foo_path);
var foo = provider.getFolder(foo_path);
var bar = provider.getFolder(bar_path);
expect(foo.exists, isFalse);
expect(bar.exists, isFalse);
test_getChild_doesNotExist() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
var child = folder.getChild('no-such-resource');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isFalse);
test_getChild_file() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
getFile(exists: true, filePath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'myFile'));
var child = folder.getChild('myFile');
expect(child, isFile);
expect(child.exists, isTrue);
test_getChild_folder() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(folder.path, 'myFolder'));
var child = folder.getChild('myFolder');
expect(child, isFolder);
expect(child.exists, isTrue);
test_getChildAssumingFile_doesNotExist() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
File child = folder.getChildAssumingFile('myFile');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isFalse);
test_getChildAssumingFile_file() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
getFile(exists: true, filePath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'myFile'));
File child = folder.getChildAssumingFile('myFile');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isTrue);
test_getChildAssumingFile_folder() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'myFolder'));
File child = folder.getChildAssumingFile('myFolder');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isFalse);
test_getChildAssumingFolder_doesNotExist() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
Folder child = folder.getChildAssumingFolder('myFile');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isFalse);
test_getChildAssumingFolder_file() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
getFile(exists: true, filePath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'myFile'));
Folder child = folder.getChildAssumingFolder('myFile');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isFalse);
test_getChildAssumingFolder_folder() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'myFolder'));
Folder child = folder.getChildAssumingFolder('myFolder');
expect(child, isNotNull);
expect(child.exists, isTrue);
test_getChildren_doesNotExist() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
folder = folder.getChildAssumingFolder('no-such-folder');
expect(() => folder.getChildren(), throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_getChildren_exists() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
// create 2 files and 1 folder
getFile(exists: true, filePath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'a.txt'));
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'bFolder'));
getFile(exists: true, filePath: join(defaultFolderPath, 'c.txt'));
// prepare 3 children
List<Resource> children = folder.getChildren();
expect(children, hasLength(3));
children.sort((a, b) => a.shortName.compareTo(b.shortName));
// check that each child exists
children.forEach((child) {
expect(child.exists, true);
// check names
expect(children[0].shortName, 'a.txt');
expect(children[1].shortName, 'bFolder');
expect(children[2].shortName, 'c.txt');
// check types
expect(children[0], isFile);
expect(children[1], isFolder);
expect(children[2], isFile);
test_getChildren_hasLink_file() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var a_path = join(tempPath, 'a.dart');
var b_path = join(tempPath, 'b.dart');
createLink(path: b_path, target: a_path);
var a = getFile(exists: true, filePath: a_path);
var children = provider.getFolder(tempPath).getChildren();
expect(children, hasLength(2));
expect( => e.path),
unorderedEquals([a_path, b_path]),
var b = children.singleWhere((e) => e.path == b_path) as File;
expect(b.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(), a);
test_getChildren_hasLink_folder() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var foo_path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var bar_path = join(tempPath, 'bar');
var foo = getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: foo_path);
createLink(path: bar_path, target: foo_path);
var children = provider.getFolder(tempPath).getChildren();
expect(children, hasLength(2));
expect( => e.path),
unorderedEquals([foo_path, bar_path]),
var b = children.singleWhere((e) => e.path == bar_path) as Folder;
expect(b.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(), foo);
test_getChildren_isLink() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var foo_path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var bar_path = join(tempPath, 'bar');
var foo_a_path = join(foo_path, 'a.dart');
var bar_a_path = join(bar_path, 'a.dart');
var foo_b_path = join(foo_path, 'b');
var bar_b_path = join(bar_path, 'b');
var foo_a = getFile(exists: true, filePath: foo_a_path);
var foo_b = getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: foo_b_path);
createLink(path: bar_path, target: foo_path);
var children = provider.getFolder(bar_path).getChildren();
expect(children, hasLength(2));
expect( => e.path),
unorderedEquals([bar_a_path, bar_b_path]),
var bar_a = children.singleWhere((e) => e.path == bar_a_path) as File;
expect(bar_a.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(), foo_a);
var bar_b = children.singleWhere((e) => e.path == bar_b_path) as Folder;
expect(bar_b.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(), foo_b);
test_hashCode() {
Folder folder1 = getFolder(exists: false);
Folder folder2 = getFolder(exists: false);
expect(folder1.hashCode, folder2.hashCode);
test_isOrContains_containedFile() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
expect(folder.isOrContains(join(defaultFolderPath, 'aaa.txt')), isTrue);
test_isOrContains_deeplyContained() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
folder.isOrContains(join(defaultFolderPath, 'aaa', 'bbb.txt')), isTrue);
test_isOrContains_notContained() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
expect(folder.isOrContains(join(tempPath, 'baz.txt')), isFalse);
test_isOrContains_same() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
expect(folder.isOrContains(defaultFolderPath), isTrue);
test_parent() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
var parent = folder.parent2;
expect(parent.path, equals(tempPath));
// Since the OS is in control of where tempPath is, we don't know how far it
// should be from the root. So just verify that each call to parent results
// in a folder with a shorter path, and that we reach the root eventually.
