blob: 9cfbdd3a2cf406e99a724a319143177c189108b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
var thing1;
var thing2;
testeeMain() {
thing1 = 3;
thing2 = 4;
var tests = <IsolateTest>[
(Isolate isolate) async {
Library lib = await isolate.rootLibrary.load() as Library;
Field thing1Field = await lib.variables
.singleWhere((v) => == "thing1")
.load() as Field;
var thing1 = thing1Field.staticValue!;
Field thing2Field = await lib.variables
.singleWhere((v) => == "thing2")
.load() as Field;
var thing2 = thing2Field.staticValue!;
Instance result = await lib.evaluate("x + y",
scope: <String, ServiceObject>{"x": thing1, "y": thing2}) as Instance;
expect(result.valueAsString, equals('7'));
bool didThrow = false;
try {
result = await lib.evaluate("x + y",
scope: <String, ServiceObject>{"x": lib, "y": lib}) as Instance;
} catch (e) {
didThrow = true;
contains("Cannot evaluate against a VM-internal object"));
expect(didThrow, isTrue);
didThrow = false;
try {
result = await lib.evaluate("x + y",
scope: <String, ServiceObject>{"not&an&identifier": thing1})
as Instance;
} catch (e) {
didThrow = true;
expect(e.toString(), contains("invalid 'scope' parameter"));
expect(didThrow, isTrue);
main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests, testeeBefore: testeeMain);