| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.9 |
| |
| // VMOptions=--enable-isolate-groups --experimental-enable-isolate-groups-jit |
| // VMOptions=--no-enable-isolate-groups |
| |
| // Dart test program for testing serialization of messages. |
| // VMOptions=--enable_type_checks --enable_asserts |
| |
| library MessageTest; |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:collection'; |
| import 'dart:isolate'; |
| import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart'; |
| import 'package:expect/expect.dart'; |
| import 'dart:typed_data'; |
| |
| void echoMain(msg) { |
| SendPort replyTo = msg[0]; |
| SendPort pong = msg[1]; |
| ReceivePort port = new ReceivePort(); |
| replyTo.send(port.sendPort); |
| port.listen((msg) { |
| if (msg == "halt") { |
| port.close(); |
| } else { |
| pong.send(msg); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| class A { |
| var field = 499; |
| |
| A(); |
| A.named(this.field); |
| } |
| |
| class B extends A { |
| final field2; |
| B() : field2 = 99; |
| B.named(this.field2, x) : super.named(x); |
| } |
| |
| class C extends B { |
| var field = 33; |
| |
| get superField => super.field; |
| get superField2 => super.field2; |
| } |
| |
| class M { |
| get field2 => 11; |
| } |
| |
| class D extends C with M { |
| var gee = 123; |
| } |
| |
| class E { |
| // Make sure E.fun is not removed by the tree shaker, as this test verifies |
| // that an object with a tear-off in E.fun cannot be sent. |
| @pragma("vm:entry-point") |
| Function fun; |
| |
| E(this.fun); |
| |
| static fooFun() => 499; |
| instanceFun() => 1234; |
| } |
| |
| barFun() => 42; |
| |
| class F { |
| final field = "field"; |
| const F(); |
| } |
| |
| class G { |
| final field; |
| const G(this.field); |
| } |
| |
| class Value { |
| final val; |
| Value(this.val); |
| |
| operator ==(other) { |
| if (other is! Value) return false; |
| return other.val == val; |
| } |
| |
| get hashCode => val; |
| } |
| |
| void runTests(SendPort ping, Queue checks) { |
| ping.send("abc"); |
| checks.add((x) => Expect.equals("abc", x)); |
| |
| ping.send([1, 2]); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is List); |
| Expect.listEquals([1, 2], x); |
| // Make sure the list is mutable. |
| x[0] = 0; |
| Expect.equals(0, x[0]); |
| // List must be extendable. |
| x.add(3); |
| Expect.equals(3, x[2]); |
| }); |
| |
| List fixed = new List(2); |
| fixed[0] = 0; |
| fixed[1] = 1; |
| ping.send(fixed); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is List); |
| Expect.listEquals([0, 1], x); |
| // List must be mutable. |
| x[0] = 3; |
| Expect.equals(3, x[0]); |
| // List must be fixed length. |
| Expect.throws(() { |
| x.add(5); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| List cyclic = []; |
| cyclic.add(cyclic); |
| ping.send(cyclic); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is List); |
| Expect.equals(1, x.length); |
| Expect.identical(x, x[0]); |
| // List must be mutable. |
| x[0] = 55; |
| Expect.equals(55, x[0]); |
| // List must be extendable. |
| x.add(42); |
| Expect.equals(42, x[1]); |
| }); |
| |
| List cyclic2 = new List(1); |
| cyclic2[0] = cyclic2; |
| ping.send(cyclic2); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is List); |
| Expect.equals(1, x.length); |
| Expect.identical(x, x[0]); |
| // List must be mutable. |
| x[0] = 55; |
| Expect.equals(55, x[0]); |
| // List must be fixed. |
| Expect.throws(() => x.add(42)); |
| }); |
| |
| List constList = const [1, 2]; |
| ping.send(constList); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is List); |
| Expect.listEquals([1, 2], x); |
| // Make sure the list is immutable. |
| Expect.throws(() => x[0] = 0); // //# constList: ok |
| // List must not be extendable. |
| Expect.throws(() => x.add(3)); |
| Expect.identical(x, constList); // //# constList_identical: ok |
| }); |
| |
| Uint8List uint8 = new Uint8List(2); |
| uint8[0] = 0; |
| uint8[1] = 1; |
| ping.send(uint8); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is Uint8List); |
| Expect.equals(2, x.length); |
| Expect.equals(0, x[0]); |
| Expect.equals(1, x[1]); |
| }); |
| |
| Uint16List uint16 = new Uint16List(2); |
| uint16[0] = 0; |
| uint16[1] = 1; |
| ByteBuffer byteBuffer = uint16.buffer; |
| ping.send(byteBuffer); // //# byteBuffer: ok |
| checks.add( // //# byteBuffer: ok |
| (x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is ByteBuffer); |
| Uint16List uint16View = new Uint16List.view(x); |
| Expect.equals(2, uint16View.length); |
| Expect.equals(0, uint16View[0]); |
| Expect.equals(1, uint16View[1]); |
| } |
| ) // //# byteBuffer: ok |
| ; |
| |
| Int32x4List list32x4 = new Int32x4List(2); |
| list32x4[0] = new Int32x4(1, 2, 3, 4); |
| list32x4[1] = new Int32x4(5, 6, 7, 8); |
| ping.send(list32x4); |
| checks.add( |
