blob: c5c2d035692cf282149c5152fdbe51df0db73379 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A script to track the high water-mark of memory usage of an application.
/// To monitor how much memory dart2js is using, run dart2js as follows:
/// DART_VM_OPTIONS=--observe dart2js ...
/// and run this script immediately after.
library compiler.tool.track_memory;
import 'dart:math' show max;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
/// Socket to connect to the vm observatory service.
WebSocket socket;
main(args) async {
_showProgress(0, 0, 0, 0);
try {
var port = args.length > 0 ? int.parse(args[0]) : 8181;
socket = await WebSocket.connect('ws://localhost:$port/ws');
await _resumeMainIsolateIfPaused();
} catch (e) {
// TODO(sigmund): add better error messages, maybe option to retry.
print('\n${_RED}error${_NONE}: $e');
' Start a Dart process with the --observe flag (and optionally '
'the --pause_isolates_on_start flag), then invoke:\n'
' dart tool/track_memory.dart [<port>]\n'
' by default port is 8181');
/// Internal counter for request ids.
int _requestId = 0;
Map _pendingResponses = {};
/// Subscribe to listen to a vm service data stream.
_streamListen(String streamId) =>
_sendMessage('streamListen', {'streamId': '$streamId'});
/// Tell the vm service to resume a specific isolate.
_resumeIsolate(String isolateId) =>
_sendMessage('resume', {'isolateId': '$isolateId'});
/// Resumes the main isolate if it was paused on start.
_resumeMainIsolateIfPaused() async {
var vm = await _sendMessage('getVM');
var isolateId = vm['isolates'][0]['id'];
var isolate = await _sendMessage('getIsolate', {'isolateId': isolateId});
bool isPaused = isolate['pauseEvent']['kind'] == 'PauseStart';
if (isPaused) _resumeIsolate(isolateId);
/// Send a message to the vm service.
Future _sendMessage(String method, [Map args = const {}]) {
var id = _requestId++;
_pendingResponses[id] = new Completer();
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': '$id',
'method': '$method',
'params': args,
return _pendingResponses[id].future;
/// Handle all responses
void _handleResponse(Object s) {
var json = jsonDecode(s);
if (json['method'] != 'streamNotify') {
var id = json['id'];
if (id is String) id = int.parse(id);
if (id == null || !_pendingResponses.containsKey(id)) return;
// isolate pauses on exit automatically. We detect this to stop and exit.
if (json['params']['streamId'] == 'Debug') {
} else if (json['params']['streamId'] == 'Isolate') {
} else if (json['params']['streamId'] == 'GC') {
/// Handle a `Debug` notification.
_handleDebug(Map json) {
var isolateId = json['params']['event']['isolate']['id'];
if (json['params']['event']['kind'] == 'PauseStart') {
if (json['params']['event']['kind'] == 'PauseExit') {
/// Handle a `Isolate` notification.
_handleIsolate(Map json) {
if (json['params']['event']['kind'] == 'IsolateExit') {
/// Handle a `GC` notification.
_handleGC(Map json) {
// print(new JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(json));
var event = json['params']['event'];
var newUsed = event['new']['used'];
var newCapacity = event['new']['capacity'];
var oldUsed = event['old']['used'];
var oldCapacity = event['old']['capacity'];
_showProgress(newUsed, newCapacity, oldUsed, oldCapacity);
int lastNewUsed = 0;
int lastOldUsed = 0;
int lastMaxUsed = 0;
int lastNewCapacity = 0;
int lastOldCapacity = 0;
int lastMaxCapacity = 0;
/// Shows a status line with use/capacity numbers for new/old/total/max,
/// highlighting in red when capacity increases, and in green when it decreases.
_showProgress(newUsed, newCapacity, oldUsed, oldCapacity) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('\r '); // replace the status-line in place
_writeNumber(sb, lastNewUsed, newUsed);
_writeNumber(sb, lastNewCapacity, newCapacity, color: true);
sb.write(' | ');
_writeNumber(sb, lastOldUsed, oldUsed);
_writeNumber(sb, lastOldCapacity, oldCapacity, color: true);
sb.write(' | ');
_writeNumber(sb, lastNewUsed + lastOldUsed, newUsed + oldUsed);
_writeNumber(sb, lastNewCapacity + lastOldCapacity, newCapacity + oldCapacity,
color: true);
sb.write(' | ');
int maxUsed = max(lastMaxUsed, newUsed + oldUsed);
int maxCapacity = max(lastMaxCapacity, newCapacity + oldCapacity);
_writeNumber(sb, lastMaxUsed, maxUsed);
_writeNumber(sb, lastMaxCapacity, maxCapacity, color: true);
lastNewUsed = newUsed;
lastOldUsed = oldUsed;
lastMaxUsed = maxUsed;
lastNewCapacity = newCapacity;
lastOldCapacity = oldCapacity;
lastMaxCapacity = maxCapacity;
const mega = 1024 * 1024;
_writeNumber(sb, before, now, {color: false}) {
if (color) sb.write(before < now ? _RED : before > now ? _GREEN : '');
var string;
if (now < 1024) {
string = ' ${now}b';
} else if (now < mega) {
string = ' ${(now / 1024).toStringAsFixed(0)}K';
} else {
string = ' ${(now / mega).toStringAsFixed(1)}M';
if (string.length < 10) string = '${' ' * (8 - string.length)}$string';
if (color) sb.write(before != now ? _NONE : '');
return before > now;
_printHeader() {
Memory usage:
new generation | old generation | total | max
in-use/capacity | in-use/capacity | in-use/capacity | in-use/capacity ''');
const _RED = '\x1b[31m';
const _GREEN = '\x1b[32m';
const _NONE = '\x1b[0m';