blob: 9e9faaf2b09297a5fb2ffbbe59d6e61903dd049f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(bkonyi): autogenerate from
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'vm_service.dart' hide Error;
extension DartIOExtension on VmService {
static bool _factoriesRegistered = false;
static Map<String, Version> _isolateVersion = {};
Future<Version> _version(String isolateId) async {
Version? version = _isolateVersion[isolateId];
if (version == null) {
version = await getDartIOVersion(isolateId);
_isolateVersion[isolateId] = version;
return version;
/// The `getDartIOVersion` RPC returns the available version of the dart:io
/// service protocol extensions.
Future<Version> getDartIOVersion(String isolateId) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId);
/// Start profiling new socket connections. Statistics for sockets created
/// before profiling was enabled will not be recorded.
@Deprecated('Use socketProfilingEnabled instead')
Future<Success> startSocketProfiling(String isolateId) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId);
/// Pause recording socket statistics. [clearSocketProfile] must be called in
/// order for collected statistics to be cleared.
@Deprecated('Use socketProfilingEnabled instead')
Future<Success> pauseSocketProfiling(String isolateId) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId);
/// The _socketProfilingEnabled_ RPC is used to enable/disable the socket profiler
/// and query its current state. If `enabled` is provided, the profiler state will
/// be updated to reflect the value of `enabled`.
/// If the state of the socket profiler is changed, a `SocketProfilingStateChange`
/// event will be sent on the `Extension` stream.
Future<SocketProfilingState> socketProfilingEnabled(String isolateId,
[bool? enabled]) async {
return _callHelper('', isolateId, args: {
if (enabled != null) 'enabled': enabled,
/// Removes all statistics associated with prior and current sockets.
Future<Success> clearSocketProfile(String isolateId) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId);
/// The `getSocketProfile` RPC is used to retrieve socket statistics collected
/// by the socket profiler. Only samples collected after the initial
/// [socketProfilingEnabled] call or the last call to [clearSocketProfile]
/// will be reported.
Future<SocketProfile> getSocketProfile(String isolateId) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId);
/// Gets the current state of HTTP logging for a given isolate.
/// Warning: The returned [Future] will not complete if the target isolate is paused
/// and will only complete when the isolate is resumed.
@Deprecated('Use httpEnableTimelineLogging instead.')
Future<HttpTimelineLoggingState> getHttpEnableTimelineLogging(
String isolateId) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId);
/// Enables or disables HTTP logging for a given isolate.
/// Warning: The returned [Future] will not complete if the target isolate is paused
/// and will only complete when the isolate is resumed.
@Deprecated('Use httpEnableTimelineLogging instead.')
Future<Success> setHttpEnableTimelineLogging(String isolateId, bool enable) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId, args: {
'enable': enable,
/// The `httpEnableTimelineLogging` RPC is used to set and inspect the value of
/// `HttpClient.enableTimelineLogging`, which determines if HTTP client requests
/// should be logged to the timeline. If `enabled` is provided, the state of
/// `HttpClient.enableTimelineLogging` will be updated to the value of `enabled`.
/// If the value of `HttpClient.enableTimelineLogging` is changed, a
/// `HttpTimelineLoggingStateChange` event will be sent on the `Extension` stream.
Future<HttpTimelineLoggingState> httpEnableTimelineLogging(String isolateId,
[bool? enabled]) async {
final version = await _version(isolateId);
// Parameter name changed in version 1.4.
final enableKey =
((version.major! == 1 && version.minor! > 3) || version.major! >= 2)
? 'enabled'
: 'enable';
return _callHelper('', isolateId,
args: {
if (enabled != null) enableKey: enabled,
/// The `getHttpProfile` RPC is used to retrieve HTTP profiling information
/// for requests made via `dart:io`'s `HttpClient`.
/// The returned [HttpProfile] will only include requests issued after
/// `httpTimelineLogging` has been enabled or after the last
/// `clearHttpProfile` invocation.