| (x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is Int32x4List); |
| Expect.equals(2, x.length); |
| Int32x4 entry1 = x[0]; |
| Int32x4 entry2 = x[1]; |
| Expect.equals(1, entry1.x); |
| Expect.equals(2, entry1.y); |
| Expect.equals(3, entry1.z); |
| Expect.equals(4, entry1.w); |
| Expect.equals(5, entry2.x); |
| Expect.equals(6, entry2.y); |
| Expect.equals(7, entry2.z); |
| Expect.equals(8, entry2.w); |
| }); |
| |
| Float32x4List flist32x4 = new Float32x4List(2); |
| flist32x4[0] = new Float32x4(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5); |
| flist32x4[1] = new Float32x4(5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5); |
| ping.send(flist32x4); |
| checks.add( |
| (x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is Float32x4List); |
| Expect.equals(2, x.length); |
| Float32x4 entry1 = x[0]; |
| Float32x4 entry2 = x[1]; |
| Expect.equals(1.5, entry1.x); |
| Expect.equals(2.5, entry1.y); |
| Expect.equals(3.5, entry1.z); |
| Expect.equals(4.5, entry1.w); |
| Expect.equals(5.5, entry2.x); |
| Expect.equals(6.5, entry2.y); |
| Expect.equals(7.5, entry2.z); |
| Expect.equals(8.5, entry2.w); |
| }); |
| |
| Float64x2List flist64x2 = new Float64x2List(2); |
| flist64x2[0] = new Float64x2(1.5, 2.5); |
| flist64x2[1] = new Float64x2(5.5, 6.5); |
| ping.send(flist64x2); |
| checks.add( |
| (x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is Float64x2List); |
| Expect.equals(2, x.length); |
| Float64x2 entry1 = x[0]; |
| Float64x2 entry2 = x[1]; |
| Expect.equals(1.5, entry1.x); |
| Expect.equals(2.5, entry1.y); |
| Expect.equals(5.5, entry2.x); |
| Expect.equals(6.5, entry2.y); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send({"foo": 499, "bar": 32}); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is LinkedHashMap); |
| Expect.listEquals(["foo", "bar"], x.keys.toList()); |
| Expect.listEquals([499, 32], x.values.toList()); |
| Expect.equals(499, x["foo"]); |
| Expect.equals(32, x["bar"]); |
| // Must be mutable. |
| x["foo"] = 22; |
| Expect.equals(22, x["foo"]); |
| // Must be extendable. |
| x["gee"] = 499; |
| Expect.equals(499, x["gee"]); |
| }); |
| |
| Map<String, int> mapWithRemovedKey = {"foo": 499, "bar": 32}; |
| mapWithRemovedKey.remove("foo"); |
| ping.send(mapWithRemovedKey); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is LinkedHashMap); |
| Expect.listEquals(["bar"], x.keys.toList()); |
| Expect.listEquals([32], x.values.toList()); |
| Expect.equals(32, x["bar"]); |
| }); |
| |
| // Test map where a key does not define ==/hashCode. |
| Map<A, int> mapWithIdentityKey = new Map<A, int>(); |
| mapWithIdentityKey[new A()] = 499; |
| ping.send(mapWithIdentityKey); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is LinkedHashMap); |
| int value = x.values.first; |
| Expect.equals(499, value); |
| A key = x.keys.first; |
| Expect.equals(499, x[key]); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send({0: 499, 1: 32}); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is LinkedHashMap); |
| Expect.listEquals([0, 1], x.keys.toList()); |
| Expect.listEquals([499, 32], x.values.toList()); |
| // Must be mutable. |
| x[0] = 22; |
| Expect.equals(22, x[0]); |
| // Must be extendable. |
| x[123] = 499; |
| Expect.equals(499, x[123]); |
| }); |
| |
| Map cyclicMap = {}; |
| cyclicMap["cycle"] = cyclicMap; |
| ping.send(cyclicMap); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is LinkedHashMap); |
| Expect.identical(x, x["cycle"]); |
| // Must be mutable. |
| x["cycle"] = 22; |
| Expect.equals(22, x["cycle"]); |
| // Must be extendable. |
| x["gee"] = 499; |
| Expect.equals(499, x["gee"]); |
| }); |
| |
| Map constMap = const {'foo': 499}; |
| ping.send(constMap); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is Map); |
| print(x.length); |
| Expect.equals(1, x.length); |
| Expect.equals(499, x['foo']); |
| Expect.identical(constMap, x); // //# constMap: ok |
| Expect.throws(() => constMap['bar'] = 42); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send(new A()); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is A); |
| Expect.equals(499, x.field); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send(new A.named(42)); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is A); |
| Expect.equals(42, x.field); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send(new B()); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is A); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is B); |
| Expect.equals(499, x.field); |
| Expect.equals(99, x.field2); |
| Expect.throws(() => x.field2 = 22); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send(new B.named(1, 2)); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is A); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is B); |
| Expect.equals(2, x.field); |
| Expect.equals(1, x.field2); |
