blob: 699d94bd795679f9ed1a338748ae2e48cfdc97fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// TODO(dacoharkes): After merging into `package:ffi`, roll package in DEPS
// and remove arena.dart.
import 'arena.dart';
void main() async {
test('sync', () async {
List<int> freed = [];
void freeInt(int i) {
using((Arena arena) {
arena.using(1234, freeInt);
expect(freed.isEmpty, true);
expect(freed, [1234]);
test('async', () async {
/// Calling [using] waits with releasing its resources until after
/// [Future]s complete.
List<int> freed = [];
void freeInt(int i) {
Future<int> myFutureInt = using((Arena arena) {
return Future.microtask(() {
arena.using(1234, freeInt);
return 1;
expect(freed.isEmpty, true);
await myFutureInt;
expect(freed, [1234]);
test('throw', () {
/// [using] waits with releasing its resources until after [Future]s
/// complete.
List<int> freed = [];
void freeInt(int i) {
// Resources are freed also when abnormal control flow occurs.
var didThrow = false;
try {
using((Arena arena) {
arena.using(1234, freeInt);
expect(freed.isEmpty, true);
throw Exception('Exception 1');
} on Exception {
expect(freed.single, 1234);
didThrow = true;
expect(didThrow, true);
() {
final countingAllocator = CountingAllocator();
// To ensure resources are freed, wrap them in a [using] call.
using((Arena arena) {
final p = arena<Int64>(2);
p[1] = p[0];
}, countingAllocator);
expect(countingAllocator.freeCount, 1);
test('allocate throw', () {
// Resources are freed also when abnormal control flow occurs.
bool didThrow = false;
final countingAllocator = CountingAllocator();
try {
using((Arena arena) {
final p = arena<Int64>(2);
p[0] = 25;
throw Exception('Exception 2');
}, countingAllocator);
} on Exception {
expect(countingAllocator.freeCount, 1);
didThrow = true;
expect(didThrow, true);
test('toNativeUtf8', () {
final countingAllocator = CountingAllocator();
using((Arena arena) {
final p = 'Hello world!'.toNativeUtf8(allocator: arena);
expect(p.toDartString(), 'Hello world!');
}, countingAllocator);
expect(countingAllocator.freeCount, 1);
test('zone', () async {
List<int> freed = [];
void freeInt(int i) {
withZoneArena(() {
zoneArena.using(1234, freeInt);
expect(freed.isEmpty, true);
expect(freed.length, 1);
expect(freed.single, 1234);
test('zone async', () async {
/// [using] waits with releasing its resources until after [Future]s
/// complete.
List<int> freed = [];
void freeInt(int i) {
Future<int> myFutureInt = withZoneArena(() {
return Future.microtask(() {
zoneArena.using(1234, freeInt);
return 1;
expect(freed.isEmpty, true);
await myFutureInt;
expect(freed.length, 1);
expect(freed.single, 1234);
test('zone throw', () {
/// [using] waits with releasing its resources until after [Future]s
/// complete.
List<int> freed = [];
void freeInt(int i) {
// Resources are freed also when abnormal control flow occurs.
bool didThrow = false;
try {
withZoneArena(() {
zoneArena.using(1234, freeInt);
expect(freed.isEmpty, true);
throw Exception('Exception 3');
} on Exception {
expect(freed.single, 1234);
didThrow = true;
expect(didThrow, true);
expect(freed.single, 1234);
test('allocate during releaseAll', () {
final countingAllocator = CountingAllocator();
final arena = Arena(countingAllocator);
arena.using(arena<Uint8>(), (Pointer discard) {
expect(countingAllocator.allocationCount, 1);
expect(countingAllocator.freeCount, 0);
arena.releaseAll(reuse: true);
expect(countingAllocator.allocationCount, 2);
expect(countingAllocator.freeCount, 2);
/// Keeps track of the number of allocates and frees for testing purposes.
class CountingAllocator implements Allocator {
final Allocator wrappedAllocator;
int allocationCount = 0;
int freeCount = 0;
CountingAllocator([this.wrappedAllocator = calloc]);
Pointer<T> allocate<T extends NativeType>(int byteCount, {int alignment}) {
return wrappedAllocator.allocate(byteCount, alignment: alignment);
void free(Pointer<NativeType> pointer) {