| // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /// This file contains code to generate serialization/deserialization logic for |
| /// summaries based on an "IDL" description of the summary format (written in |
| /// stylized Dart). |
| /// |
| /// For each class in the "IDL" input, two corresponding classes are generated: |
| /// - A class with the same name which represents deserialized summary data in |
| /// memory. This class has read-only semantics. |
| /// - A "builder" class which can be used to generate serialized summary data. |
| /// This class has write-only semantics. |
| /// |
| /// Each of the "builder" classes has a single `finish` method which writes |
| /// the entity being built into the given FlatBuffer and returns the `Offset` |
| /// reference to it. |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| |
| import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/scanner.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_utilities/tools.dart'; |
| |
| import 'idl_model.dart' as idl_model; |
| import 'mini_ast.dart'; |
| |
| main(List<String> args) async { |
| if (args.length != 1) { |
| print('Error: IDL path is required'); |
| print('usage: dart generate.dart path/to/idl.dart'); |
| } |
| String idlPath = args[0]; |
| await GeneratedContent.generateAll( |
| File(idlPath).parent.path, getAllTargets(idlPath)); |
| } |
| |
| List<GeneratedContent> getAllTargets(String idlPath) { |
| final GeneratedFile formatTarget = GeneratedFile('format.dart', (_) async { |
| _CodeGenerator codeGenerator = _CodeGenerator(idlPath); |
| codeGenerator.generateFormatCode(); |
| return codeGenerator._outBuffer.toString(); |
| }); |
| |
| final GeneratedFile schemaTarget = GeneratedFile('format.fbs', (_) async { |
| _CodeGenerator codeGenerator = _CodeGenerator(idlPath); |
| codeGenerator.generateFlatBufferSchema(); |
| return codeGenerator._outBuffer.toString(); |
| }); |
| |
| return <GeneratedContent>[formatTarget, schemaTarget]; |
| } |
| |
| typedef _StringToString = String Function(String s); |
| |
| class _BaseGenerator { |
| static const String _throwDeprecated = |
| "throw new UnimplementedError('attempt to access deprecated field')"; |
| |
| /// Semantic model of the "IDL" input file. |
| final idl_model.Idl _idl; |
| |
| /// Buffer in which generated code is accumulated. |
| final StringBuffer _outBuffer; |
| |
| /// Current indentation level. |
| String _indentation = ''; |
| |
| _BaseGenerator(this._idl, this._outBuffer); |
| |
| /// Generate a Dart expression representing the default value for a field |
| /// having the given [type], or `null` if there is no default value. |
| /// |
| /// If [builder] is `true`, the returned type should be appropriate for use in |
| /// a builder class. |
| String? defaultValue(idl_model.FieldType type, bool builder) { |
| if (type.isList) { |
| if (builder) { |
| idl_model.FieldType elementType = |
| idl_model.FieldType(type.typeName, false); |
| return '<${encodedType(elementType)}>[]'; |
| } else { |
| return 'const <${idlPrefix(type.typeName)}>[]'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| var enum_ = _idl.enums[type.typeName]; |
| if (enum_ != null) { |
| return '${idlPrefix(type.typeName)}.${enum_.values[0].name}'; |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'double') { |
| return '0.0'; |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'int') { |
| return '0'; |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'String') { |
| return "''"; |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'bool') { |
| return 'false'; |
| } else { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Generate a string representing the Dart type which should be used to |
| /// represent [type] while building a serialized data structure. |
| String encodedType(idl_model.FieldType type) { |
| String typeStr; |
| if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) { |
| typeStr = '${type.typeName}Builder'; |
| } else { |
| typeStr = idlPrefix(type.typeName); |
| } |
| if (type.isList) { |
| return 'List<$typeStr>'; |
| } else { |
| return typeStr; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Return the nullable [encodedType] of the [type]. |
| String encodedType2(idl_model.FieldType type) { |
| return encodedType(type) + '?'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Add the prefix `idl.` to a type name, unless that type name is the name of |
| /// a built-in type. |
| String idlPrefix(String s) { |
| switch (s) { |
| case 'bool': |
| case 'double': |
| case 'int': |
| case 'String': |
| return s; |
| default: |
| return 'idl.$s'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Execute [callback] with two spaces added to [_indentation]. |
| void indent(void Function() callback) { |
| String oldIndentation = _indentation; |
