blob: 01ad336019b02068a30f6f20319b19ee95b1596a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// Check that spread collections can be used in combination with async/await features.
/// This is a regression test for
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
Future<void> asyncTest1(Future<void> f()) {
return f().then(asyncSuccess);
void main() {
asyncTest1(() async {
await awaitSpreadMemberCallBindTest(); // A
await yieldSpreadMemberCallBindTest(); // C
await spreadAwaitMemberCallBindTest(); // G
await spreadAwaitMemberAccessBindTest(); // I
class A {
List<int> m1() => [1, 2];
Future<List<int?>> run() async {
return [await null, ...m1()];
Future<void> awaitSpreadMemberCallBindTest() async {
// spread on member call in await
Expect.listEquals([null, 1, 2], await A().run());
class C {
List<int> m2() => [1, 2];
Future<List<int>> run() async {
return await run3().toList();
Stream<int> run3() async* {
for (var k in [...await m2()]) yield k;
Future<void> yieldSpreadMemberCallBindTest() async {
var expected = [1, 2];
// spread on await of member call with yield
Expect.listEquals(expected, await C().run());
class G {
List<int> m2() => [1, 2];
Future<List<int>> run() async {
return [...await m2()];
Future<void> spreadAwaitMemberCallBindTest() async {
var expected = [1, 2];
// spread on await of member call
Expect.listEquals(expected, await G().run());
class I1 {
List<int> foo() => [1, 2];
class I {
I1 b = I1();
Future<List<int>> run() async {
return [...await];
Future<void> spreadAwaitMemberAccessBindTest() async {
var expected = [1, 2];
// spread on await of member access
Expect.listEquals(expected, await I().run());