blob: c061cb692970c4bcd5d718d8d133e22692d68b11 [file] [log] [blame]
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// @dart = 2.7
/// Test boxing/captures for nested closures.
/*member: useOne:box=(box0 which holds [b1])*/ useOne(/*boxed*/ b1) {
/*box=(box1 which holds [b2]),fields=[box0],free=[b1,box0]*/ () {
var /*boxed*/ b2 = (b1 = 1);
/*fields=[box1],free=[b2,box1]*/ () {
return (b2 = 2);
return b2;
return b1;
/*member: useBoth:box=(box0 which holds [b1])*/ useBoth(/*boxed*/ b1) {
/*box=(box1 which holds [b2]),fields=[box0],free=[b1,box0]*/ () {
var /*boxed*/ b2 = (b1 = 1);
/*fields=[box0,box1],free=[b1,b2,box0,box1]*/ () {
return b1 + (b2 = 2);
return b2;
return b1;
/*member: useMany:box=(box0 which holds [b1,b2,b3])*/
useMany(c1, /*boxed*/ b1) {
var /*boxed*/ b2 = 2;
var /*boxed*/ b3 = 3;
var c2 = 2;
var c3 = 3;
/*box=(box1 which holds [b4]),fields=[box0,c1,c2,c3],free=[b1,b2,b3,box0,c1,c2,c3]*/ () {
var c4 = c1 + c2 + c3;
var /*boxed*/ b4 = (b1 = 1) + (b2 = 2) + (b3 = 3);
/*fields=[box0,box1,c4],free=[b1,b2,b4,box0,box1,c4]*/ () {
return c4 + (b1 = 1) + (b2 = 2) + (b4 = 4);
return b4;
return b1 + b2 + b3 + c1 + c2 + c3;
main() {
useMany(1, 2);