blob: ddb0331fec383e46fd83718098223945d54e1ddb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._internal;
/// A rudimentary linked list.
class LinkedList<T extends LinkedListEntry<T>> extends IterableBase<T> {
T get first => _first as T;
T? _first;
T get last => _last as T;
T? _last;
int length = 0;
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
* Adds [newLast] to the end of this linked list.
void add(T newLast) {
assert(newLast._next == null && newLast._previous == null);
if (_last != null) {
assert(_last!._next == null);
_last!._next = newLast;
} else {
_first = newLast;
newLast._previous = _last;
_last = newLast;
_last!._list = this;
* Adds [newFirst] to the beginning of this linked list.
void addFirst(T newFirst) {
if (_first != null) {
assert(_first!._previous == null);
_first!._previous = newFirst;
} else {
_last = newFirst;
newFirst._next = _first;
_first = newFirst;
_first!._list = this;
* Removes the given [node] from this list.
* If the entry is not in this linked list nothing happens.
* Also see [LinkedListEntry.unlink].
void remove(T node) {
if (node._list != this) return;
if (node._previous == null) {
assert(identical(node, _first));
_first = node._next;
} else {
node._previous!._next = node._next;
if (node._next == null) {
assert(identical(node, _last));
_last = node._previous;
} else {
node._next!._previous = node._previous;
node._next = node._previous = null;
node._list = null;
Iterator<T> get iterator => new _LinkedListIterator<T>(this);
class LinkedListEntry<T extends LinkedListEntry<T>> {
T? _next;
T? _previous;
LinkedList<T>? _list;
* Unlinks the element from its linked list.
* If the entry is not in a linked list, does nothing. Otherwise, this
* is equivalent to calling [LinkedList.remove] on the list this entry
* is currently in.
void unlink() {
_list?.remove(this as T);
class _LinkedListIterator<T extends LinkedListEntry<T>> implements Iterator<T> {
/// The current element of the iterator.
T? _current;
T get current => _current as T;
/// The list the iterator iterates over.
/// Set to [null] if the provided list was empty (indicating that there were
/// no entries to iterate over).
/// Set to [null] as soon as [moveNext] was invoked (indicating that the
/// iterator has to work with [current] from now on.
LinkedList<T>? _list;
_LinkedListIterator(LinkedList<T> list) : _list = list {
if (list.length == 0) _list = null;
bool moveNext() {
// current is null if the iterator hasn't started iterating, or if the
// iteration is finished. In the first case, the [_list] field is not null.
if (_current == null) {
var list = _list;
if (list == null) return false;
assert(list.length > 0);
_current = list.first;
_list = null;
return true;
_current = _current!._next;
return _current != null;