blob: 519770c75db33c34606e047ce7381b343611a38c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/inferrer/typemasks/masks.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart';
import '../helpers/memory_compiler.dart';
const String CODE = """
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
class D implements A {}
class E {}
class F extends E {}
class G implements E {}
class H {}
class I implements H {}
class J extends D implements I {}
class K {}
class M extends K with A {}
class N extends H with I {}
main() {
print([new A(), new B(), new C(), new D(), new E(), new F(), new G(),
new H(), new I(), new J(), new K(), new M(), new N()]);
main() {
runTests() async {
CompilationResult result =
await runCompiler(memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': CODE});
Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
JClosedWorld world = compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting;
ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment = world.elementEnvironment;
AbstractValueDomain commonMasks = world.abstractValueDomain;
/// Checks the expectation of `isDisjoint` for two mask. Also checks that
/// the result is consistent with an equivalent (but slower) implementation
/// based on intersection.
checkMask(TypeMask m1, TypeMask m2, {areDisjoint: false}) {
print('masks: $m1 $m2');
Expect.equals(areDisjoint, m1.isDisjoint(m2, world));
Expect.equals(areDisjoint, m2.isDisjoint(m1, world));
var i1 = m1.intersection(m2, commonMasks);
Expect.equals(areDisjoint, i1.isEmpty && !i1.isNullable);
var i2 = m2.intersection(m1, commonMasks);
Expect.equals(areDisjoint, i2.isEmpty && !i2.isNullable);
Map _maskCache = {};
Map _elementCache = {};
/// Parses a descriptor of a flat mask. A descriptor is of the form "AXY"
/// where:
/// A: either a type T or " " (base class or empty)
/// X: can be either ! or " " (nullable/nonnullable)
/// Y: can be either " " (no flag), = (exact), < (subclass), * (subtype)
/// Examples:
/// "-! " - empty, non-null
/// "- " - null
/// "Type!=" - non-null exact Type
/// "Type =" - nullable exact Type
/// "Type!<" - non-null subclass of Type
/// "Type!*" - non-null subtype of Type
TypeMask maskOf(String descriptor) =>
_maskCache.putIfAbsent(descriptor, () {
Expect.isTrue(descriptor.length >= 3);
var type = descriptor.substring(0, descriptor.length - 2);
bool isNullable = descriptor[descriptor.length - 2] != '!';
bool isExact = descriptor[descriptor.length - 1] == '=';
bool isSubclass = descriptor[descriptor.length - 1] == '<';
bool isSubtype = descriptor[descriptor.length - 1] == '*';
if (type == " ") {
Expect.isFalse(isExact || isSubclass || isSubtype);
return isNullable
? new TypeMask.empty()
: new TypeMask.nonNullEmpty();
Expect.isTrue(isExact || isSubclass || isSubtype);
var element = _elementCache.putIfAbsent(type, () {
if (type == " ") return null;
ClassEntity cls = elementEnvironment.lookupClass(
elementEnvironment.mainLibrary, type);
Expect.isNotNull(cls, "No class '$type' found.");
return cls;
var mask = isExact
? new TypeMask.nonNullExact(element, world)
: (isSubclass
? new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(element, world)
: new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(element, world));
return isNullable ? mask.nullable() : mask;
/// Checks the expectation of `isDisjoint` for two mask descriptors (see
/// [maskOf] for details).
check(String typeMaskDescriptor1, String typeMaskDescriptor2,
{areDisjoint: true}) {
print('[$typeMaskDescriptor1] & [$typeMaskDescriptor2]');
checkMask(maskOf(typeMaskDescriptor1), maskOf(typeMaskDescriptor2),
areDisjoint: areDisjoint);
checkUnions(List<String> descriptors1, List<String> descriptors2,
{areDisjoint: true}) {
print('[$descriptors1] & [$descriptors2]');
var m1 =
new TypeMask.unionOf(, commonMasks);
var m2 =
new TypeMask.unionOf(, commonMasks);
checkMask(m1, m2, areDisjoint: areDisjoint);
// Empty
check(' ! ', ' ! '); // both non-null
check(' ! ', ' '); // one non-null
check(' ', ' ! '); // one non-null
check(' ', ' ', areDisjoint: false); // null is common
// Exact
check('A!=', 'A!=', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!=', 'B!=');
check('A!=', 'E!=');
check('A =', 'E =', areDisjoint: false); // null is common
check('M!=', 'K!=');
check('M!=', 'A!=');
// Exact with subclass
check('A!=', 'A!<', areDisjoint: false);
check('B!=', 'A!<', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!=', 'B!<');
check('A!=', 'E!<');
check('A =', 'E!<');
check('A =', 'E <', areDisjoint: false);
check('M!=', 'K!<', areDisjoint: false);
check('M!=', 'A!<');
// Exact with subtype
check('A!=', 'A!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('B!=', 'A!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!=', 'B!*');
check('A!=', 'E!*');
check('A!=', 'I!*');
check('J!=', 'H!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('M!=', 'K!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('M!=', 'A!*', areDisjoint: false);
// Subclass with subclass
check('A!<', 'A!<', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!<', 'B!<', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!<', 'E!<');
check('A!<', 'H!<');
check('D!<', 'I!<');
check('H!<', 'I!*', areDisjoint: false);
// Subclass with subtype
check('A!<', 'A!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!<', 'B!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!<', 'E!*');
check('A!<', 'H!*');
check('D!<', 'I!*', areDisjoint: false);
// Subtype with subtype
check('A!*', 'A!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!*', 'B!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('A!*', 'E!*');
check('A!*', 'H!*', areDisjoint: false);
check('D!*', 'I!*', areDisjoint: false);
// Unions!
checkUnions(['B!=', 'C!='], ['A!=']);
checkUnions(['B!=', 'C!='], ['A =']);
checkUnions(['B!=', 'C ='], ['A ='], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['B!=', 'C!='], ['A!<'], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['B!=', 'C!='], ['B!='], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['A!<', 'E!<'], ['C!='], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['A!<', 'E!<'], ['F!='], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['A!=', 'E!='], ['C!=', 'F!=']);
checkUnions(['A!=', 'E!='], ['A!=', 'F!='], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['B!=', 'E!='], ['A!<', 'F!='], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['A!<', 'E!<'], ['C!=', 'F!='], areDisjoint: false);
checkUnions(['A!=', 'E!='], ['C!=', 'F!=']);
asyncTest(() async {
print('--test from kernel------------------------------------------------');
await runTests();