| try { |
| _indentation += ' '; |
| callback(); |
| } finally { |
| _indentation = oldIndentation; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Add the string [s] to the output as a single line, indenting as |
| /// appropriate. |
| void out([String s = '']) { |
| if (s == '') { |
| _outBuffer.writeln(''); |
| } else { |
| _outBuffer.writeln('$_indentation$s'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void outDoc(String? documentation) { |
| if (documentation != null) { |
| documentation.split('\n').forEach(out); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Execute [out] of [s] in [indent]. |
| void outWithIndent(String s) { |
| indent(() { |
| out(s); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Enclose [s] in quotes, escaping as necessary. |
| String quoted(String s) { |
| return json.encode(s); |
| } |
| |
| bool _isNullable(idl_model.FieldType type) { |
| return !type.isList && _idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _BuilderGenerator extends _BaseGenerator { |
| final idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls; |
| List<String> constructorParams = <String>[]; |
| |
| _BuilderGenerator(idl_model.Idl idl, StringBuffer outBuffer, this.cls) |
| : super(idl, outBuffer); |
| |
| String get builderName => name + 'Builder'; |
| |
| String get name => cls.name; |
| |
| void generate() { |
| String mixinName = '_${name}Mixin'; |
| var implementsClause = |
| cls.isDeprecated ? '' : ' implements ${idlPrefix(name)}'; |
| out('class $builderName extends Object with $mixinName$implementsClause {'); |
| indent(() { |
| _generateFields(); |
| _generateGettersSetters(); |
| _generateConstructors(); |
| _generateFlushInformative(); |
| _generateCollectApiSignature(); |
| _generateToBuffer(); |
| _generateFinish(); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| |
| void _generateCollectApiSignature() { |
| out(); |
| out('/// Accumulate non-[informative] data into [signature].'); |
| out('void collectApiSignature(api_sig.ApiSignature signatureSink) {'); |
| |
| void writeField(idl_model.FieldDeclaration field) { |
| if (field.isInformative) { |
| return; |
| } |
| var type = field.type; |
| var name = field.name; |
| if (type.isList) { |
| var localName = name; |
| out('var $name = this._$name;'); |
| out('if ($localName == null) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('signatureSink.addInt(0);'); |
| }); |
| out('} else {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('signatureSink.addInt($localName.length);'); |
| out('for (var x in $localName) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| _generateSignatureCall(type.typeName, 'x', false); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } else { |
| _generateSignatureCall(type.typeName, 'this._$name', true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| indent(() { |
| List<idl_model.FieldDeclaration> sortedFields = cls.fields.toList() |
| ..sort((idl_model.FieldDeclaration a, idl_model.FieldDeclaration b) => |
| a.id.compareTo(b.id)); |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in sortedFields) { |
| writeField(field); |
| } |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| |
| void _generateConstructors() { |
| out(); |
| out('$builderName({${constructorParams.join(', ')}})'); |
| List<idl_model.FieldDeclaration> fields = cls.fields.toList(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { |
| idl_model.FieldDeclaration field = fields[i]; |
| String prefix = i == 0 ? ' : ' : ' '; |
| String suffix = i == fields.length - 1 ? ';' : ','; |
| out('${prefix}_${field.name} = ${field.name}$suffix'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _generateFields() { |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| String fieldName = field.name; |
| idl_model.FieldType type = field.type; |
| String typeStr = encodedType2(type); |
| out('$typeStr _$fieldName;'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _generateFinish() { |
| out(); |
| out('fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| // Write objects and remember Offset(s). |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| idl_model.FieldType fieldType = field.type; |
| String offsetName = 'offset_' + field.name; |
| if (fieldType.isList || |
| fieldType.typeName == 'String' || |
| _idl.classes.containsKey(fieldType.typeName)) { |
| out('fb.Offset? $offsetName;'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| idl_model.FieldType fieldType = field.type; |
| String valueName = field.name; |
| String offsetName = 'offset_' + field.name; |
| String? condition; |
| String? writeCode; |
| if (fieldType.isList) { |
| condition = ' || $valueName.isEmpty'; |
| if (_idl.classes.containsKey(fieldType.typeName)) { |
| String itemCode = 'b.finish(fbBuilder)'; |
