blob: b879c49b827881a9b9b127e06ffd6d4ded8029b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
final dynamic l = <dynamic>[A(), A1(), B()];
main() {
// Switchable call site goes from UnlinkedCall -> Monomorphic.
Expect.equals('C(42)', bar(0, 42));
// Switchable call site goes from Monomorphic -> SingleTarget.
Expect.equals('C(42)', bar(1, 42));
// Switchable call site goes from SingleTarget -> Polymorphic.
// It has to retain the fact that call site is dyn:*.
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => bar(2, 'a'));
Expect.equals('B(43)', bar(2, 42));
bar(int j, dynamic arg) => l[j].foo(arg);
class A {
// This will not get a dyn:* forwarder because it's parameter type is
// top-type.
String foo(Object? a) => 'C($a)';
class A1 extends A {
// A different receiver cid but with same target (i.e. we do not override A).
class B {
// This will get a dyn:* forwarder because it's parameter type is not
// top-type (and neither covariant)
String foo(int a) => 'B(${a + 1})';