blob: ba953480e3309eabc271b534681469a13ba69e28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
final bool alwaysTrue = int.parse('1') == 1;
abstract class I {
double get val;
void set val(double v);
class Foo implements I {
double val;
class Bar implements I {
double val = alwaysTrue ? 1.1 : 2.2;
double identity(double x) => x;
void testGetter() {
final I a = alwaysTrue ? Foo(4.2) : Bar();
// Call intrinsic getter (which should make a copy if field is unboxed)
final value = a.val;
final valueAlias = identity(value);
if (a is Foo) {
// Override the mutable box via direct StoreInstanceField instruction.
a.val = 99.0;
// Ensure value (aka valueAlias) was not overriden with 99.0
Expect.equals(4.2, valueAlias);
void testSetter() {
final I a = alwaysTrue ? Foo(1.0) : Bar();
final value = alwaysTrue ? 4.2 : 2.1;
final valueAlias = identity(value);
// Call intrinsic setter (which should make a copy if field is unboxed)
a.val = value;
if (a is Foo) {
// Override the mutable box via direct StoreInstanceField instruction.
a.val = 99.0;
// Ensure value (aka valueAlias) was not overriden with 99.0
Expect.equals(4.2, valueAlias);
main() {