| String listCode = '$valueName.map((b) => $itemCode).toList()'; |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = fbBuilder.writeList($listCode);'; |
| } else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(fieldType.typeName)) { |
| String itemCode = 'b.index'; |
| String listCode = '$valueName.map((b) => $itemCode).toList()'; |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = fbBuilder.writeListUint8($listCode);'; |
| } else if (fieldType.typeName == 'bool') { |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = fbBuilder.writeListBool($valueName);'; |
| } else if (fieldType.typeName == 'int') { |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = fbBuilder.writeListUint32($valueName);'; |
| } else if (fieldType.typeName == 'double') { |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = fbBuilder.writeListFloat64($valueName);'; |
| } else { |
| assert(fieldType.typeName == 'String'); |
| String itemCode = 'fbBuilder.writeString(b)'; |
| String listCode = '$valueName.map((b) => $itemCode).toList()'; |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = fbBuilder.writeList($listCode);'; |
| } |
| } else if (fieldType.typeName == 'String') { |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = fbBuilder.writeString($valueName);'; |
| } else if (_idl.classes.containsKey(fieldType.typeName)) { |
| writeCode = '$offsetName = $valueName.finish(fbBuilder);'; |
| } |
| if (writeCode != null) { |
| out('var $valueName = _${field.name};'); |
| if (condition == null) { |
| out('if ($valueName != null) {'); |
| } else { |
| out('if (!($valueName == null$condition)) {'); |
| } |
| outWithIndent(writeCode); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Write the table. |
| out('fbBuilder.startTable();'); |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| int index = field.id; |
| idl_model.FieldType fieldType = field.type; |
| String valueName = '_' + field.name; |
| if (fieldType.isList || |
| fieldType.typeName == 'String' || |
| _idl.classes.containsKey(fieldType.typeName)) { |
| String offsetName = 'offset_' + field.name; |
| out('if ($offsetName != null) {'); |
| outWithIndent('fbBuilder.addOffset($index, $offsetName);'); |
| out('}'); |
| } else if (fieldType.typeName == 'bool') { |
| out('fbBuilder.addBool($index, $valueName == true);'); |
| } else if (fieldType.typeName == 'double') { |
| var defValue = defaultValue(fieldType, true); |
| out('fbBuilder.addFloat64($index, $valueName, $defValue);'); |
| } else if (fieldType.typeName == 'int') { |
| var defValue = defaultValue(fieldType, true); |
| out('fbBuilder.addUint32($index, $valueName, $defValue);'); |
| } else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(fieldType.typeName)) { |
| var defValue = '${defaultValue(fieldType, true)}.index'; |
| out('fbBuilder.addUint8($index, $valueName?.index, $defValue);'); |
| } else { |
| throw UnimplementedError('Writing type ${fieldType.typeName}'); |
| } |
| } |
| out('return fbBuilder.endTable();'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| |
| void _generateFlushInformative() { |
| out(); |
| out('/// Flush [informative] data recursively.'); |
| out('void flushInformative() {'); |
| |
| void writeField(String name, idl_model.FieldType type, bool isInformative) { |
| if (isInformative) { |
| out('$name = null;'); |
| } else if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) { |
| if (type.isList) { |
| out('$name?.forEach((b) => b.flushInformative());'); |
| } else { |
| out('$name?.flushInformative();'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| indent(() { |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| writeField('_${field.name}', field.type, field.isInformative); |
| } |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| |
| void _generateGettersSetters() { |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.allFields) { |
| String fieldName = field.name; |
| idl_model.FieldType fieldType = field.type; |
| String typeStr = encodedType(fieldType); |
| String? def = defaultValue(fieldType, true); |
| String defSuffix = def == null ? '' : ' ??= $def'; |
| out(); |
| if (field.isDeprecated) { |
| out('@override'); |
| out('Null get $fieldName => ${_BaseGenerator._throwDeprecated};'); |
| } else { |
| var nn = _isNullable(field.type) ? '?' : ''; |
| |
| out('@override'); |
| out('$typeStr$nn get $fieldName => _$fieldName$defSuffix;'); |
| out(); |
| |
| constructorParams.add('$typeStr? $fieldName'); |
| |
| outDoc(field.documentation); |
| |
| out('set $fieldName($typeStr$nn value) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| _generateNonNegativeInt(fieldType); |
| out('this._$fieldName = value;'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _generateNonNegativeInt(idl_model.FieldType fieldType) { |
