blob: 5ebb88d9a9a38ef9e3ee339db34a85b7b8a86481 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'typescript_parser.dart';
/// Removes types that are in the spec that we don't want in other signatures.
bool allowTypeInSignatures(TypeBase type) {
// Don't allow arrays of MarkedStrings, but do allow simple MarkedStrings.
// The only place that uses these are Hovers and we only send one value
// (to match the MarkupString equiv) so the array just makes the types
// unnecessarily complicated.
if (type is ArrayType) {
final elementType = type.elementType;
if (elementType is Type && == 'MarkedString') {
return false;
return true;
String cleanComment(String comment) {
// Remove the start/end comment markers.
if (comment.startsWith('/**') && comment.endsWith('*/')) {
comment = comment.substring(3, comment.length - 2);
} else if (comment.startsWith('//')) {
comment = comment.substring(2);
final _commentLinePrefixes = RegExp(r'\n\s*\* ?');
final _nonConcurrentNewlines = RegExp(r'\n(?![\n\s\-*])');
final _newLinesThatRequireReinserting = RegExp(r'\n (\w)');
// Remove any Windows newlines from the source.
comment = comment.replaceAll('\r', '');
// Remove the * prefixes.
comment = comment.replaceAll(_commentLinePrefixes, '\n');
// Remove and newlines that look like wrapped text.
comment = comment.replaceAll(_nonConcurrentNewlines, ' ');
// The above will remove one of the newlines when there are two, so we need
// to re-insert newlines for any block that starts immediately after a newline.
comment = comment.replaceAllMapped(
_newLinesThatRequireReinserting, (m) => '\n\n${}');
return comment.trim();
/// Improves comments in generated code to support where types may have been
/// altered (for ex. with [getImprovedType] above).
String? getImprovedComment(String interfaceName, String fieldName) {
const _improvedComments = <String, Map<String, String>>{
'ResponseError': {
'// A string that contains additional information about the error. Can be omitted.',
final interface = _improvedComments[interfaceName];
return interface != null ? interface[fieldName] : null;
/// Improves types in generated code, including:
/// - Fixes up some enum types that are not as specific as they could be in the
/// spec. For example, Diagnostic.severity is typed "number" but can be mapped
/// to the DiagnosticSeverity enum class.
/// - Narrows unions to single types where they're only generated on the server
/// and we know we always use a specific type. This avoids wrapping a lot
/// of code in `EitherX<Y,Z>.tX()` and simplifies the testing of them.
String? getImprovedType(String interfaceName, String? fieldName) {
const _improvedTypeMappings = <String, Map<String, String>>{
'Diagnostic': {
'severity': 'DiagnosticSeverity',
'code': 'String',
'data': 'object',
'TextDocumentSyncOptions': {
'change': 'TextDocumentSyncKind',
'TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions': {
'syncKind': 'TextDocumentSyncKind',
'FileSystemWatcher': {
'kind': 'WatchKind',
'CompletionItem': {
'kind': 'CompletionItemKind',
'data': 'CompletionItemResolutionInfo',
'CallHierarchyItem': {
'data': 'object',
'DocumentHighlight': {
'kind': 'DocumentHighlightKind',
'FoldingRange': {
'kind': 'FoldingRangeKind',
'ResponseError': {
'code': 'ErrorCodes',
// This is dynamic normally, but since this class can be serialised
// we will crash if it data is set to something that can't be converted to
// JSON (for ex. Uri) so this forces anyone setting this to convert to a
// String.
'data': 'String',
'NotificationMessage': {
'method': 'Method',
'params': 'object',
'RequestMessage': {
'method': 'Method',
'params': 'object',
'SymbolInformation': {
'kind': 'SymbolKind',
'ParameterInformation': {
'label': 'String',
'ProgressParams': {
'value': 'object',
'ServerCapabilities': {
'changeNotifications': 'bool',
'TextDocumentEdit': {
'edits': 'TextDocumentEditEdits',
final interface = _improvedTypeMappings[interfaceName];
return interface != null ? interface[fieldName] : null;
List<String> getSpecialBaseTypes(Interface interface) {
if ( == 'RequestMessage' || == 'NotificationMessage') {
return ['IncomingMessage'];
} else {
return [];
/// Removes types that are in the spec that we don't want to emit.
bool includeTypeDefinitionInOutput(AstNode node) {
// These types are not used for v3.0 (Feb 2017) and by dropping them we don't
// have to handle any cases where both a namespace and interfaces are declared
// with the same name.
return != 'InitializeError' &&
// We don't emit MarkedString because it gets mapped to a simple String
// when getting the .dartType for it.
// .startsWith() because there are inline types that will be generated.