blob: f335567b5000b93734257bb297f1fae8d1ef319f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Unit test for validation of modular steps in a pipeline.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:modular_test/src/suite.dart';
main() {
test('module test is not empty', () {
() => ModularTest([], null, []), throwsA(TypeMatcher<ArgumentError>()));
var m = Module("a", [], Uri.parse("app:/"), []);
expect(() => ModularTest([], m, []), throwsA(TypeMatcher<ArgumentError>()));
test('module test must have a main module', () {
var m = Module("a", [], Uri.parse("app:/"), []);
expect(() => ModularTest([m], null, []),
test('package must depend on package', () {
var m1a = Module("a", const [], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("a1.dart"), Uri.parse("a2.dart")],
isPackage: false);
var m1b = Module("a", const [], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("a1.dart"), Uri.parse("a2.dart")],
isPackage: true);
var m2a = Module("b", [m1a], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("b/b1.dart"), Uri.parse("b/b2.dart")],
isPackage: true);
var m2b = Module("b", [m1b], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("b/b1.dart"), Uri.parse("b/b2.dart")],
isPackage: true);
expect(() => ModularTest([m1a, m2a], m2a, []),
expect(ModularTest([m1b, m2b], m2b, []), isNotNull);
test('shared module must depend on shared modules', () {
var m1a = Module("a", const [], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("a1.dart"), Uri.parse("a2.dart")],
isShared: false);
var m1b = Module("a", const [], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("a1.dart"), Uri.parse("a2.dart")],
isShared: true);
var m2a = Module("b", [m1a], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("b/b1.dart"), Uri.parse("b/b2.dart")],
isShared: true);
var m2b = Module("b", [m1b], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("b/b1.dart"), Uri.parse("b/b2.dart")],
isShared: true);
expect(() => ModularTest([m1a, m2a], m2a, []),
expect(ModularTest([m1b, m2b], m2b, []), isNotNull);
test('sdk module must not have dependencies', () {
var m1a = Module("a", const [], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("a1.dart"), Uri.parse("a2.dart")],
isSdk: false);
var m1b = Module("a", const [], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("a1.dart"), Uri.parse("a2.dart")],
isSdk: true);
var m2a = Module("b", [m1a], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("b/b1.dart"), Uri.parse("b/b2.dart")],
isSdk: true);
var m2b = Module("b", [m1b], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("b/b1.dart"), Uri.parse("b/b2.dart")],
isSdk: true);
expect(() => ModularTest([m1a, m2a], m2a, []),
expect(() => ModularTest([m1b, m2b], m2b, []),
test('sdk module cannot be package module', () {
var m = Module("a", const [], Uri.parse("app:/"),
[Uri.parse("a1.dart"), Uri.parse("a2.dart")],
isSdk: true);
expect(ModularTest([m], m, []), isNotNull);
m.isPackage = true;
expect(() => ModularTest([m], m, []),