blob: 255c360abb265bb1666ebff05fcbdcfcab38005b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class Fields<T> {
T x;
T _y;
T _z;
m() {
_y = x;
n(Fields<T> c) {
c._z = x;
testField() {
Fields<Object> c = new Fields<int>();
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.x = 'hello');
Fields<dynamic> d = new Fields<int>();
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.x = 'hello');
testPrivateFields() {
Fields<Object> c = new Fields<int>()..x = 42;
Expect.equals(c._y, 42);
Fields<Object> c2 = new Fields<String>()..x = 'hi';
Expect.equals(c2._z, 'hi');
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.n(c2));
Expect.equals(c2._z, 'hi');
class NumBounds<T extends num> {
bool m(T t) => t.isNegative;
class MethodTakesNum extends NumBounds<int> {
bool m(num obj) => obj.isNegative; // does not need check
class MethodTakesInt extends NumBounds<int> {
bool m(int obj) => obj.isNegative; // needs a check
testClassBounds() {
NumBounds<num> d = new MethodTakesNum();
Expect.equals(d.m(-1.1), true);
d = new MethodTakesInt();
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => d.m(-1.1));
typedef void F<T>(T t);
typedef G<T> = void Function<S extends T>(S s);
class FnChecks<T> {
F<T> f;
G<T> g;
T _t;
T getT() => _t;
F<T> setterForT() {
return (T t) {
_t = t;
testReturnOfFunctionType() {
FnChecks<int> cInt = new FnChecks<int>();
FnChecks<Object> cObj = cInt;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => cObj.setterForT());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => (cObj.setterForT() as F<Object>));
FnChecks<dynamic> cDyn = cInt;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => cDyn.setterForT());
() => (cDyn as dynamic).setterForT()('hi')); // dcall throws
Expect.equals(cObj.getT(), 42);
testTearoffReturningFunctionType() {
FnChecks<int> cInt = new FnChecks<int>();
FnChecks<Object> cObj = cInt;
() => cObj.setterForT, 'unsound tear-off throws at runtime');
Expect.equals(cInt.setterForT, cInt.setterForT, 'sound tear-off works');
testFieldOfFunctionType() {
FnChecks<Object> c = new FnChecks<String>()..f = (String b) {};
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
F<Object> f = c.f;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
Object f = c.f;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.f);
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.f(42));
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.f('hi'));
FnChecks<String> cStr = c;
FnChecks<dynamic> cDyn = c;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => cDyn.f);
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => (cDyn as dynamic).f(42)); // dcall throws
testFieldOfGenericFunctionType() {
FnChecks<Object> c = new FnChecks<num>()
..g = <S extends num>(S s) => s.isNegative;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
G<Object> g = c.g;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
var g = c.g;
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.g<String>('hi'));
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => c.g<int>(42));
FnChecks<num> cNum = c;
class Base {
int _t = 0;
add(int t) {
_t += t;
abstract class I<T> {
add(T t);
class ExtendsBase extends Base implements I<int> {}
class MixinBase extends Object with Base implements I<int> {}
class MixinBase2 = Object with Base implements I<int>;
testMixinApplication() {
I<Object> i = new ExtendsBase();
I<Object> j = new MixinBase();
I<Object> k = new MixinBase2();
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => i.add('hi'));
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => j.add('hi'));
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => k.add('hi'));
class GenericMethodBounds<T> {
Type get t => T;
GenericMethodBounds<E> foo<E extends T>() => new GenericMethodBounds<E>();
GenericMethodBounds<E> bar<E extends void Function(T)>() =>
new GenericMethodBounds<E>();
class GenericMethodBoundsDerived extends GenericMethodBounds<num> {
GenericMethodBounds<E> foo<E extends num>() => new GenericMethodBounds<E>();
GenericMethodBounds<E> bar<E extends void Function(num)>() =>
new GenericMethodBounds<E>();
GenericMethodBounds<E> Function<E extends T>() genericFunctionWithBounds<T>() {
inner<E extends T>() => new GenericMethodBounds<E>();
return inner;
testGenericMethodBounds() {
test(GenericMethodBounds<Object> g) {
Expect.throwsTypeError(() =><String>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() =>;
Expect.equals(<Null>().t, Null);
Expect.equals(<int>().t, int);
Expect.isFalse(<int>() is GenericMethodBounds<double>);<Function(Object)>();
dynamic d = g;<Function(num)>();
Expect.throwsTypeError(() =><Function(String)>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() =><Function(Null)>());
test(new GenericMethodBounds<num>());
test(new GenericMethodBounds<int>());
test(new GenericMethodBoundsDerived());
class ClassF<T> {
T x;
void call(T t) {
x = t;
testCallMethod() {
ClassF<int> cc = new ClassF<int>();
ClassF<Object> ca = cc; // An upcast, per covariance.
F<Object> f = ca;
void f2(Object x) {}
Expect.equals(f.runtimeType, f2.runtimeType);
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => f(new Object()));
class TearOff<T> {
method1(T t) => null; // needs check
method2(Function(T) takesT) => null;
method3(T Function() returnsT) => null; // needs check
method4(Function(Function(T)) takesTakesT) => null; // needs check
method5(Function(T Function()) takesReturnsT) => null;
method6(Function(T) Function() returnsTakesT) => null;
method7(T Function() Function() returnsReturnsT) => null; // needs check
typedef F1 = dynamic Function(Object);
typedef F2 = dynamic Function(dynamic Function(int));
typedef F3 = dynamic Function(dynamic Function(int Function()));
typedef F4 = dynamic Function(dynamic Function(int) Function());
testTearOffRuntimeType() {
expectRTTI(tearoff, type) => Expect.equals(tearoff.runtimeType, type,
'covariant params should reify with Object as their type');
TearOff<num> t = new TearOff<int>();
expectRTTI(t.method1, F1);
expectRTTI(t.method2, F2);
expectRTTI(t.method3, F1);
expectRTTI(t.method4, F1);
expectRTTI(t.method5, F3);
expectRTTI(t.method6, F4);
expectRTTI(t.method7, F1);
main() {