| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file. |
| |
| library testing.analyze; |
| |
| import 'dart:async' show Stream, Future; |
| |
| import 'dart:convert' show LineSplitter, utf8; |
| |
| import 'dart:io' |
| show Directory, File, FileSystemEntity, Platform, Process, ProcessResult; |
| |
| import '../testing.dart' show dartArguments, startDart; |
| |
| import 'log.dart' show isVerbose, splitLines; |
| |
| import 'suite.dart' show Suite; |
| |
| class Analyze extends Suite { |
| final Uri analysisOptions; |
| |
| final List<Uri> uris; |
| |
| final List<RegExp> exclude; |
| |
| final List<String> gitGrepPathspecs; |
| |
| final List<String> gitGrepPatterns; |
| |
| Analyze(this.analysisOptions, this.uris, this.exclude, this.gitGrepPathspecs, |
| this.gitGrepPatterns) |
| : super("analyze", "analyze", null); |
| |
| Future<Null> run(Uri packages, List<Uri> extraUris) { |
| List<Uri> allUris = new List<Uri>.from(uris); |
| if (extraUris != null) { |
| allUris.addAll(extraUris); |
| } |
| return analyzeUris(analysisOptions, packages, allUris, exclude, |
| gitGrepPathspecs, gitGrepPatterns); |
| } |
| |
| static Future<Analyze> fromJsonMap( |
| Uri base, Map json, List<Suite> suites) async { |
| String optionsPath = json["options"]; |
| Uri optionsUri = optionsPath == null ? null : base.resolve(optionsPath); |
| |
| List<Uri> uris = json["uris"].map<Uri>((relative) { |
| String r = relative; |
| return base.resolve(r); |
| }).toList(); |
| |
| List<RegExp> exclude = |
| json["exclude"].map<RegExp>((p) => new RegExp(p)).toList(); |
| |
| Map gitGrep = json["git grep"]; |
| List<String> gitGrepPathspecs; |
| List<String> gitGrepPatterns; |
| if (gitGrep != null) { |
| gitGrepPathspecs = gitGrep["pathspecs"] == null |
| ? const <String>["."] |
| : new List<String>.from(gitGrep["pathspecs"]); |
| if (gitGrep["patterns"] != null) |
| gitGrepPatterns = new List<String>.from(gitGrep["patterns"]); |
| } |
| |
| return new Analyze( |
| optionsUri, uris, exclude, gitGrepPathspecs, gitGrepPatterns); |
| } |
| |
| String toString() => "Analyze($uris, $exclude)"; |
| } |
| |
| class AnalyzerDiagnostic { |
| final String kind; |
| |
| final String detailedKind; |
| |
| final String code; |
| |
| final Uri uri; |
| |
| final int line; |
| |
| final int startColumn; |
| |
| final int endColumn; |
| |
| final String message; |
| |
| static final Pattern potentialSplitPattern = new RegExp(r"\\|\|"); |
| |
| static final Pattern unescapePattern = new RegExp(r"\\(.)"); |
| |
| AnalyzerDiagnostic(this.kind, this.detailedKind, this.code, this.uri, |
| this.line, this.startColumn, this.endColumn, this.message); |
| |
| AnalyzerDiagnostic.malformed(String line) |
| : this(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, line); |
| |
| factory AnalyzerDiagnostic.fromLine(String line) { |
| List<String> parts = <String>[]; |
| int start = 0; |
| int index = line.indexOf(potentialSplitPattern); |
| addPart() { |
| parts.add(line |
| .substring(start, index == -1 ? null : index) |
| .replaceAllMapped(unescapePattern, (Match m) => m[1])); |
| } |
| |
| while (index != -1) { |
| if (line[index] == "\\") { |
| index = line.indexOf(potentialSplitPattern, index + 2); |
| } else { |
| addPart(); |
| start = index + 1; |
| index = line.indexOf(potentialSplitPattern, start); |
| } |
| } |
| addPart(); |
| if (parts.length != 8) { |
| return new AnalyzerDiagnostic.malformed(line); |
| } |
| return new AnalyzerDiagnostic( |
| parts[0], |
| parts[1], |
| parts[2], |
| Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(parts[3])), |
| int.parse(parts[4]), |
| int.parse(parts[5]), |
| int.parse(parts[6]), |
| parts[7]); |
| } |
| |
| String toString() { |
| return kind == null |
| ? "Malformed output from dartanalyzer:\n$message" |
| : "${uri.toFilePath()}:$line:$startColumn: " |
| "${kind == 'INFO' ? 'warning: hint' : kind.toLowerCase()}:\n" |
| "[$code] $message"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Stream<AnalyzerDiagnostic> parseAnalyzerOutput( |
| Stream<List<int>> stream) async* { |
| Stream<String> lines = |
| stream.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(new LineSplitter()); |
| await for (String line in lines) { |
| if (line.startsWith(">>> ")) continue; |
| yield new AnalyzerDiagnostic.fromLine(line); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Run dartanalyzer on all tests in [uris]. |
| Future<Null> analyzeUris( |
| Uri analysisOptions, |
| Uri packages, |
| List<Uri> uris, |
| List<RegExp> exclude, |
| List<String> gitGrepPathspecs, |
| List<String> gitGrepPatterns) async { |