/// If `updatedSince` is provided, only requests started or updated since
/// the specified time will be reported.
Future<HttpProfile> getHttpProfile(String isolateId, {int? updatedSince}) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId, args: {
if (updatedSince != null) 'updatedSince': updatedSince,
/// The `getHttpProfileRequest` RPC is used to retrieve an instance of
/// [HttpProfileRequest], which includes request and response body data.
Future<HttpProfileRequest> getHttpProfileRequest(String isolateId, int id) =>
_callHelper('', isolateId, args: {
'id': id,
/// The `clearHttpProfile` RPC is used to clear previously recorded HTTP
/// requests from the HTTP profiler state. Requests still in-flight after
/// clearing the profiler state will be ignored by the profiler.
Future<Success> clearHttpProfile(String isolateId) => _callHelper(
/// The `getOpenFiles` RPC is used to retrieve the list of files currently
/// opened files by `dart:io` from a given isolate.
Future<OpenFileList> getOpenFiles(String isolateId) => _callHelper(
/// The `getOpenFileById` RPC is used to retrieve information about files
/// currently opened by `dart:io` from a given isolate.
Future<OpenFile> getOpenFileById(String isolateId, int id) => _callHelper(
args: {
'id': id,
/// The `getSpawnedProcesses` RPC is used to retrieve the list of processed opened
/// by `dart:io` from a given isolate
Future<SpawnedProcessList> getSpawnedProcesses(String isolateId) =>
/// The `getSpawnedProcessById` RPC is used to retrieve information about a process
/// spawned by `dart:io` from a given isolate.
Future<SpawnedProcess> getSpawnedProcessById(String isolateId, int id) =>
args: {
'id': id,
Future<T> _callHelper<T>(String method, String? isolateId,
{Map args = const {}}) {
if (!_factoriesRegistered) {
return extensionCallHelper(
if (isolateId != null) 'isolateId': isolateId,
static void _registerFactories() {
addTypeFactory('OpenFile', OpenFile.parse);
addTypeFactory('OpenFileList', OpenFileList.parse);
addTypeFactory('@OpenFile', OpenFileRef.parse);
addTypeFactory('HttpTimelineLoggingState', HttpTimelineLoggingState.parse);
addTypeFactory('SpawnedProcess', SpawnedProcess.parse);
addTypeFactory('SpawnedProcessList', SpawnedProcessList.parse);
addTypeFactory('@SpawnedProcess', SpawnedProcessRef.parse);
addTypeFactory('SocketProfile', SocketProfile.parse);
addTypeFactory('SocketStatistic', SocketStatistic.parse);
addTypeFactory('SocketProfilingState', SocketProfilingState.parse);
addTypeFactory('HttpProfile', HttpProfile.parse);
addTypeFactory('HttpProfileRequest', HttpProfileRequest.parse);
_factoriesRegistered = true;
class SocketStatistic {
static SocketStatistic? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : SocketStatistic._fromJson(json);
/// The unique ID associated with this socket.
final int id;
/// The time, in microseconds, that this socket was created.
final int startTime;
/// The time, in microseconds, that this socket was closed.
final int endTime;
/// The time, in microseconds, that this socket was last read from.
final int lastReadTime;
/// The time, in microseconds, that this socket was last written to.
final int lastWriteTime;
/// The address of the socket.
final String address;
/// The port of the socket.
final int port;
/// The type of socket. The value is either `tcp` or `udp`.
final String socketType;
/// The number of bytes read from this socket.
final int readBytes;
/// The number of bytes written to this socket.
final int writeBytes;
SocketStatistic._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: id = json['id'],
startTime = json['startTime'],
endTime = json['endTime'],
lastReadTime = json['lastReadTime'],
lastWriteTime = json['lastWriteTime'],
address = json['address'],
port = json['port'],
socketType = json['socketType'],
readBytes = json['readBytes'],
writeBytes = json['writeBytes'];
/// A [SocketProfile] provides information about statistics of sockets.
class SocketProfile extends Response {
static SocketProfile? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : SocketProfile._fromJson(json);
String get type => 'SocketProfile';
/// List of socket statistics.
late final List<SocketStatistic> sockets;
SocketProfile({required this.sockets});
SocketProfile._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
sockets = List<SocketStatistic>.from(
createServiceObject(json['sockets'], const ['SocketStatistic'])
as List? ??