| if (fieldType.typeName == 'int') { |
| if (!fieldType.isList) { |
| out('assert(value >= 0);'); |
| } else { |
| out('assert(value.every((e) => e >= 0));'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Generate a call to the appropriate method of [ApiSignature] for the type |
| /// [typeName], using the data named by [ref]. If [couldBeNull] is `true`, |
| /// generate code to handle the possibility that [ref] is `null` (substituting |
| /// in the appropriate default value). |
| void _generateSignatureCall(String typeName, String ref, bool couldBeNull) { |
| if (_idl.enums.containsKey(typeName)) { |
| if (couldBeNull) { |
| out('signatureSink.addInt($ref?.index ?? 0);'); |
| } else { |
| out('signatureSink.addInt($ref.index);'); |
| } |
| } else if (_idl.classes.containsKey(typeName)) { |
| if (couldBeNull) { |
| out('signatureSink.addBool($ref != null);'); |
| out('$ref?.collectApiSignature(signatureSink);'); |
| } else { |
| out('$ref.collectApiSignature(signatureSink);'); |
| } |
| } else { |
| switch (typeName) { |
| case 'String': |
| if (couldBeNull) { |
| ref += " ?? ''"; |
| } |
| out("signatureSink.addString($ref);"); |
| break; |
| case 'int': |
| if (couldBeNull) { |
| ref += ' ?? 0'; |
| } |
| out('signatureSink.addInt($ref);'); |
| break; |
| case 'bool': |
| if (couldBeNull) { |
| ref += ' == true'; |
| } |
| out('signatureSink.addBool($ref);'); |
| break; |
| case 'double': |
| if (couldBeNull) { |
| ref += ' ?? 0.0'; |
| } |
| out('signatureSink.addDouble($ref);'); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw "Don't know how to generate signature call for $typeName"; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _generateToBuffer() { |
| if (cls.isTopLevel) { |
| out(); |
| out('List<int> toBuffer() {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('fb.Builder fbBuilder = fb.Builder();'); |
| var idOrNull = cls.fileIdentifier; |
| var fileId = idOrNull == null ? '' : ', ${quoted(idOrNull)}'; |
| out('return fbBuilder.finish(finish(fbBuilder)$fileId);'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _CodeGenerator { |
| /// Buffer in which generated code is accumulated. |
| final StringBuffer _outBuffer = StringBuffer(); |
| |
| /// Semantic model of the "IDL" input file. |
| final idl_model.Idl _idl = idl_model.Idl(); |
| |
| _CodeGenerator(String idlPath) { |
| // Parse the input "IDL" file. |
| File idlFile = File(idlPath); |
| String idlText = |
| idlFile.readAsStringSync().replaceAll(RegExp('\r\n?'), '\n'); |
| // Extract a description of the IDL and make sure it is valid. |
| var startingToken = scanString(idlText, includeComments: true).tokens; |
| var listener = MiniAstBuilder(); |
| var parser = MiniAstParser(listener); |
| parser.parseUnit(startingToken); |
| extractIdl(listener.compilationUnit); |
| checkIdl(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Perform basic sanity checking of the IDL (over and above that done by |
| /// [extractIdl]). |
| void checkIdl() { |
| _idl.classes.forEach((String name, idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls) { |
| var fileIdentifier = cls.fileIdentifier; |
| if (fileIdentifier != null) { |
| if (fileIdentifier.length != 4) { |
| throw Exception('$name: file identifier must be 4 characters'); |
| } |
| for (int i = 0; i < fileIdentifier.length; i++) { |
| if (fileIdentifier.codeUnitAt(i) >= 256) { |
| throw Exception( |
| '$name: file identifier must be encodable as Latin-1'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| Map<int, String> idsUsed = <int, String>{}; |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.allFields) { |
| String fieldName = field.name; |
| idl_model.FieldType type = field.type; |
| if (type.isList) { |
| if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) { |
| // List of classes is ok |
| } else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(type.typeName)) { |
| // List of enums is ok |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'bool') { |
| // List of booleans is ok |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'int') { |
| // List of ints is ok |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'double') { |
| // List of doubles is ok |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'String') { |
| // List of strings is ok |
| } else { |
| throw Exception( |
| '$name.$fieldName: illegal type (list of ${type.typeName})'); |
| } |
| } |
| if (idsUsed.containsKey(field.id)) { |
| throw Exception('$name.$fieldName: id ${field.id} already used by' |
| ' ${idsUsed[field.id]}'); |
| } |
| idsUsed[field.id] = fieldName; |
| } |
| for (int i = 0; i < idsUsed.length; i++) { |
| if (!idsUsed.containsKey(i)) { |
| throw Exception('$name: no field uses id $i'); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Process the AST in [idlParsed] and store the resulting semantic model in |
