blob: b7be0f3e5deba4af947218185da84ff01e2f0e2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'type_builder.dart';
// Tests for runtime type object normalization.
// Check that two objects have equal runtime types,
// compared in any order.
void checkTypeEquals2(Object? a, Object? b) {
checkEquals2(a.runtimeType, b.runtimeType);
// Check that two objects have unequal runtime types,
// compared in any order.
void checkTypeNotEquals2(Object? a, Object? b) {
checkNotEquals2(a.runtimeType, b.runtimeType);
// Check that three objects have equal runtime types,
// compared in combination and any order.
void checkTypeEquals3(Object? a, Object? b, Object? c) {
checkTypeEquals2(a, b);
checkTypeEquals2(a, c);
checkTypeEquals2(b, c);
// Check that three objects have unequal runtime types,
// compared in combination and any order.
void checkTypeNotEquals3(Object? a, Object? b, Object? c) {
checkTypeNotEquals2(a, b);
checkTypeNotEquals2(a, c);
checkTypeNotEquals2(b, c);
// Tests of generic function types.
class SimpleBoundTests<T> {
// These are equal if `T` is equivalent to a top type or Object
T f1<S extends FutureOr<T>>() => throw "Unused";
T f2<R extends T>() => throw "Unused";
// These are equal if `T` is equivalent to Never or Null
T g1<S extends FutureOr<T>?>() => throw "Unused";
T g2<R extends Future<T>?>() => throw "Unused";
// These are equal if `T` is nullable
T h1<S extends FutureOr<T>?>() => throw "Unused";
T h2<R extends FutureOr<T>>() => throw "Unused";
// If `T` is a top type, check that the appropriate
// equalities and disequalities hold.
static void checkAtTopType<T>() {
var a = SimpleBoundTests<T>();
checkTypeEquals2(a.f1, a.f2);
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.g1, a.g2);
checkTypeEquals2(a.h1, a.h2);
// Check the top type related equalites and inequalities
// at various top types.
static void checkTopTypes() {
// Check that the types of the methods above are equal or not at
// a bottom type
static void checkAtBottomType<T>() {
var a = SimpleBoundTests<T>();
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.f1, a.f2);
checkTypeEquals2(a.g1, a.g2);
if (null is T) {
checkTypeEquals2(a.h1, a.h2);
} else {
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.h1, a.h2);
// Check that the types of the methods above are equal or not at
// the bottom types
static void checkBottomTypes() {
// Check that the methods above have different types given
// a non-top, non-nullable type.
static void checkAtNonNullableType<T extends Object>() {
var a = SimpleBoundTests<T>();
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.f1, a.f2);
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.g1, a.g2);
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.h1, a.h2);
// Check that the methods above have different types for
// several non-top non-nullable types.
static void checkNonNullableTypes() {
// Check that the methods above are equal or not given
// a non-top nullable type.
static void checkAtNullableType<T>() {
var a = SimpleBoundTests<T>();
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.f1, a.f2);
checkTypeNotEquals2(a.g1, a.g2);
checkTypeEquals2(a.h1, a.h2);
// Check that the methods above are equal or not for
// several non-top nullable types.
static void checkNullableTypes() {
static void check() {
class NeverTests<T> {
T f1<S extends T>(T x) => throw "Unused";
S f2<S extends T>(Object? x) => throw "Unused";
Never f3<S extends T>(Object? x) => throw "Unused";
R g1<S extends T, R extends S>(List<S> x) => throw "Unused";
Never g2<S extends T, R extends S>(List<Never> x) => throw "Unused";
FutureOr<R> h1<S extends T, R extends S>(S? x) => throw "Unused";
Future<Never> h2<S extends T, R extends S>(Null x) => throw "Unused";
void Function<S0 extends FutureOr<R>, S1 extends R, S2 extends R?>()
i1<R>() =>
<T0 extends FutureOr<R>, T1 extends R, T2 extends R?>() {};
void Function<S0 extends Future<Never>, S1 extends Never, S2 extends Null>()
i2<R>() =>
<R0 extends Future<Never>, R1 extends Never, R2 extends Null>() {};
void neverBoundTests() {
var o = NeverTests<Never>();
checkTypeEquals3(o.f1, o.f2, o.f3);
checkTypeEquals2(o.g1, o.g2);
checkTypeEquals2(o.h1, o.h2);
checkTypeEquals2(o.i1<Never>(), o.i2<Never>());
checkTypeNotEquals2(o.i1<Null>(), o.i2<Null>());
var o = NeverTests<Null>();
checkTypeNotEquals3(o.f1, o.f2, o.f3);
checkTypeNotEquals2(o.g1, o.g2);
checkTypeNotEquals2(o.h1, o.h2);
checkTypeEquals2(o.i1<Never>(), o.i2<Never>());
checkTypeNotEquals2(o.i1<Null>(), o.i2<Null>());
void fBoundedTests() {
void f1<T extends FutureOr<T>>() {}
void f2<S extends FutureOr<S>>() {}
checkTypeEquals2(f1, f2);
void g1<T extends List<S>, S extends T>() {}
void g2<T0 extends List<S0>, S0 extends T0>() {}
checkTypeEquals2(g1, g2);
void h1<T extends FutureOr<T?>?>() {}
void h2<S extends FutureOr<S?>>() {}
checkTypeEquals2(h1, h2);
void main() {