/// A [Response] containing the enabled state of a service extension.
abstract class _State extends Response {
_State({required this.enabled}) : _type = 'State';
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
_State._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: enabled = json['enabled'],
_type = json['type'];
String get type => _type;
final bool enabled;
final String _type;
/// A [HttpTimelineLoggingState] provides information about the current state of HTTP
/// request logging for a given isolate.
class HttpTimelineLoggingState extends _State {
static HttpTimelineLoggingState? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpTimelineLoggingState._fromJson(json);
String get type => 'HttpTimelineLoggingState';
HttpTimelineLoggingState({required bool enabled}) : super(enabled: enabled);
HttpTimelineLoggingState._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: super._fromJson(json);
/// A collection of HTTP request data collected by the profiler.
class HttpProfile extends Response {
static HttpProfile? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpProfile._fromJson(json);
HttpProfile._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: timestamp = json['timestamp'],
requests = (json['requests'] as List)
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()
.map((e) => HttpProfileRequest._fromJson(e))
HttpProfile({required this.requests, required this.timestamp});
String get type => 'HttpProfile';
String toString() => '[HttpProfile]';
/// The time at which this HTTP profile was built, in microseconds.
final int timestamp;
/// The set of recorded HTTP requests.
final List<HttpProfileRequest> requests;
/// Profiling information for a single HTTP request.
class HttpProfileRequestRef {
static HttpProfileRequestRef? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpProfileRequestRef._fromJson(json);
HttpProfileRequestRef._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: isolateId = json['isolateId'],
id = json['id'],
method = json['method'],
uri = Uri.parse(json['uri']),
startTime = json['startTime'],
endTime = json['endTime'],
request = HttpProfileRequestData.parse(json['request']),
response = HttpProfileResponseData.parse(json['response']);
required this.isolateId,
required this.method,
required this.uri,
required this.startTime,
// The ID of the isolate this request was issued from.
final String isolateId;
/// The ID associated with this request.
/// This ID corresponds to the ID of the timeline event for this request.
final int id;
/// The HTTP request method associated with this request.
final String method;
/// The URI for this HTTP request.
final Uri uri;
/// The time at which this request was initiated, in microseconds.
final int startTime;
/// The time at which this request was completed, in microseconds.
/// Will be `null` if the request is still in progress.
final int? endTime;
/// Returns `true` if the initial HTTP request has completed.
bool get isRequestComplete => endTime != null;
/// Returns `true` if the entirety of the response has been received.
bool get isResponseComplete => response?.isComplete ?? false;
/// Information sent as part of the initial HTTP request.
/// Can be `null` if the request has not yet been completed.
final HttpProfileRequestData? request;
/// Information received in response to the initial HTTP request.
/// Can be `null` if the request has not yet been responded to.
final HttpProfileResponseData? response;
/// Profiling information for a single HTTP request, including request and
/// response body data.
class HttpProfileRequest extends HttpProfileRequestRef {
static HttpProfileRequest? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpProfileRequest._fromJson(json);
HttpProfileRequest._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: requestBody =
Uint8List.fromList(json['requestBody']?.cast<int>() ?? <int>[]),
responseBody =
Uint8List.fromList(json['responseBody']?.cast<int>() ?? <int>[]),
required int id,
required String isolateId,
required String method,
required Uri uri,
required int startTime,
required this.requestBody,
required this.responseBody,
int? endTime,
HttpProfileRequestData? request,
HttpProfileResponseData? response,
}) : super(
id: id,
isolateId: isolateId,
method: method,
uri: uri,
startTime: startTime,
endTime: endTime,
request: request,
response: response,
/// The body sent as part of this request.
/// Data written to a request body before encountering an error will be
/// reported.
final Uint8List? requestBody;
/// The body received in response to the request.
final Uint8List? responseBody;
/// Information sent as part of the initial HTTP request.
class HttpProfileRequestData {
static HttpProfileRequestData? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpProfileRequestData._fromJson(json);
HttpProfileRequestData._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: _headers = json['headers'],
_connectionInfo = UnmodifiableMapView(json['connectionInfo'] ?? {}),
_contentLength = json['contentLength'],
_cookies = UnmodifiableListView(json['cookies']?.cast<String>() ?? []),
_followRedirects = json['followRedirects'] ?? false,
_maxRedirects = json['maxRedirects'] ?? 0,
_method = json['method'],
_persistentConnection = json['persistentConnection'] ?? false,
proxyDetails = HttpProfileProxyData.parse(json['proxyDetails']),
error = json['error'],
events = UnmodifiableListView((json['events'] as List)
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()
.map((e) => HttpProfileRequestEvent._fromJson(e))
required Map<String, dynamic> headers,
required Map<String, dynamic>? connectionInfo,
required int contentLength,
required List<String> cookies,
required bool followRedirects,
required int maxRedirects,
required String method,
required bool persistentConnection,
}) : _headers = headers,
_connectionInfo = connectionInfo,
_contentLength = contentLength,
_cookies = cookies,
_followRedirects = followRedirects,
_maxRedirects = maxRedirects,
_method = method,
_persistentConnection = persistentConnection,
error = null;
required this.error,
}) : _connectionInfo = null,
_contentLength = null,
_cookies = [],
_followRedirects = null,
_headers = null,
_maxRedirects = null,
_method = null,
_persistentConnection = null,
proxyDetails = null;
/// Returns `true` if an error has occurred while issuing the request.
/// If `true`, attempting to access some fields will throw a [HttpProfileRequestError].
bool get hasError => error != null;
/// Information about the client connection.
Map<String, dynamic>? get connectionInfo {
return _connectionInfo == null
? null
: UnmodifiableMapView(_connectionInfo!);
final Map<String, dynamic>? _connectionInfo;
/// The content length of the request, in bytes.
/// Throws [HttpProfileRequestError] is `hasError` is `true`.
int get contentLength => _returnIfNoError(_contentLength);
final int? _contentLength;
/// Cookies presented to the server (in the 'cookie' header).
/// Throws [HttpProfileRequestError] is `hasError` is `true`.
List<String> get cookies => _returnIfNoError(_cookies);
final List<String> _cookies;
/// Events that has occurred while issuing this HTTP request.
final List<HttpProfileRequestEvent> events;
/// The error associated with the failed request.
final String? error;
/// Whether redirects are followed automatically.
/// Throws [HttpProfileRequestError] is `hasError` is `true`.
bool get followRedirects => _returnIfNoError(_followRedirects);
final bool? _followRedirects;
/// Returns the client request headers.
/// Throws [HttpProfileRequestError] is `hasError` is `true`.
Map<String, dynamic> get headers => UnmodifiableMapView(
final Map<String, dynamic>? _headers;
/// The maximum number of redirects to follow when `followRedirects` is true.
/// Throws [HttpProfileRequestError] is `hasError` is `true`.
int get maxRedirects => _returnIfNoError(_maxRedirects);
final int? _maxRedirects;
/// The method of the request.
/// Throws [HttpProfileRequestError] is `hasError` is `true`.
String get method => _returnIfNoError(_method);
final String? _method;
/// The requested persistent connection state.