| /// [_idl]. Also perform some error checking. |
| void extractIdl(CompilationUnit idlParsed) { |
| for (CompilationUnitMember decl in idlParsed.declarations) { |
| if (decl is ClassDeclaration) { |
| bool isTopLevel = false; |
| bool isDeprecated = false; |
| String? fileIdentifier; |
| String clsName = decl.name; |
| for (Annotation annotation in decl.metadata) { |
| var arguments = annotation.arguments; |
| if (arguments != null && |
| annotation.name == 'TopLevel' && |
| annotation.constructorName == null) { |
| isTopLevel = true; |
| if (arguments.length == 1) { |
| Expression arg = arguments[0]; |
| if (arg is StringLiteral) { |
| fileIdentifier = arg.stringValue; |
| } else { |
| throw Exception( |
| 'Class `$clsName`: TopLevel argument must be a string' |
| ' literal'); |
| } |
| } else if (arguments.isNotEmpty) { |
| throw Exception( |
| 'Class `$clsName`: TopLevel requires 0 or 1 arguments'); |
| } |
| } else if (arguments == null && |
| annotation.name == 'deprecated' && |
| annotation.constructorName == null) { |
| isDeprecated = true; |
| } |
| } |
| idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls = idl_model.ClassDeclaration( |
| documentation: _getNodeDoc(decl), |
| name: clsName, |
| isTopLevel: isTopLevel, |
| fileIdentifier: fileIdentifier, |
| isDeprecated: isDeprecated, |
| ); |
| _idl.classes[clsName] = cls; |
| String expectedBase = 'base.SummaryClass'; |
| var superclass = decl.superclass; |
| if (superclass == null || superclass.name != expectedBase) { |
| throw Exception('Class `$clsName` needs to extend `$expectedBase`'); |
| } |
| for (ClassMember classMember in decl.members) { |
| if (classMember is MethodDeclaration && classMember.isGetter) { |
| _addFieldForGetter(cls, classMember); |
| } else if (classMember is ConstructorDeclaration && |
| classMember.name.endsWith('fromBuffer')) { |
| // Ignore `fromBuffer` declarations; they simply forward to the |
| // read functions generated by [_generateReadFunction]. |
| } else { |
| throw Exception('Unexpected class member `$classMember`'); |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (decl is EnumDeclaration) { |
| var doc = _getNodeDoc(decl); |
| idl_model.EnumDeclaration enm = |
| idl_model.EnumDeclaration(doc, decl.name); |
| _idl.enums[enm.name] = enm; |
| for (EnumConstantDeclaration constDecl in decl.constants) { |
| var doc = _getNodeDoc(constDecl); |
| enm.values.add(idl_model.EnumValueDeclaration(doc, constDecl.name)); |
| } |
| } else { |
| throw Exception('Unexpected declaration `$decl`'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Entry point to the code generator when generating the "format.fbs" file. |
| void generateFlatBufferSchema() { |
| outputHeader(); |
| _FlatBufferSchemaGenerator(_idl, _outBuffer).generate(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Entry point to the code generator when generating the "format.dart" file. |
| void generateFormatCode() { |
| outputHeader(); |
| out("// The generator sometimes generates unnecessary 'this' references."); |
| out('// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_this'); |
| out(); |
| out('library analyzer.src.summary.format;'); |
| out(); |
| out("import 'dart:convert' as convert;"); |
| out(); |
| out("import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart' as api_sig;"); |
| out("import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/flat_buffers.dart' as fb;"); |
| out("import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart' as idl;"); |
| out(); |
| for (idl_model.EnumDeclaration enum_ in _idl.enums.values) { |
| _EnumReaderGenerator(_idl, _outBuffer, enum_).generate(); |
| out(); |
| } |
| for (idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls in _idl.classes.values) { |
| if (!cls.isDeprecated) { |
| _BuilderGenerator(_idl, _outBuffer, cls).generate(); |
| out(); |
| } |
| if (cls.isTopLevel) { |
| _ReaderGenerator(_idl, _outBuffer, cls).generateReaderFunction(); |
| out(); |
| } |
| if (!cls.isDeprecated) { |
| _ReaderGenerator(_idl, _outBuffer, cls).generateReader(); |
| out(); |
| _ImplGenerator(_idl, _outBuffer, cls).generate(); |
| out(); |
| _MixinGenerator(_idl, _outBuffer, cls).generate(); |
| out(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Add the string [s] to the output as a single line. |
| void out([String s = '']) { |
| _outBuffer.writeln(s); |
| } |
| |
| void outputHeader() { |
| out('// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file'); |
| out('// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a'); |
| out('// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.'); |
| out(); |
| out('// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.'); |
| out('// To regenerate the file, use the SDK script'); |
