blob: 1f8b12d6dd926b819d03457f24132bdf3f6ac9f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:io' show File, Platform;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/messages/severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart'
show DiagnosticMessage;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart'
show Class, Component, ConstantExpression, Field, IntConstant, Library;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show NoneTarget, TargetFlags;
import 'binary_md_dill_reader.dart' show BinaryMdDillReader;
import 'incremental_suite.dart' show getOptions, normalCompileToComponent;
import 'utils/io_utils.dart' show computeRepoDir;
const String maxSupported =
"static const uint32_t kMaxSupportedKernelFormatVersion = ";
// Match stuff like "V(Nothing, 0)"
final RegExp tagParser = new RegExp(r"V\((\w*),\s*(\d+)\)");
// Match stuff like "kNullConstant = 0,"
final RegExp constantTagParser = new RegExp(r"k(\w*)\s*=\s*(\d+)");
main() async {
File binaryMd = new File("$repoDir/pkg/kernel/");
String binaryMdContent = binaryMd.readAsStringSync();
BinaryMdDillReader binaryMdReader =
new BinaryMdDillReader(binaryMdContent, []);
File vmTagFile = new File("$repoDir/runtime/vm/kernel_binary.h");
String vmTagContent = vmTagFile.readAsStringSync();
List<String> vmTagLines = vmTagContent.split("\n");
int vmVersion;
Map<int, String> vmTagToName = {};
Map<int, String> vmConstantTagToName = {};
for (int i = 0; i < vmTagLines.length; i++) {
String line = vmTagLines[i];
if (line.startsWith(maxSupported)) {
vmVersion = int.parse(line
.substring(line.indexOf(maxSupported) + maxSupported.length)
.substring(0, 2) // Assume version < 100 for now.
} else if (line.startsWith("#define KERNEL_TAG_LIST(V)")) {
while (true) {
RegExpMatch match = tagParser.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
int value = int.parse(;
int end = value + 1;
if (uses8Tags( {
end = value + 8;
for (int j = value; j < end; j++) {
vmTagToName[j] =;
if (!vmTagLines[i].trim().endsWith(r"\")) {
line = vmTagLines[i];
} else if (line.startsWith("enum ConstantTag {")) {
while (true) {
RegExpMatch match = constantTagParser.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
vmConstantTagToName[int.parse(] =;
if (vmTagLines[i].trim().startsWith("}")) {
line = vmTagLines[i];
final Uri kernelTagUri = Uri.base.resolve("pkg/kernel/lib/binary/tag.dart");
Component c = await normalCompileToComponent(kernelTagUri,
options: getOptions() = new NoneTarget(new TargetFlags())
..onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage message) {
if (message.severity == Severity.error) {
Library tagLibrary =
c.libraries.firstWhere((l) => l.fileUri.pathSegments.last == "tag.dart");
Class tagClass = tagLibrary.classes.firstWhere((c) => == "Tag");
Class constantTagClass =
tagLibrary.classes.firstWhere((c) => == "ConstantTag");
int tagVersion;
for (TagCompare compareMe in [
new TagCompare(binaryMdReader.tagToName, binaryMdReader.version,
vmTagToName, vmVersion, tagClass),
new TagCompare(binaryMdReader.constantTagToName, binaryMdReader.version,
vmConstantTagToName, vmVersion, constantTagClass)
]) {
Map<int, String> tagToName = {};
for (Field f in compareMe.tagClass.fields) {
// Class doesn't only contain tag stuff.
if ("Mask")) continue;
if ("HighBit")) continue;
if ("Bias")) continue;
if ( == "ComponentFile") continue;
ConstantExpression value = f.initializer;
IntConstant intConstant = value.constant;
int intValue = intConstant.value;
if ( == "BinaryFormatVersion") {
tagVersion = intValue;
int end = intValue + 1;
// There are a few special cases that takes up a total of 8 tags.
if (uses8Tags( {
end = intValue + 8;
for (; intValue < end; intValue++) {
if (tagToName[intValue] != null) {
throw "Double entry for ${intValue}: "
"${} and ${tagToName[intValue]}";
tagToName[intValue] =;
Map<int, String> tagToNameMd = {};
for (MapEntry<int, String> entry in compareMe.mdTagToName.entries) {
if (entry.value.contains("<")) {
tagToNameMd[entry.key] =
entry.value.substring(0, entry.value.indexOf("<")).trim();
} else {
tagToNameMd[entry.key] = entry.value;
// Kernels tag.dart vs binary.mds tags.
for (int key in tagToNameMd.keys) {
String nameMd = tagToNameMd[key];
String name = tagToName[key];
if (nameMd == name) continue;
throw "$key: $nameMd vs $name";
for (int key in tagToName.keys) {
String nameMd = tagToNameMd[key];
String name = tagToName[key];
if (nameMd == name) continue;
throw "$key: $nameMd vs $name";
if (tagVersion != compareMe.mdVersion) {
throw "Version in tag.dart: $tagVersion; "
"version in ${compareMe.mdVersion}";
// Kernels tag.dart vs the VMs tags.
// Here we only compare one way because the VM can have more (old) tags.
for (int key in tagToName.keys) {
String nameVm = compareMe.vmTagToName[key];
String name = tagToName[key];
if (nameVm == name) continue;
throw "$key: $nameVm vs $name";
if (tagVersion != compareMe.vmVersion) {
throw "Version in tag.dart: $tagVersion; "
"version in VM: ${compareMe.vmVersion}";
bool uses8Tags(String name) {
return name == "SpecializedVariableGet" ||
name == "SpecializedVariableSet" ||
name == "SpecializedIntLiteral";
final String repoDir = computeRepoDir();
String get dartVm => Platform.executable;
class TagCompare {
final Map<int, String> mdTagToName;
final int mdVersion;
final Map<int, String> vmTagToName;
final int vmVersion;
final Class tagClass;
TagCompare(this.mdTagToName, this.mdVersion, this.vmTagToName, this.vmVersion,