/// Throws [HttpProfileRequestError] is `hasError` is `true`.
bool get persistentConnection => _returnIfNoError(_persistentConnection);
final bool? _persistentConnection;
/// Proxy authentication details for this request.
final HttpProfileProxyData? proxyDetails;
T _returnIfNoError<T>(T? field) {
if (hasError) {
throw HttpProfileRequestError(error!);
return field!;
/// An [Error] thrown when attempting to inspect fields in a
/// [HttpProfileRequestData] instance when `hasError` is `true`.
class HttpProfileRequestError implements Error {
final String error;
final StackTrace stackTrace = StackTrace.current;
String toString() => 'HttpProfileRequestError: $error.';
/// Proxy authentication details associated with a [HttpProfileRequest].
class HttpProfileProxyData {
static HttpProfileProxyData? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpProfileProxyData._fromJson(json);
HttpProfileProxyData._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: host = json['timestamp'],
port = json['event'],
username = json['arguments'];
/// The URI of the proxy server.
final String? host;
/// The port the proxy server is listening on.
final int? port;
/// The username used to authenticate with the proxy server.
final String? username;
/// Describes an event that has occurred while issuing a HTTP request.
class HttpProfileRequestEvent {
static HttpProfileRequestEvent? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpProfileRequestEvent._fromJson(json);
HttpProfileRequestEvent._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: timestamp = json['timestamp'],
event = json['event'],
arguments = json['arguments'];
required this.event,
required this.timestamp,
final Map<String, dynamic>? arguments;
final String event;
final int timestamp;
/// Information received in response to an initial HTTP request.
class HttpProfileResponseData {
static HttpProfileResponseData? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : HttpProfileResponseData._fromJson(json);
HttpProfileResponseData._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: startTime = json['startTime']!,
endTime = json['endTime'],
headers = json['headers']!,
connectionInfo = json['connectionInfo']!,
contentLength = json['contentLength']!,
compressionState = json['compressionState']!,
cookies = UnmodifiableListView(json['cookies']!.cast<String>()),
error = json['error'],
isRedirect = json['isRedirect'],
persistentConnection = json['persistentConnection'],
reasonPhrase = json['reasonPhrase'],
redirects = UnmodifiableListView(
json['redirects']!.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()),
statusCode = json['statusCode'];
required this.startTime,
required this.headers,
required this.compressionState,
required this.connectionInfo,
required this.contentLength,
required this.cookies,
required this.isRedirect,
required this.persistentConnection,
required this.reasonPhrase,
required this.redirects,
required this.statusCode,
bool get isComplete => endTime != null;
bool get hasError => error != null;
/// Returns the series of redirects this connection has been through.
/// The list will be empty if no redirects were followed. redirects will be
/// updated both in the case of an automatic and a manual redirect.
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> redirects;
/// Cookies set by the server (from the 'set-cookie' header).
final List<String> cookies;
/// Information about the client connection.
final Map<String, dynamic>? connectionInfo;
/// Returns the client response headers.
final Map<String, dynamic> headers;
/// The compression state of the response.
/// This specifies whether the response bytes were compressed when they were
/// received across the wire and whether callers will receive compressed or
/// uncompressed bytes when they listed to this response's byte stream.
/// See [HttpClientResponseCompressionState]( for possible values.
final String compressionState;
/// Returns the reason phrase associated with the status code.
final String reasonPhrase;
/// Returns whether the status code is one of the normal redirect codes.
final bool isRedirect;
/// The persistent connection state returned by the server.
final bool persistentConnection;
/// Returns the content length of the response body.
/// Returns -1 if the size of the response body is not known in advance.
final int contentLength;
/// Returns the status code.
final int statusCode;
/// The time at which the initial response was received, in microseconds.
final int startTime;
/// The time at which the response was completed, in microseconds.
