blob: 54b48e857b3417497f40738ff775163242a87571 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tools for Java code generation.
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/tools.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'api.dart';
import 'from_html.dart';
import 'to_html.dart';
/// Create a [GeneratedFile] that creates Java code and outputs it to [path].
/// [path] uses Posix-style path separators regardless of the OS.
GeneratedFile javaGeneratedFile(
String path, CodegenJavaVisitor Function(Api api) createVisitor) {
return GeneratedFile(path, (String pkgPath) async {
var visitor = createVisitor(readApi(pkgPath));
return visitor.collectCode(visitor.visitApi);
/// Iterate through the values in [map] in the order of increasing keys.
Iterable<String> _valuesSortedByKey(Map<String, String> map) {
var entries = map.entries.toList();
entries.sort((a, b) => a.key.compareTo(b.key));
return => e.value);
/// Common code for all Java code generation.
class CodegenJavaVisitor extends HierarchicalApiVisitor with CodeGenerator {
/// Variable names which must be changed in order to avoid conflict with
/// reserved words in Java.
static const Map<String, String> _variableRenames = {'default': 'defaultSdk'};
/// Type references in the spec that are named something else in Java.
static const Map<String, String> _typeRenames = {
'bool': 'boolean',
'double': 'double',
'int': 'int',
'AvailableSuggestionRelevanceTag': 'String',
'ExecutionContextId': 'String',
'FilePath': 'String',
'DebugContextId': 'String',
'object': 'Object',
'Override': 'OverrideMember',
_CodegenJavaState _state = _CodegenJavaState();
/// Visitor used to produce doc comments.
final ToHtmlVisitor toHtmlVisitor;
CodegenJavaVisitor(Api api)
: toHtmlVisitor = ToHtmlVisitor(api),
/// Create a constructor, using [callback] to create its contents.
void constructor(String name, void Function() callback) {
_state.constructors[name] = collectCode(callback);
/// Get the name of the consumer class for responses to this request.
String consumerName(Request request) {
return camelJoin([request.method, 'consumer'], doCapitalize: true);
/// Return true iff the passed [TypeDecl] will represent an array in Java.
bool isArray(TypeDecl type) {
return type is TypeList && isPrimitive(type.itemType);
/// Return true iff the passed [TypeDecl] is a type declared in the
/// spec_input.
bool isDeclaredInSpec(TypeDecl type) {
// TypeReference resolvedType = super.resolveTypeReferenceChain(type);
// if(resolvedType is TypeObject) {
// return true;
// }
if (type is TypeReference) {
return api.types.containsKey(type.typeName) && javaType(type) != 'String';
return false;
/// Return true iff the passed [TypeDecl] will represent an array in Java.
bool isList(TypeDecl type) {
return type is TypeList && !isPrimitive(type.itemType);
/// Return true iff the passed [TypeDecl] will represent a Map in type.
bool isMap(TypeDecl type) {
return type is TypeMap;
/// Return true iff the passed [TypeDecl] will be represented as Object in
/// Java.
bool isObject(TypeDecl type) {
var typeStr = javaType(type);
return typeStr == 'Object';
/// Return true iff the passed [TypeDecl] will represent a primitive Java
/// type.
bool isPrimitive(TypeDecl type) {
if (type is TypeReference) {
var typeStr = javaType(type);
return typeStr == 'boolean' ||
typeStr == 'double' ||
typeStr == 'int' ||
typeStr == 'long';
return false;
/// Convenience method for subclasses for calling docComment.
void javadocComment(List<dom.Node> docs) {
/// Return a Java type for the given [TypeObjectField].
String javaFieldType(TypeObjectField field) {
return javaType(field.type, field.optional);
/// Return a suitable representation of [name] as the name of a Java variable.
String javaName(String name) {
return _variableRenames[name] ?? name;
/// Convert the given [TypeDecl] to a Java type.
String javaType(TypeDecl type, [bool optional = false]) {
if (type is TypeReference) {
var resolvedType = resolveTypeReferenceChain(type) as TypeReference;
var typeName = resolvedType.typeName;
var renameTo = _typeRenames[typeName];
if (renameTo != null) {
typeName = renameTo;
if (optional) {
if (typeName == 'boolean') {
typeName = 'Boolean';
} else if (typeName == 'double') {
typeName = 'Double';
} else if (typeName == 'int') {
typeName = 'Integer';
return typeName;
} else if (type is TypeList) {
if (isPrimitive(type.itemType)) {
return '${javaType(type.itemType)}[]';
} else {
return 'List<${javaType(type.itemType)}>';
} else if (type is TypeMap) {
return 'Map<${javaType(type.keyType)}, ${javaType(type.valueType)}>';
} else if (type is TypeUnion) {
return 'Object';
} else {
throw Exception("Can't make type buildable");
/// Execute [callback], collecting any methods that are output using
/// [privateMethod] or [publicMethod], and insert the class (with methods
/// sorted). [header] is the part of the class declaration before the
/// opening brace.
void makeClass(String header, void Function() callback) {
var oldState = _state;
try {
_state = _CodegenJavaState();
writeln('$header {');
indent(() {
// fields
var allFields = _state.publicFields.values.toList();
for (var field in allFields) {
// constructors
var allConstructors = _state.constructors.values.toList();
for (var constructor in allConstructors) {
// methods (ordered by method name)
var allMethods = _valuesSortedByKey(_state.publicMethods).toList();
for (var method in allMethods) {
} finally {
_state = oldState;
/// Create a private field, using [callback] to create its contents.
void privateField(String fieldName, void Function() callback) {
_state.privateFields[fieldName] = collectCode(callback);
/// Create a private method, using [callback] to create its contents.
void privateMethod(String methodName, void Function() callback) {
_state.privateMethods[methodName] = collectCode(callback);
/// Create a public field, using [callback] to create its contents.
void publicField(String fieldName, void Function() callback) {
_state.publicFields[fieldName] = collectCode(callback);
/// Create a public method, using [callback] to create its contents.
void publicMethod(String methodName, void Function() callback) {
_state.publicMethods[methodName] = collectCode(callback);
TypeDecl resolveTypeReferenceChain(TypeDecl type) {
var typeDecl = super.resolveTypeReferenceChain(type);
if (typeDecl is TypeEnum) {
return TypeReference('String', null);
return type;
/// State used by [CodegenJavaVisitor].
class _CodegenJavaState {
/// Temporary storage for public methods.
Map<String, String> publicMethods = <String, String>{};
/// Temporary storage for private methods.
Map<String, String> privateMethods = <String, String>{};
/// Temporary storage for public fields.
Map<String, String> publicFields = <String, String>{};
/// Temporary storage for private fields.
Map<String, String> privateFields = <String, String>{};
/// Temporary storage for constructors.
Map<String, String> constructors = <String, String>{};