| Expect.throws(() => x.field2 = 22); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send(new C()); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is A); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is B); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is C); |
| Expect.equals(33, x.field); |
| Expect.equals(99, x.field2); |
| Expect.equals(499, x.superField); |
| Expect.throws(() => x.field2 = 22); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send(new D()); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is A); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is B); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is C); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is D); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is M); |
| Expect.equals(33, x.field); |
| Expect.equals(11, x.field2); |
| Expect.equals(499, x.superField); |
| Expect.equals(99, x.superField2); |
| Expect.throws(() => x.field2 = 22); |
| }); |
| |
| D cyclicD = new D(); |
| ping.send(cyclicD); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is A); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is B); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is C); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is D); |
| Expect.isTrue(x is M); |
| Expect.equals(11, x.field2); |
| Expect.equals(499, x.superField); |
| Expect.equals(99, x.superField2); |
| Expect.throws(() => x.field2 = 22); |
| }); |
| |
| ping.send(new E(E.fooFun)); // //# fun: ok |
| checks.add((x) { // //# fun: continued |
| Expect.equals(E.fooFun, x.fun); // //# fun: continued |
| Expect.equals(499, x.fun()); // //# fun: continued |
| }); // //# fun: continued |
| |
| ping.send(new E(barFun)); // //# fun: continued |
| checks.add((x) { // //# fun: continued |
| Expect.equals(barFun, x.fun); // //# fun: continued |
| Expect.equals(42, x.fun()); // //# fun: continued |
| }); // //# fun: continued |
| |
| Expect.throws(() => ping.send(new E(new E(null).instanceFun))); |
| |
| F nonConstF = new F(); |
| ping.send(nonConstF); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.equals("field", x.field); |
| Expect.isFalse(identical(nonConstF, x)); |
| }); |
| |
| const F constF = const F(); |
| ping.send(constF); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.equals("field", x.field); |
| Expect.identical(constF, x); // //# constInstance: ok |
| }); |
| |
| G g1 = new G(nonConstF); |
| G g2 = new G(constF); |
| G g3 = const G(constF); |
| ping.send(g1); |
| ping.send(g2); |
| ping.send(g3); |
| |
| checks.add((x) { |
| // g1. |
| Expect.isTrue(x is G); |
| Expect.isFalse(identical(g1, x)); |
| F f = x.field; |
| Expect.equals("field", f.field); |
| Expect.isFalse(identical(nonConstF, f)); |
| }); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| // g2. |
| Expect.isTrue(x is G); |
| Expect.isFalse(identical(g1, x)); |
| F f = x.field; |
| Expect.equals("field", f.field); |
| Expect.identical(constF, f); // //# constInstance: continued |
| }); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| // g3. |
| Expect.isTrue(x is G); |
| Expect.identical(g3, x); // //# constInstance: continued |
| F f = x.field; |
| Expect.equals("field", f.field); |
| Expect.identical(constF, f); // //# constInstance: continued |
| }); |
| |
| // Make sure objects in a map are serialized and deserialized in the correct |
| // order. |
| Map m = new Map(); |
| Value val1 = new Value(1); |
| Value val2 = new Value(2); |
| m[val1] = val2; |
| m[val2] = val1; |
| // Possible bug we want to catch: |
| // serializer runs through keys first, and then the values: |
| // - id1 = val1, id2 = val2, ref[id2], ref[id1] |
| // deserializer runs through the keys and values in order: |
| // - val1; // id1. |
| // - ref[id2]; // boom. Wasn't deserialized yet. |
| ping.send(m); |
| checks.add((x) { |
| Expect.isTrue(x is Map); |
| Expect.equals(2, x.length); |
| Expect.equals(val2, x[val1]); |
| Expect.equals(val1, x[val2]); |
| Expect.identical(x.keys.elementAt(0), x.values.elementAt(1)); |
| Expect.identical(x.keys.elementAt(1), x.values.elementAt(0)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void main() { |
| asyncStart(); |
| Queue checks = new Queue(); |
| ReceivePort testPort = new ReceivePort(); |
| Completer completer = new Completer(); |
| |
| testPort.listen((msg) { |
| Function check = checks.removeFirst(); |
| check(msg); |
| if (checks.isEmpty) { |
| completer.complete(); |
| testPort.close(); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| ReceivePort initialReplyPort = new ReceivePort(); |
| Isolate |
| .spawn(echoMain, [initialReplyPort.sendPort, testPort.sendPort]) |
| .then((_) => initialReplyPort.first) |
| .then((_ping) { |
| SendPort ping = _ping; |
| runTests(ping, checks); |
| Expect.isTrue(checks.length > 0); |
| completer.future.then((_) => ping.send("halt")).then((_) => asyncEnd()); |
| }); |
| } |