| // Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Dart test program for testing dart:ffi function pointers with callbacks. |
| // |
| // VMOptions=--stacktrace-every=100 |
| // VMOptions=--write-protect-code --no-dual-map-code |
| // VMOptions=--write-protect-code --no-dual-map-code --stacktrace-every=100 |
| // VMOptions=--use-slow-path |
| // VMOptions=--use-slow-path --stacktrace-every=100 |
| // VMOptions=--use-slow-path --write-protect-code --no-dual-map-code |
| // VMOptions=--use-slow-path --write-protect-code --no-dual-map-code --stacktrace-every=100 |
| // VMOptions=--use-bare-instructions=false |
| // VMOptions=--dwarf_stack_traces --no-retain_function_objects --no-retain_code_objects |
| // SharedObjects=ffi_test_functions |
| |
| import 'dart:ffi'; |
| |
| import 'callback_tests_utils.dart'; |
| |
| typedef SimpleAdditionType = Int32 Function(Int32, Int32); |
| int simpleAddition(int x, int y) { |
| print("simpleAddition($x, $y)"); |
| return x + y; |
| } |
| |
| class Foo { |
| static int simpleAddition(int x, int y) { |
| print("Foo.simpleAddition($x, $y)"); |
| return x + y; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| typedef IntComputationType = Int64 Function(Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64); |
| int intComputation(int a, int b, int c, int d) { |
| print("intComputation($a, $b, $c, $d)"); |
| return d - c + b - a; |
| } |
| |
| typedef UintComputationType = Uint64 Function(Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64); |
| int uintComputation(int a, int b, int c, int d) { |
| print("uintComputation($a, $b, $c, $d)"); |
| return d - c + b - a; |
| } |
| |
| typedef SimpleMultiplyType = Double Function(Double); |
| double simpleMultiply(double x) { |
| print("simpleMultiply($x)"); |
| return x * 1.337; |
| } |
| |
| typedef SimpleMultiplyFloatType = Float Function(Float); |
| double simpleMultiplyFloat(double x) { |
| print("simpleMultiplyFloat($x)"); |
| return x * 1.337; |
| } |
| |
| typedef ManyIntsType = IntPtr Function(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, |
| IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr); |
| int manyInts( |
| int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j) { |
| print("manyInts($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j"); |
| return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j; |
| } |
| |
| typedef ManyDoublesType = Double Function(Double, Double, Double, Double, |
| Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double); |
| double manyDoubles(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f, |
| double g, double h, double i, double j) { |
| print("manyDoubles($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j"); |
| return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j; |
| } |
| |
| typedef ManyArgsType = Double Function( |
| IntPtr, |
| Float, |
| IntPtr, |
| Double, |
| IntPtr, |
| Float, |
| IntPtr, |
| Double, |
| IntPtr, |
| Float, |
| IntPtr, |
| Double, |
| IntPtr, |
| Float, |
| IntPtr, |
| Double, |
| IntPtr, |
| Float, |
| IntPtr, |
| Double); |
| double manyArgs( |
| int _1, |
| double _2, |
| int _3, |
| double _4, |
| int _5, |
| double _6, |
| int _7, |
| double _8, |
| int _9, |
| double _10, |
| int _11, |
| double _12, |
| int _13, |
| double _14, |
| int _15, |
| double _16, |
| int _17, |
| double _18, |
| int _19, |
| double _20) { |
| print("manyArgs( $_1, $_2, $_3, $_4, $_5, $_6, $_7, $_8, $_9, $_10," + |
| "$_11, $_12, $_13, $_14, $_15, $_16, $_17, $_18, $_19, $_20)"); |
| return _1 + |
| _2 + |
| _3 + |
| _4 + |
| _5 + |
| _6 + |
| _7 + |
| _8 + |
| _9 + |
| _10 + |
| _11 + |
| _12 + |
| _13 + |
| _14 + |
| _15 + |
| _16 + |
