blob: 463d171ec92e869871208e8addd0c1eceb4cdc62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
library compiler_helper;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js_model/js_strategy.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/link.dart' show Link;
import 'memory_compiler.dart';
export 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
export 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/source_span.dart';
export 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/spannable.dart';
export 'package:compiler/src/util/util.dart';
export 'output_collector.dart';
String _commonTestPath(bool soundNullSafety) {
// Pretend this is a web/native test to allow use of 'native' keyword
// and import of private libraries. However, we have to choose the correct
// folder to enable / disable implicit cfe opt out of null safety.
return soundNullSafety ? 'sdk/tests/web/native' : 'sdk/tests/web_2/native';
/// Compile [code] and returns either the code for [methodName] or, if
/// [returnAll] is true, the code for the entire program.
/// If [check] is provided, it is executed on the code for [entry] before
/// returning.
Future<String> compile(String code,
{String entry: 'main',
String methodName,
bool enableTypeAssertions: false,
bool minify: false,
bool disableInlining: true,
bool disableTypeInference: true,
bool omitImplicitChecks: true,
bool enableVariance: false,
void check(String generatedEntry),
bool returnAll: false,
bool soundNullSafety: false}) async {
OutputCollector outputCollector = returnAll ? new OutputCollector() : null;
List<String> options = <String>[];
if (disableTypeInference) {
if (enableTypeAssertions) {
if (omitImplicitChecks) {
if (minify) {
if (disableInlining) {
if (enableVariance) {
if (soundNullSafety) {
} else {
String commonTestPath = _commonTestPath(soundNullSafety);
Uri entryPoint = Uri.parse('memory:$commonTestPath/main.dart');
Map<String, String> source;
methodName ??= entry;
if (entry != 'main') {
source = {entryPoint.path: "$code\n\nmain() => $entry;"};
} else {
source = {entryPoint.path: code};
CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
entryPoint: entryPoint,
memorySourceFiles: source,
options: options,
outputProvider: outputCollector);
Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
JClosedWorld closedWorld = compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting;
ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment = closedWorld.elementEnvironment;
LibraryEntity mainLibrary = elementEnvironment.mainLibrary;
FunctionEntity element =
elementEnvironment.lookupLibraryMember(mainLibrary, methodName);
JsBackendStrategy backendStrategy = compiler.backendStrategy;
String generated = backendStrategy.getGeneratedCodeForTesting(element);
if (check != null) {
return returnAll ? outputCollector.getOutput('', OutputType.js) : generated;
Future<String> compileAll(String code,
{bool disableInlining: true,
bool minify: false,
bool soundNullSafety: false,
int expectedErrors,
int expectedWarnings}) async {
OutputCollector outputCollector = new OutputCollector();
DiagnosticCollector diagnosticCollector = new DiagnosticCollector();
List<String> options = <String>[];
if (disableInlining) {
if (minify) {
if (soundNullSafety) {
} else {
String commonTestPath = _commonTestPath(soundNullSafety);
Uri entryPoint = Uri.parse('memory:$commonTestPath/main.dart');
CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
entryPoint: entryPoint,
memorySourceFiles: {entryPoint.path: code},
options: options,
outputProvider: outputCollector,
diagnosticHandler: diagnosticCollector);
'Unexpected compilation error(s): '
return outputCollector.getOutput('', OutputType.js);
String anyIdentifier = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*";
String getIntTypeCheck(String variable) {
return "\\($variable ?!== ?\\($variable ?\\| ?0\\)|"
"\\($variable ?>>> ?0 ?!== ?$variable";
String getNumberTypeCheck(String variable) {
return """\\(typeof $variable ?!== ?"number"\\)""";
void checkNumberOfMatches(Iterator it, int nb) {
bool hasNext = it.moveNext();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
Expect.isTrue(hasNext, "Found less than $nb matches");
hasNext = it.moveNext();
Expect.isFalse(hasNext, "Found more than $nb matches");
Future compileAndMatch(String code, String entry, RegExp regexp) {
return compile(code, entry: entry, check: (String generated) {
'"$generated" does not match /$regexp/ from source:\n$code');
Future compileAndDoNotMatch(String code, String entry, RegExp regexp) {
return compile(code, entry: entry, check: (String generated) {
'"$generated" has a match in /$regexp/ from source:\n$code');
int length(Link link) => link.isEmpty ? 0 : length(link.tail) + 1;
// Does a compile and then a match where every 'x' is replaced by something
// that matches any variable, and every space is optional.
Future compileAndMatchFuzzy(String code, String entry, String regexp) {
return compileAndMatchFuzzyHelper(code, entry, regexp, shouldMatch: true);
Future compileAndDoNotMatchFuzzy(String code, String entry, String regexp) {
return compileAndMatchFuzzyHelper(code, entry, regexp, shouldMatch: false);
Future compileAndMatchFuzzyHelper(String code, String entry, String regexp,
{bool shouldMatch}) {
return compile(code, entry: entry, check: (String generated) {
String originalRegexp = regexp;
final xRe = new RegExp('\\bx\\b');
regexp = regexp.replaceAll(xRe, '(?:$anyIdentifier)');
final spaceRe = new RegExp('\\s+');
regexp = regexp.replaceAll(spaceRe, '(?:\\s*)');
if (shouldMatch) {
new RegExp(regexp).hasMatch(generated),
"Pattern '$originalRegexp' not found in\n$generated\n"
"from source\n$code");
} else {
Expect.isFalse(new RegExp(regexp).hasMatch(generated),
"Pattern '$originalRegexp' found in\n$generated\nfrom source\n$code");
/// Returns a 'check' function that uses comments in [test] to drive checking.
/// The comments contains one or more 'present:' or 'absent:' tags, each
/// followed by a quoted string. For example, the returned checker for the
/// following text will ensure that the argument contains the three characters
/// 'foo' and does not contain the two characters '""':
/// // present: "foo"
/// // absent: '""'
checkerForAbsentPresent(String test) {
var matches = _directivePattern.allMatches(test).toList();
checker(String generated) {
if (matches.isEmpty) {"No 'absent:' or 'present:' directives in '$test'");
for (Match match in matches) {
String directive =;
Pattern pattern = match.groups([2, 3, 4]).where((s) => s != null).single;
if ( != null) pattern = RegExp(pattern);
if (directive == 'present') {
"Cannot find '$pattern' in:\n$generated");
} else {
assert(directive == 'absent');
"Must not find '$pattern' in:\n$generated");
return checker;
RegExp _directivePattern = new RegExp(
// \1 \2 \3 \4
r'''// *(present|absent): *(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^'']*)'|/(.*)/)''',
multiLine: true);