| // Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| typedef ContraFunction<T> = void Function(T); |
| typedef InvFunction<T> = T Function(T); |
| class Contravariant<in T> {} |
| class Invariant<inout T> {} |
| |
| class A<in T, out U, V> { |
| final void Function(T)? field = null; |
| void method(T t, void Function(U) u, V v) {} |
| void method2(T x, [T? y]) {} |
| void set x(T t) {} |
| Map<U, Contravariant<V>> get mapContra => new Map<U, Contravariant<V>>(); |
| Map<U, ContraFunction<V>> get mapContraFn => new Map<U, ContraFunction<V>>(); |
| Map<U, Invariant<V>> get mapInv => new Map<U, Invariant<V>>(); |
| Map<U, InvFunction<V>> get mapInvFn => new Map<U, InvFunction<V>>(); |
| } |
| |
| class B<inout T> { |
| T? x; |
| T method(T x) => x; |
| void set y(T x) {} |
| } |
| |
| class C<in T> { |
| final void Function(T)? field = null; |
| void method(T x, [T? y]) {} |
| void set x(T t) {} |
| } |
| |
| abstract class D<T> { |
| int method(T x); |
| } |
| |
| class E<inout T> { |
| final void Function(T) f; |
| E(this.f); |
| int method(T x) { |
| f(x); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class F<inout T> extends E<T> implements D<T> { |
| F(void Function(T) f) : super(f); |
| } |
| |
| class NoSuchMethod<inout T> implements B<T> { |
| noSuchMethod(_) => 3; |
| } |
| |
| main() { |
| A<int, num, String> a = new A(); |
| expect(null, a.field); |
| a.method(3, (num) {}, "test"); |
| a.method2(3); |
| a.x = 3; |
| Map<num, Contravariant<String>> mapContra = a.mapContra; |
| Map<num, ContraFunction<String>> mapContraFn = a.mapContraFn; |
| Map<num, Invariant<String>> mapInv = a.mapInv; |
| Map<num, InvFunction<String>> mapInvFn = a.mapInvFn; |
| |
| B<int> b = new B(); |
| b.x = 3; |
| expect(3, b.x); |
| expect(3, b.method(3)); |
| b.y = 3; |
| |
| C<int> c = new C(); |
| expect(null, c.field); |
| c.method(3, 2); |
| c.x = 3; |
| |
| D<Object> d = new F<String>((String s) {}); |
| d.method("test"); |
| |
| NoSuchMethod<num> nsm = new NoSuchMethod<num>(); |
| expect(3, nsm.method(3)); |
| } |
| |
| expect(expected, actual) { |
| if (expected != actual) { |
| throw 'Mismatch: expected=$expected, actual=$actual'; |
| } |
| } |