| _17 + |
| _18 + |
| _19 + |
| _20; |
| } |
| |
| typedef StoreType = Pointer<Int64> Function(Pointer<Int64>); |
| Pointer<Int64> store(Pointer<Int64> ptr) => ptr.elementAt(1)..value = 1337; |
| |
| typedef NullPointersType = Pointer<Int64> Function(Pointer<Int64>); |
| Pointer<Int64> nullPointers(Pointer<Int64> ptr) => ptr.elementAt(1); |
| |
| typedef ReturnVoid = Void Function(); |
| void returnVoid() {} |
| |
| void throwException() { |
| throw "Exception."; |
| } |
| |
| typedef ThrowExceptionInt = IntPtr Function(); |
| int throwExceptionInt() { |
| throw "Exception."; |
| } |
| |
| typedef ThrowExceptionDouble = Double Function(); |
| double throwExceptionDouble() { |
| throw "Exception."; |
| } |
| |
| typedef ThrowExceptionPointer = Pointer<Void> Function(); |
| Pointer<Void> throwExceptionPointer() { |
| throw "Exception."; |
| } |
| |
| typedef TakeMaxUint8x10Type = IntPtr Function( |
| Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8); |
| int takeMaxUint8x10( |
| int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j) { |
| print("takeMaxUint8x10($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j)"); |
| return a == 0xff && |
| b == 0xff && |
| c == 0xff && |
| d == 0xff && |
| e == 0xff && |
| f == 0xff && |
| g == 0xff && |
| h == 0xff && |
| i == 0xff && |
| j == 0xff |
| ? 1 |
| : 0; |
| } |
| |
| typedef ReturnMaxUint8Type = Uint8 Function(); |
| int returnMaxUint8() { |
| return 0xff; |
| } |
| |
| int returnMaxUint8v2() { |
| return 0xabcff; |
| } |
| |
| final testcases = [ |
| CallbackTest("SimpleAddition", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<SimpleAdditionType>(simpleAddition, 0)), |
| CallbackTest("SimpleAddition", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<SimpleAdditionType>(Foo.simpleAddition, 0)), |
| CallbackTest("IntComputation", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<IntComputationType>(intComputation, 0)), |
| CallbackTest("UintComputation", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<UintComputationType>(uintComputation, 0)), |
| CallbackTest("SimpleMultiply", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<SimpleMultiplyType>(simpleMultiply, 0.0)), |
| CallbackTest("SimpleMultiplyFloat", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<SimpleMultiplyFloatType>(simpleMultiplyFloat, 0.0)), |
| CallbackTest("ManyInts", Pointer.fromFunction<ManyIntsType>(manyInts, 0)), |
| CallbackTest( |
| "ManyDoubles", Pointer.fromFunction<ManyDoublesType>(manyDoubles, 0.0)), |
| CallbackTest("ManyArgs", Pointer.fromFunction<ManyArgsType>(manyArgs, 0.0)), |
| CallbackTest("Store", Pointer.fromFunction<StoreType>(store)), |
| CallbackTest( |
| "NullPointers", Pointer.fromFunction<NullPointersType>(nullPointers)), |
| CallbackTest("ReturnVoid", Pointer.fromFunction<ReturnVoid>(returnVoid)), |
| CallbackTest("ThrowExceptionDouble", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<ThrowExceptionDouble>(throwExceptionDouble, 42.0)), |
| CallbackTest("ThrowExceptionPointer", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<ThrowExceptionPointer>(throwExceptionPointer)), |
| CallbackTest("ThrowException", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<ThrowExceptionInt>(throwExceptionInt, 42)), |
| CallbackTest("TakeMaxUint8x10", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<TakeMaxUint8x10Type>(takeMaxUint8x10, 0)), |
| CallbackTest("ReturnMaxUint8", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<ReturnMaxUint8Type>(returnMaxUint8, 0)), |
| CallbackTest("ReturnMaxUint8", |
| Pointer.fromFunction<ReturnMaxUint8Type>(returnMaxUint8v2, 0)), |
| ]; |
| |
| void main() { |
| testcases.forEach((t) => t.run()); |
| } |