| if (uris.isEmpty) return; |
| String topLevel; |
| try { |
| topLevel = new Uri.directory( |
| (await git("rev-parse", <String>["--show-toplevel"])).trimRight()) |
| .toFilePath(windows: false); |
| } catch (e) { |
| topLevel = Uri.base.toFilePath(windows: false); |
| } |
| if (Platform.isWindows) { |
| // We need lowercase comparison on Windows to match C:/path with c:/path |
| topLevel = topLevel.toLowerCase(); |
| } |
| |
| String toFilePath(Uri uri) { |
| String path = uri.toFilePath(windows: false); |
| return (Platform.isWindows |
| ? path.toLowerCase().startsWith(topLevel) |
| : path.startsWith(topLevel)) |
| ? path.substring(topLevel.length) |
| : path; |
| } |
| |
| Set<String> filesToAnalyze = new Set<String>(); |
| |
| for (Uri uri in uris) { |
| if (await new Directory.fromUri(uri).exists()) { |
| await for (FileSystemEntity entity in new Directory.fromUri(uri) |
| .list(recursive: true, followLinks: false)) { |
| if (entity is File && entity.path.endsWith(".dart")) { |
| filesToAnalyze.add(toFilePath(entity.uri)); |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (await new File.fromUri(uri).exists()) { |
| filesToAnalyze.add(toFilePath(uri)); |
| } else { |
| throw "File not found: ${uri}"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (gitGrepPatterns != null) { |
| List<String> arguments = <String>["-l"]; |
| arguments.addAll( |
| gitGrepPatterns.expand((String pattern) => <String>["-e", pattern])); |
| arguments.add("--"); |
| arguments.addAll(gitGrepPathspecs); |
| filesToAnalyze.addAll(splitLines(await git("grep", arguments)) |
| .map((String line) => line.trimRight())); |
| } |
| |
| const String analyzerPath = "pkg/analyzer_cli/bin/analyzer.dart"; |
| Uri analyzer = Uri.base.resolve(analyzerPath); |
| if (!await new File.fromUri(analyzer).exists()) { |
| throw "Couldn't find '$analyzerPath' in '${toFilePath(Uri.base)}'"; |
| } |
| List<String> arguments = <String>[ |
| "--packages=${toFilePath(packages)}", |
| "--format=machine", |
| "--dart-sdk=${_findSdkPath()}", |
| ]; |
| if (analysisOptions != null) { |
| arguments.add("--options=${toFilePath(analysisOptions)}"); |
| } |
| |
| filesToAnalyze = filesToAnalyze |
| .where((String path) => !exclude.any((RegExp r) => path.contains(r))) |
| .toSet(); |
| arguments.addAll(filesToAnalyze); |
| if (isVerbose) { |
| print("Running:\n ${toFilePath(analyzer)} ${arguments.join(' ')}"); |
| } else { |
| print("Running dartanalyzer."); |
| } |
| Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start(); |
| Process process = await startDart( |
| analyzer, const <String>["--batch"], dartArguments..remove("-c")); |
| process.stdin.writeln(arguments.join(" ")); |
| process.stdin.close(); |
| |
| bool hasOutput = false; |
| Set<String> seen = new Set<String>(); |
| |
| processAnalyzerOutput(Stream<AnalyzerDiagnostic> diagnostics) async { |
| await for (AnalyzerDiagnostic diagnostic in diagnostics) { |
| if (diagnostic.uri != null) { |
| String path = toFilePath(diagnostic.uri); |
| if (!filesToAnalyze.contains(path)) continue; |
| } |
| String message = "$diagnostic"; |
| if (seen.add(message)) { |
| hasOutput = true; |
| print(message); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Future stderrFuture = |
| processAnalyzerOutput(parseAnalyzerOutput(process.stderr)); |
| Future stdoutFuture = |
| processAnalyzerOutput(parseAnalyzerOutput(process.stdout)); |
| await process.exitCode; |
| await stdoutFuture; |
| await stderrFuture; |
| sw.stop(); |
| print("Running analyzer took: ${sw.elapsed}."); |
| if (hasOutput) { |
| throw "Non-empty output from analyzer."; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _findSdkPath() { |
| var executableUri = Uri.file(Platform.executable); |
| if (File.fromUri(executableUri.resolve('../version')).existsSync()) { |
| return executableUri.resolve('..').toFilePath(); |
| } else if (File.fromUri(executableUri.resolve('dart-sdk/version')) |
| .existsSync()) { |
| return executableUri.resolve('dart-sdk').toFilePath(); |
| } else { |
| throw StateError('Cannot find dart-sdk for $executableUri'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Future<String> git(String command, Iterable<String> arguments, |
| {String workingDirectory}) async { |
| ProcessResult result = await Process.run( |
| Platform.isWindows ? "git.bat" : "git", |
| <String>[command]..addAll(arguments), |
| workingDirectory: workingDirectory); |
| if (result.exitCode != 0) { |
| throw "Non-zero exit code from git $command (${result.exitCode})\n" |
| "${result.stdout}\n${result.stderr}"; |
| } |
| return result.stdout; |
| } |