/// Will be `null` if response data is still being received.
final int? endTime;
/// The error associated with the failed response.
final String? error;
/// A [SocketProfilingState] provides information about the current state of
/// socket profiling for a given isolate.
class SocketProfilingState extends _State {
static SocketProfilingState? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : SocketProfilingState._fromJson(json);
SocketProfilingState({required bool enabled}) : super(enabled: enabled);
SocketProfilingState._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: super._fromJson(json);
/// A [SpawnedProcessRef] contains identifying information about a spawned process.
class SpawnedProcessRef {
static SpawnedProcessRef? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : SpawnedProcessRef._fromJson(json);
SpawnedProcessRef._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
id = json['id'],
name = json['name'];
static const String type = 'SpawnedProcessRef';
/// The unique ID associated with this process.
final int id;
/// The name of the executable.
final String name;
/// A [SpawnedProcess] contains startup information of a spawned process.
class SpawnedProcess extends Response implements SpawnedProcessRef {
static SpawnedProcess? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : SpawnedProcess._fromJson(json);
required this.startedAt,
required List<String> arguments,
required this.workingDirectory,
}) : _arguments = arguments;
SpawnedProcess._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
id = json['id'],
name = json['name'],
pid = json['pid'],
startedAt = json['startedAt'],
_arguments = List<String>.from(
createServiceObject(json['arguments'], const ['String']) as List),
workingDirectory = json['workingDirectory'];
String get type => 'SpawnedProcess';
/// The unique ID associated with this process.
final int id;
/// The name of the executable.
final String name;
/// The process ID associated with the process.
final int pid;
/// The time the process was started in milliseconds since epoch.
final int startedAt;
/// The list of arguments provided to the process at launch.
List<String> get arguments => UnmodifiableListView(_arguments);
final List<String> _arguments;
/// The working directory of the process at launch.
final String workingDirectory;
class SpawnedProcessList extends Response {
static SpawnedProcessList? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : SpawnedProcessList._fromJson(json);
SpawnedProcessList({required List<SpawnedProcessRef> processes})
: _processes = processes;
SpawnedProcessList._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
_processes = List<SpawnedProcessRef>.from(
createServiceObject(json['processes'], const ['SpawnedProcessRef'])
as List);
String get type => 'SpawnedProcessList';
/// A list of processes spawned through dart:io on a given isolate.
List<SpawnedProcessRef> get processes => UnmodifiableListView(_processes);
final List<SpawnedProcessRef> _processes;
/// A [OpenFileRef] contains identifying information about a currently opened file.
class OpenFileRef {
static OpenFileRef? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : OpenFileRef._fromJson(json);
OpenFileRef._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
id = json['id'],
name = json['name'];
static const String type = 'OpenFileRef';
/// The unique ID associated with this file.
final int id;
/// The path of the file.
final String name;
/// A [File] contains information about reads and writes to a currently opened file.
class OpenFile extends Response implements OpenFileRef {
static OpenFile? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : OpenFile._fromJson(json);
required this.readBytes,
required this.writeBytes,
required this.readCount,
required this.writeCount,
required this.lastReadTime,
required this.lastWriteTime,
OpenFile._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
id = json['id'],
name = json['name'],
readBytes = json['readBytes'],
writeBytes = json['writeBytes'],
readCount = json['readCount'],
writeCount = json['writeCount'],
lastReadTime =
lastWriteTime =
String get type => 'OpenFile';
/// The unique ID associated with this file.
final int id;
/// The path of the file.
final String name;
/// The total number of bytes read from this file.
final int readBytes;
/// The total number of bytes written to this file.
final int writeBytes;
/// The number of reads made from this file.
final int readCount;
/// The number of writes made to this file.
final int writeCount;
/// The time at which this file was last read by this process.
final DateTime lastReadTime;
/// The time at which this file was last written to by this process.
final DateTime lastWriteTime;
class OpenFileList extends Response {
static OpenFileList? parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) =>
json == null ? null : OpenFileList._fromJson(json);
OpenFileList({required List<OpenFileRef> files}) : _files = files;
OpenFileList._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
// TODO(bkonyi): make this part of the vm_service.dart library so we can
// call super._fromJson.
_files = List<OpenFileRef>.from(
createServiceObject(json['files'], const ['OpenFileRef']) as List);
String get type => 'OpenFileList';
/// A list of all files opened through dart:io on a given isolate.
List<OpenFileRef> get files => UnmodifiableListView(_files);
final List<OpenFileRef> _files;