blob: cb4a1b6b484bb65f7f6def79012f5548158156f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
part of touch;
abstract class ScrollListener {
* The callback invoked for a scroll event.
* [decelerating] specifies whether or not the content is moving due
* to deceleration. It should be false if the content is moving because the
* user is dragging the content.
void onScrollerMoved(double scrollX, double scrollY, bool decelerating);
* The scroll watcher is intended to provide a single way to
* listen for scroll events from instances of Scroller.
* TODO(jacobr): this class is obsolete.
class ScrollWatcher {
Scroller _scroller;
List<ScrollListener> _listeners;
Element _scrollerEl;
ScrollWatcher(Scroller scroller)
: _scroller = scroller,
_listeners = new List<ScrollListener>() {}
void addListener(ScrollListener listener) {
* Send the scroll event to all listeners.
* [decelerating] is true if the offset is changing because of deceleration.
void _dispatchScroll(num scrollX, num scrollY, [bool decelerating = false]) {
for (final listener in _listeners) {
listener.onScrollerMoved(scrollX, scrollY, decelerating);
* Initializes elements and event handlers. Must be called after construction
* and before usage.
void initialize() {
_scrollerEl = _scroller.getElement();
_scroller.onContentMoved.listen((e) {
* This callback is invoked any time the scroller content offset changes.
void _onContentMoved(Event e) {
num scrollX = _scroller.getHorizontalOffset();
num scrollY = _scroller.getVerticalOffset();
_dispatchScroll(scrollX, scrollY);