blob: 79cf728aad0de70653ad6a77e8847fe6e453ae77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show utf8;
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:http/testing.dart';
import 'package:telemetry/crash_reporting.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:usage/usage.dart';
void main() {
group('CrashReportSender', () {
late MockClient mockClient;
late AnalyticsMock analytics;
late Request request;
setUp(() {
mockClient = new MockClient((Request r) async {
request = r;
return new Response('crash-report-001', 200);
analytics = new AnalyticsMock()..enabled = true;
EnablementCallback shouldSend = () {
return true;
test('general', () async {
CrashReportSender sender = new
analytics.trackingId, shouldSend,
httpClient: mockClient);
await sender.sendReport('test-error', StackTrace.current);
String body = utf8.decode(request.bodyBytes);
expect(body, contains('String')); // error.runtimeType
expect(body, contains('test-error'));
test('reportsSent', () async {
CrashReportSender sender = new
analytics.trackingId, shouldSend,
httpClient: mockClient);
expect(sender.reportsSent, 0);
await sender.sendReport('test-error', StackTrace.current);
expect(sender.reportsSent, 1);
String body = utf8.decode(request.bodyBytes);
expect(body, contains('String'));
expect(body, contains('test-error'));
test('contains message', () async {
CrashReportSender sender = new
analytics.trackingId, shouldSend,
httpClient: mockClient);
await sender.sendReport('test-error', StackTrace.current,
comment: 'additional message');
String body = utf8.decode(request.bodyBytes);
expect(body, contains('String'));
expect(body, contains('test-error'));
expect(body, contains('additional message'));
test('has attachments', () async {
CrashReportSender sender = new
analytics.trackingId, shouldSend,
httpClient: mockClient);
await sender.sendReport(
attachments: [
CrashReportAttachment.string(field: 'attachment-1', value: 'aaa'),
CrashReportAttachment.string(field: 'attachment-2', value: 'bbb'),
String body = utf8.decode(request.bodyBytes);
expect(body, contains('attachment-1'));
expect(body, contains('aaa'));
expect(body, contains('attachment-2'));
expect(body, contains('bbb'));
test('has ptime', () async {
CrashReportSender sender = new
analytics.trackingId, shouldSend,
httpClient: mockClient);
await sender.sendReport('test-error', StackTrace.current);
String body = utf8.decode(request.bodyBytes);
expect(body, contains('name="ptime"'));