| out('// "pkg/analyzer/tool/summary/generate.dart \$IDL_FILE_PATH",'); |
| out('// or "pkg/analyzer/tool/generate_files" for the analyzer package IDL/sources.'); |
| out(); |
| } |
| |
| void _addFieldForGetter( |
| idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls, |
| MethodDeclaration getter, |
| ) { |
| var desc = '${cls.name}.${getter.name}'; |
| |
| var type = getter.returnType; |
| if (type == null) { |
| throw Exception('Getter needs a type: $desc'); |
| } |
| |
| var isList = false; |
| if (type.name == 'List') { |
| var typeArguments = type.typeArguments; |
| if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.length == 1) { |
| isList = true; |
| type = typeArguments[0]; |
| } |
| } |
| if (type.typeArguments != null) { |
| throw Exception('Cannot handle type arguments in `$type`'); |
| } |
| |
| int? id; |
| bool isDeprecated = false; |
| bool isInformative = false; |
| |
| for (Annotation annotation in getter.metadata) { |
| var arguments = annotation.arguments; |
| if (annotation.name == 'Id') { |
| if (id != null) { |
| throw Exception('Duplicate @id annotation ($getter)'); |
| } |
| if (arguments == null) { |
| throw Exception('@Id must be passed an argument ($desc)'); |
| } |
| if (arguments.length != 1) { |
| throw Exception('@Id must be passed exactly one argument ($desc)'); |
| } |
| |
| var idExpression = arguments[0]; |
| if (idExpression is IntegerLiteral) { |
| id = idExpression.value; |
| } else { |
| throw Exception( |
| '@Id argument must be an integer literal ($desc)', |
| ); |
| } |
| } else if (annotation.name == 'deprecated') { |
| if (arguments != null) { |
| throw Exception('@deprecated does not take args ($desc)'); |
| } |
| isDeprecated = true; |
| } else if (annotation.name == 'informative') { |
| isInformative = true; |
| } |
| } |
| if (id == null) { |
| throw Exception('Missing @id annotation ($desc)'); |
| } |
| |
| var fieldType = idl_model.FieldType(type.name, isList); |
| |
| cls.allFields.add( |
| idl_model.FieldDeclaration( |
| documentation: _getNodeDoc(getter), |
| name: getter.name, |
| type: fieldType, |
| id: id, |
| isDeprecated: isDeprecated, |
| isInformative: isInformative, |
| ), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// Return the documentation text of the given [node], or `null` if the [node] |
| /// does not have a comment. Each line is `\n` separated. |
| String? _getNodeDoc(AnnotatedNode node) { |
| var comment = node.documentationComment; |
| if (comment != null && comment.isDocumentation) { |
| if (comment.tokens.length == 1 && |
| comment.tokens.first.lexeme.startsWith('/*')) { |
| Token token = comment.tokens.first; |
| return token.lexeme.split('\n').map((String line) { |
| line = line.trimLeft(); |
| if (line.startsWith('*')) line = ' ' + line; |
| return line; |
| }).join('\n'); |
| } else if (comment.tokens |
| .every((token) => token.lexeme.startsWith('///'))) { |
| return comment.tokens |
| .map((token) => token.lexeme.trimLeft()) |
| .join('\n'); |
| } |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _EnumReaderGenerator extends _BaseGenerator { |
| final idl_model.EnumDeclaration enum_; |
| |
| _EnumReaderGenerator(idl_model.Idl idl, StringBuffer outBuffer, this.enum_) |
| : super(idl, outBuffer); |
| |
| void generate() { |
| String name = enum_.name; |
| String readerName = '_${name}Reader'; |
| String count = '${idlPrefix(name)}.values.length'; |
| String def = '${idlPrefix(name)}.${enum_.values[0].name}'; |
| out('class $readerName extends fb.Reader<${idlPrefix(name)}> {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('const $readerName() : super();'); |
| out(); |
| out('@override'); |
| out('int get size => 1;'); |
| out(); |
| out('@override'); |
| out('${idlPrefix(name)} read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('int index = const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset);'); |
| out('return index < $count ? ${idlPrefix(name)}.values[index] : $def;'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _FlatBufferSchemaGenerator extends _BaseGenerator { |
| _FlatBufferSchemaGenerator(idl_model.Idl idl, StringBuffer outBuffer) |
| : super(idl, outBuffer); |
| |
| void generate() { |
| for (idl_model.EnumDeclaration enm in _idl.enums.values) { |
| out(); |
| outDoc(enm.documentation); |
| out('enum ${enm.name} : byte {'); |
| indent(() { |
| for (int i = 0; i < enm.values.length; i++) { |
| idl_model.EnumValueDeclaration value = enm.values[i]; |
| if (i != 0) { |
| out(); |
| } |
| String suffix = i < enm.values.length - 1 ? ',' : ''; |
| outDoc(value.documentation); |
| out('${value.name}$suffix'); |
| } |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| for (idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls in _idl.classes.values) { |
