blob: 60fa3500ff8360f4a9ced28d8f013b172c3f557c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._internal;
class LateError extends Error {
final String? _message;
// The constructor names have been deliberately shortened to reduce the size
// of unminified code as used by DDC.
LateError.fieldADI(String fieldName)
: _message =
"Field '$fieldName' has been assigned during initialization.";
LateError.localADI(String localName)
: _message =
"Local '$localName' has been assigned during initialization.";
LateError.fieldNI(String fieldName)
: _message = "Field '${fieldName}' has not been initialized.";
LateError.localNI(String localName)
: _message = "Local '${localName}' has not been initialized.";
LateError.fieldAI(String fieldName)
: _message = "Field '${fieldName}' has already been initialized.";
LateError.localAI(String localName)
: _message = "Local '${localName}' has already been initialized.";
String toString() {
var message = _message;
return (message != null)
? "LateInitializationError: $message"
: "LateInitializationError";
class ReachabilityError extends Error {
final String? _message;
String toString() {
var message = _message;
return (message != null)
? "ReachabilityError: $message"
: "ReachabilityError";