blob: b753715248f312632e2773da7c6745e77f31555b [file] [log] [blame]
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:55:32: Error: Not a constant expression.
// const dynamic instance_get = nullableClass1.field;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:63:36: Error: Not a constant expression.
// const dynamic instance_tearOff = nonNullableClass1.method;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:82:27: Error: Not a constant expression.
// const dynamic dyn_get = dyn.field;
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:106:36: Error: Not a constant expression.
// const dynamic function_tearOff =;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:67:18: Error: Can't tear off method 'call' from a potentially null value.
// Function? f2 = nullableClass2;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:110:27: Error: Too few positional arguments: 1 required, 0 given.
// nonNullableClass1.method().field;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:113:21: Error: The getter 'unresolved' isn't defined for the class 'Class1'.
// - 'Class1' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart'.
// Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'unresolved'.
// nonNullableClass1.unresolved;
// ^^^^^^^^^^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class Class1 extends core::Object {
field core::int field;
static field core::int staticField = 42;
constructor •(core::int field) self::Class1
: self::Class1::field = field, super core::Object::•()
method method(core::double o) core::int
return 0;
static method staticMethod(core::double o) core::int
return 0;
class Class2<T extends core::Object? = dynamic> extends core::Object {
generic-covariant-impl field self::Class2::T% field;
constructor •(self::Class2::T% field) self::Class2<self::Class2::T%>
: self::Class2::field = field, super core::Object::•()
method call() core::int
return 42;
static field core::int topLevelField = 42;
static const field core::String string = #C1;
static const field core::int stringLength = #C2;
static const field dynamic dynamicString = #C1;
static const field core::int dynamicStringLength = #C2;
static method topLevelMethod(core::double o) core::int
return 0;
static method test<T1 extends core::Function = core::Function, T2 extends () core::int = () core::int>(self::Class1 nonNullableClass1, self::Class1? nullableClass1, dynamic dyn, Never never, self::Class2<core::String> nonNullableClass2, self::Class2<core::String>? nullableClass2, core::Function nonNullableFunction, core::Function? nullableFunction, () core::int nonNullableFunctionType, () →? core::int nullableFunctionType, self::test::T1 nonNullableTypeVariable1, self::test::T1? nullableTypeVariable1, self::test::T2 nonNullableTypeVariable2, self::test::T2? nullableTypeVariable2) dynamic {
let final self::Class1? #t1 = nullableClass1 in #t1 == null ?{core::int?} null : #t1{self::Class1}.{self::Class1::field}{core::int};
let final self::Class2<core::String>? #t2 = nullableClass2 in #t2 == null ?{core::String?} null : #t2{self::Class2<core::String>}.{self::Class2::field}{core::String};
const dynamic instance_get = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:55:32: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic instance_get = nullableClass1.field;
core::print(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:55:32: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic instance_get = nullableClass1.field;
nonNullableClass1.{self::Class1::method}{(core::double) core::int};
let final self::Class1? #t3 = nullableClass1 in #t3 == null ?{(core::double) →? core::int} null : #t3{self::Class1}.{self::Class1::method}{(core::double) → core::int};
nonNullableClass2.{self::Class2::call}{() core::int};
let final self::Class2<core::String>? #t4 = nullableClass2 in #t4 == null ?{() →? core::int} null : #t4{self::Class2<core::String>}.{self::Class2::call}{() → core::int};
const dynamic instance_tearOff = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:63:36: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic instance_tearOff = nonNullableClass1.method;
core::print(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:63:36: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic instance_tearOff = nonNullableClass1.method;
core::Function f1 = let final self::Class2<core::String> #t5 = nonNullableClass2 in #t5 == null ?{() → core::int} null : #t5.{self::Class2::call};
core::Function? f2 = let final Never #t6 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:67:18: Error: Can't tear off method 'call' from a potentially null value.
Function? f2 = nullableClass2;
^" in nullableClass2 as{TypeError} core::Function?;
let final dynamic #t7 = dyn in #t7 == null ?{dynamic} null : #t7{dynamic}.field;
const dynamic dyn_get = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:82:27: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic dyn_get = dyn.field;
core::print(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:82:27: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic dyn_get = dyn.field;
core::print("InstanceGet (Object)");
core::print("InstanceGetTearOff (Object)");
dyn.{core::Object::toString}{() → core::String};
nullableClass1.{core::Object::toString}{() → core::String};
core::print("DynamicGet (Never)");
let final core::Function? #t8 = nullableFunction in #t8 == null ?{core::Function?} null : #t8{core::Function}.call;;
let final () →? core::int #t9 = nullableFunctionType in #t9 == null ?{() →? core::int} null : #t9{() → core::int}.call;;
let final self::test::T1? #t10 = nullableTypeVariable1 in #t10 == null ?{self::test::T1?} null : #t10{self::test::T1}.call;;
let final self::test::T2? #t11 = nullableTypeVariable2 in #t11 == null ?{self::test::T2?} null : #t11{self::test::T2}.call;
const dynamic function_tearOff = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:106:36: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic function_tearOff =;
core::print(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:106:36: Error: Not a constant expression.
const dynamic function_tearOff =;
core::print("DynamicGet (Invalid)");
(let final Never #t12 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:110:27: Error: Too few positional arguments: 1 required, 0 given.
^" in nonNullableClass1.{self::Class1::method}{<inapplicable>}.(){() → invalid-type}){<invalid>}.field;
core::print("DynamicGet (Unresolved)");
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart:113:21: Error: The getter 'unresolved' isn't defined for the class 'Class1'.
- 'Class1' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/none/property_get.dart'.
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'unresolved'.
static method main() → dynamic {}
constants {
#C1 = "foo"
#C2 = 3
#C3 = tearoff self::Class1::staticMethod
#C4 = tearoff self::topLevelMethod