| out(); |
| outDoc(cls.documentation); |
| out('table ${cls.name} {'); |
| indent(() { |
| for (int i = 0; i < cls.allFields.length; i++) { |
| idl_model.FieldDeclaration field = cls.allFields[i]; |
| if (i != 0) { |
| out(); |
| } |
| outDoc(field.documentation); |
| List<String> attributes = <String>['id: ${field.id}']; |
| if (field.isDeprecated) { |
| attributes.add('deprecated'); |
| } |
| String attrText = attributes.join(', '); |
| out('${field.name}:${_fbsType(field.type)} ($attrText);'); |
| } |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| out(); |
| // Standard flatbuffers only support one root type. We support multiple |
| // root types. For now work around this by forcing PackageBundle to be the |
| // root type. TODO(paulberry): come up with a better solution. |
| idl_model.ClassDeclaration rootType = _idl.classes['PackageBundle']!; |
| out('root_type ${rootType.name};'); |
| var rootFileIdentifier = rootType.fileIdentifier; |
| if (rootFileIdentifier != null) { |
| out(); |
| out('file_identifier ${quoted(rootFileIdentifier)};'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Generate a string representing the FlatBuffer schema type which should be |
| /// used to represent [type]. |
| String _fbsType(idl_model.FieldType type) { |
| String typeStr; |
| switch (type.typeName) { |
| case 'bool': |
| typeStr = 'bool'; |
| break; |
| case 'double': |
| typeStr = 'double'; |
| break; |
| case 'int': |
| typeStr = 'uint'; |
| break; |
| case 'String': |
| typeStr = 'string'; |
| break; |
| default: |
| typeStr = type.typeName; |
| break; |
| } |
| if (type.isList) { |
| // FlatBuffers don't natively support a packed list of booleans, so we |
| // treat it as a list of unsigned bytes, which is a compatible data |
| // structure. |
| if (typeStr == 'bool') { |
| typeStr = 'ubyte'; |
| } |
| return '[$typeStr]'; |
| } else { |
| return typeStr; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _ImplGenerator extends _BaseGenerator { |
| final idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls; |
| |
| _ImplGenerator(idl_model.Idl idl, StringBuffer outBuffer, this.cls) |
| : super(idl, outBuffer); |
| |
| void generate() { |
| String name = cls.name; |
| String implName = '_${name}Impl'; |
| String mixinName = '_${name}Mixin'; |
| out('class $implName extends Object with $mixinName' |
| ' implements ${idlPrefix(name)} {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('final fb.BufferContext _bc;'); |
| out('final int _bcOffset;'); |
| out(); |
| out('$implName(this._bc, this._bcOffset);'); |
| out(); |
| // Write cache fields. |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| String returnType = _dartType(field.type); |
| String fieldName = field.name; |
| out('$returnType? _$fieldName;'); |
| } |
| // Write getters. |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.allFields) { |
| int index = field.id; |
| String fieldName = field.name; |
| idl_model.FieldType type = field.type; |
| String typeName = type.typeName; |
| // Prepare "readCode" + "def" |
| String readCode; |
| String? def = defaultValue(type, false); |
| if (type.isList) { |
| if (typeName == 'bool') { |
| readCode = 'const fb.BoolListReader()'; |
| } else if (typeName == 'int') { |
| readCode = 'const fb.Uint32ListReader()'; |
| } else if (typeName == 'double') { |
| readCode = 'const fb.Float64ListReader()'; |
| } else if (typeName == 'String') { |
| String itemCode = 'fb.StringReader()'; |
| readCode = 'const fb.ListReader<String>($itemCode)'; |
| } else if (_idl.classes.containsKey(typeName)) { |
| String itemCode = '_${typeName}Reader()'; |
| readCode = 'const fb.ListReader<${idlPrefix(typeName)}>($itemCode)'; |
| } else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(typeName)) { |
| String itemCode = '_${typeName}Reader()'; |
| readCode = 'const fb.ListReader<${idlPrefix(typeName)}>($itemCode)'; |
| } else { |
| throw Exception('$name.$fieldName: illegal type ($type)'); |
| } |
| } else if (typeName == 'bool') { |
| readCode = 'const fb.BoolReader()'; |
| } else if (typeName == 'double') { |
| readCode = 'const fb.Float64Reader()'; |
| } else if (typeName == 'int') { |
| readCode = 'const fb.Uint32Reader()'; |
| } else if (typeName == 'String') { |
| readCode = 'const fb.StringReader()'; |
| } else if (_idl.classes.containsKey(typeName)) { |
| readCode = 'const _${typeName}Reader()'; |
| } else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(typeName)) { |
| readCode = 'const _${typeName}Reader()'; |
| } else { |
| throw Exception('$name.$fieldName: illegal type ($type)'); |
| } |
| // Write the getter implementation. |
| out(); |
| String returnType = _dartType(type); |
| if (field.isDeprecated) { |
| out('@override'); |
| out('Null get $fieldName => ${_BaseGenerator._throwDeprecated};'); |
