blob: e8fe329ca3a76538540df89bbea2103640ba7a91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class A {}
class B extends A {}
List<B> xs;
List<List<B>> xss;
class Class<T extends A> {
void method1a(T t) {
if (t is B) {
// `t` is now promoted to T & B
// The list literal has type List<T>, not List<T & B>
var ys = [t];
xs = ys;
void method1b(T t) {
if (t is B) {
// `t` is now promoted to T & B
// The list literal has type List<List<T>>, not List<List<T & B>>
var yss = [
xss = yss;
void method2a(T t) {
dynamic alias;
if (t is B) {
// `t` is now promoted to T & B
// The list literal has type List<T>, not List<T & B>
var ys = [t];
alias = ys;
xs = alias;
void method2b(T t) {
dynamic alias;
if (t is B) {
// `t` is now promoted to T & B
// The list literal has type List<List<T>>, not List<List<T & B>>
var yss = [
alias = yss;
xss = alias;
void main() {
throws(() {
print(xs.runtimeType); // 'List<A>'.
throws(() {
print(xs.runtimeType); // 'List<A>'.
void errors() {
void throws(void Function() f) {
try {
} catch (e) {
throw 'Expected throws';