while (true) {
var grandParent = parent.parent2;
if (grandParent.isRoot) {
expect(grandParent.path.length, lessThan(parent.path.length));
parent = grandParent;
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_links_existing() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var foo = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var bar = join(tempPath, 'bar');
getFolder(exists: true, folderPath: foo);
createLink(path: bar, target: foo);
var resolved = provider.getFolder(bar).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
expect(resolved.path, foo);
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_links_notExisting() {
if (!hasSymbolicLinkSupport) return;
var foo = join(tempPath, 'foo');
var bar = join(tempPath, 'bar');
createLink(path: bar, target: foo);
expect(() {
}, throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_resolveSymbolicLinksSync_noLinks_notExisting() {
var path = join(tempPath, 'foo');
expect(() {
}, throwsA(isFileSystemException));
test_toUri() {
Folder folder = getFolder(exists: true);
/// Verify that the [copy] has the same name and content as the [source].
void _verifyStructure(Folder copy, Folder source) {
expect(copy.shortName, source.shortName);
Map<String, File> sourceFiles = <String, File>{};
Map<String, Folder> sourceFolders = <String, Folder>{};
for (Resource child in source.getChildren()) {
if (child is File) {
sourceFiles[child.shortName] = child;
} else if (child is Folder) {
sourceFolders[child.shortName] = child;
} else {
fail('Unknown class of resource: ${child.runtimeType}');
Map<String, File> copyFiles = <String, File>{};
Map<String, Folder> copyFolders = <String, Folder>{};
for (Resource child in source.getChildren()) {
if (child is File) {
copyFiles[child.shortName] = child;
} else if (child is Folder) {
copyFolders[child.shortName] = child;
} else {
fail('Unknown class of resource: ${child.runtimeType}');
for (String fileName in sourceFiles.keys) {
var sourceChild = sourceFiles[fileName]!;
var copiedChild = copyFiles[fileName];
if (copiedChild == null) {
fail('Failed to copy file ${sourceChild.path}');
expect(copiedChild.readAsStringSync(), sourceChild.readAsStringSync(),
reason: 'Incorrectly copied file ${sourceChild.path}');
for (String fileName in sourceFolders.keys) {
var sourceChild = sourceFolders[fileName]!;
var copiedChild = copyFolders[fileName];
if (copiedChild == null) {
fail('Failed to copy folder ${sourceChild.path}');
_verifyStructure(copiedChild, sourceChild);
mixin ResourceProviderTestMixin implements FileSystemTestSupport {
test_getFile_existing() {
getFile(exists: true);
File file = provider.getFile(defaultFilePath);
expect(file, isNotNull);
expect(file.path, defaultFilePath);
expect(file.exists, isTrue);
test_getFile_notExisting() {
File file = provider.getFile(defaultFilePath);
expect(file, isNotNull);
expect(file.path, defaultFilePath);
expect(file.exists, isFalse);
test_getFolder_existing() {
getFolder(exists: true);
Folder folder = provider.getFolder(defaultFolderPath);
expect(folder, isNotNull);
expect(folder.path, defaultFolderPath);
expect(folder.exists, isTrue);
test_getFolder_notExisting() {
Folder folder = provider.getFolder(defaultFolderPath);
expect(folder, isNotNull);
expect(folder.path, defaultFolderPath);
expect(folder.exists, isFalse);
test_getModificationTimes_existing() async {
Source source = getFile(exists: true).createSource();
var times = await provider.getModificationTimes([source]);
expect(times, [source.modificationStamp]);
test_getModificationTimes_notExisting() async {
Source source = getFile(exists: false).createSource();
var times = await provider.getModificationTimes([source]);
expect(times, [-1]);
test_getResource_file_existing() {
String filePath = getFile(exists: true).path;
Resource resource = provider.getResource(filePath);
expect(resource, isFile);
test_getResource_folder_existing() {
String filePath = getFolder(exists: true).path;
Resource resource = provider.getResource(filePath);
expect(resource, isFolder);
test_getResource_notExisting() {
String resourcePath = getFile(exists: false).path;
Resource resource = provider.getResource(resourcePath);
expect(resource, isFile);
test_getStateLocation_uniqueness() {
var folderOne = provider.getStateLocation('one')!;
expect(folderOne, isNotNull);
var folderTwo = provider.getStateLocation('two')!;
expect(folderTwo, isNotNull);
expect(folderTwo, isNot(equals(folderOne)));
expect(provider.getStateLocation('one'), equals(folderOne));
test_pathContext() {
expect(provider.pathContext, path.context);