| } else { |
| out('@override'); |
| if (_isNullable(type)) { |
| out('$returnType? get $fieldName {'); |
| } else { |
| out('$returnType get $fieldName {'); |
| } |
| indent(() { |
| String readExpr; |
| if (_isNullable(type)) { |
| readExpr = '$readCode.vTableGetOrNull(_bc, _bcOffset, $index)'; |
| } else { |
| readExpr = '$readCode.vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, $index, $def)'; |
| } |
| out('return _$fieldName ??= $readExpr;'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| |
| /// Generate a string representing the Dart type which should be used to |
| /// represent [type] when deserialized. |
| String _dartType(idl_model.FieldType type) { |
| String baseType = idlPrefix(type.typeName); |
| if (type.isList) { |
| return 'List<$baseType>'; |
| } else { |
| return baseType; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _MixinGenerator extends _BaseGenerator { |
| final idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls; |
| |
| _MixinGenerator(idl_model.Idl idl, StringBuffer outBuffer, this.cls) |
| : super(idl, outBuffer); |
| |
| void generate() { |
| String name = cls.name; |
| String mixinName = '_${name}Mixin'; |
| out('abstract class $mixinName implements ${idlPrefix(name)} {'); |
| indent(() { |
| String jsonCondition(idl_model.FieldType type, String name) { |
| if (type.isList) { |
| return '$name.isNotEmpty'; |
| } else { |
| return '$name != ${defaultValue(type, false)}'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String jsonStore( |
| idl_model.FieldType type, String name, String localName) { |
| _StringToString? convertItem; |
| if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) { |
| convertItem = (String name) => '$name.toJson()'; |
| } else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(type.typeName)) { |
| // TODO(paulberry): it would be better to generate a const list of |
| // strings so that we don't have to do this kludge. |
| convertItem = (String name) => "$name.toString().split('.')[1]"; |
| } else if (type.typeName == 'double') { |
| convertItem = |
| (String name) => '$name.isFinite ? $name : $name.toString()'; |
| } |
| String convertField; |
| if (convertItem == null) { |
| convertField = localName; |
| } else if (type.isList) { |
| convertField = '$localName.map((_value) =>' |
| ' ${convertItem('_value')}).toList()'; |
| } else { |
| convertField = convertItem(localName); |
| } |
| return '_result[${quoted(name)}] = $convertField'; |
| } |
| |
| void writeConditionalStatement(String condition, String statement) { |
| out('if ($condition) {'); |
| out(' $statement;'); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| |
| // Write toJson(). |
| out('@override'); |
| out('Map<String, Object> toJson() {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('Map<String, Object> _result = <String, Object>{};'); |
| |
| indent(() { |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| var localName = 'local_${field.name}'; |
| out('var $localName = ${field.name};'); |
| String condition = jsonCondition(field.type, localName); |
| String storeField = jsonStore(field.type, field.name, localName); |
| writeConditionalStatement(condition, storeField); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| out('return _result;'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| out(); |
| |
| // Write toMap(). |
| out('@override'); |
| out('Map<String, Object?> toMap() => {'); |
| indent(() { |
| for (idl_model.FieldDeclaration field in cls.fields) { |
| String fieldName = field.name; |
| out('${quoted(fieldName)}: $fieldName,'); |
| } |
| }); |
| out('};'); |
| out(); |
| // Write toString(). |
| out('@override'); |
| out('String toString() => convert.json.encode(toJson());'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _ReaderGenerator extends _BaseGenerator { |
| final idl_model.ClassDeclaration cls; |
| |
| _ReaderGenerator(idl_model.Idl idl, StringBuffer outBuffer, this.cls) |
| : super(idl, outBuffer); |
| |
| void generateReader() { |
| String name = cls.name; |
| String readerName = '_${name}Reader'; |
| String implName = '_${name}Impl'; |
| out('class $readerName extends fb.TableReader<$implName> {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('const $readerName();'); |
| out(); |
| out('@override'); |
| out('$implName createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) => $implName(bc, offset);'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| |
| void generateReaderFunction() { |
| String name = cls.name; |
| out('${idlPrefix(name)} read$name(List<int> buffer) {'); |
| indent(() { |
| out('fb.BufferContext rootRef = fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(buffer);'); |
| out('return const _${name}Reader().read(rootRef, 0);'); |
| }); |
| out('}'); |
| } |
| } |