blob: b70a3d4e0c7c46f4b5496f65b319d5761ed49225 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This test verifies that with --strict_null_safety_checks runtime casts and
// required parameters have strong mode semantics in weak mode.
// Derived from tests/language/nnbd/subtyping/type_casts_strong_test.dart
// and tests/language/nnbd/required_named_parameters/required_named_args_strong_test.dart.
// VMOptions=--strict_null_safety_checks --optimization_counter_threshold=10 --deterministic
// Requirements=nnbd-weak
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class C {}
class W<T> {
asT(arg) => arg as T;
asNullableT(arg) => arg as T?;
asXT(arg) => arg as X<T>;
asNullableXT(arg) => arg as X<T>?;
asXNullableT(arg) => arg as X<T?>;
class X<T> {}
class Y {}
class Z extends Y {}
testCasts() {
// Testing 'arg as T', T = Y
final wy = new W<Y>();
wy.asT(new Y());
wy.asT(new Z());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wy.asT(new C());
// Testing 'arg as T?', T = Y
wy.asNullableT(new Y());
wy.asNullableT(new Z());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wy.asNullableT(new C());
// Testing 'arg as X<T>', T = Y
wy.asXT(new X<Y>());
wy.asXT(new X<Z>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wy.asXT(new X<dynamic>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wy.asXT(new X<Y?>());
// Testing 'arg as X<T>?', T = Y
wy.asNullableXT(new X<Y>());
wy.asNullableXT(new X<Z>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wy.asNullableXT(new X<dynamic>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wy.asNullableXT(new X<Y?>());
// Testing 'arg as X<T?>', T = Y
wy.asXNullableT(new X<Y>());
wy.asXNullableT(new X<Z>());
wy.asXNullableT(new X<Y?>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wy.asXNullableT(new X<dynamic>());
// Testing 'arg as X<T>', T = Y?
final wny = new W<Y?>();
wny.asXT(new X<Y>());
wny.asXT(new X<Z>());
wny.asXT(new X<Y?>());
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
wny.asXT(new X<dynamic>());
func(String q0, {bool p3 = false, required int p1, required String p2}) => "";
testRequiredParameters() {
dynamic f = func;
// Invalid: Subtype may not redeclare optional parameters as required.
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
String p0, {
required int p1,
String p2,
}) t2 = f;
// Invalid: Subtype may not declare new required named parameters.
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
String p0, {
required int p1,
}) t3 = f;
// Invalid: Invocation with explicit null required named argument.
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
f("", p1: null, p2: null);
Expect.throwsTypeError(() {
Function.apply(f, [""], {#p1: null, #p2: null});
// Invalid: Invocation that omits a required named argument.
Expect.throwsNoSuchMethodError(() {
f("", p1: 100);
Expect.throwsNoSuchMethodError(() {
Function.apply(f, [""], {#p1: 100});
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {