blob: 09c3c41ca8bdd8e298d5fce336b2cd62bb0fe777 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:dartdev/dartdev.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
void main() {
group('help', help, timeout: longTimeout);
void help() {
TestProject p;
tearDown(() => p?.dispose());
/// Commands not tested by the following loop.
List<String> _commandsNotTested = <String>[
'help', // `dart help help` is redundant
'test', // `dart help test` does not call `test:test --help`.
.forEach((String commandKey, Command command) {
if (!_commandsNotTested.contains(commandKey)) {
test('(help $commandKey == $commandKey --help)', () {
p = project();
var result = p.runSync(['help', commandKey]);
var verbHelpResult = p.runSync([commandKey, '--help']);
expect(result.stdout, contains(verbHelpResult.stdout));
expect(result.stderr, contains(verbHelpResult.stderr));
test('(help test ~= test --help) outside project', () {
p = project();
var result = p.runSync(['help', 'test']);
var testHelpResult = p.runSync(['test', '--help']);
expect(testHelpResult.stdout, contains(result.stdout));
expect(testHelpResult.stderr, contains(result.stderr));
test('(help pub == pub --help)', () {
p = project();
var result = p.runSync(['help', 'pub']);
var pubHelpResult = p.runSync(['pub', '--help']);
expect(result.stdout, contains(pubHelpResult.stdout));
expect(result.stderr, contains(pubHelpResult.stderr));
test('(--help flags also have -h abbr)', () {
.forEach((String commandKey, Command command) {
var helpOption = command.argParser.options['help'];
// Some commands (like pub which use
// "argParser = ArgParser.allowAnything()") may not have the help Option
// accessible with the API used above:
if (helpOption != null) {
expect(helpOption.abbr, 'h', reason: '');