blob: 44d61bb1fa42ab17bf16df29201d6ece31ed781b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This library sets up various null-safe classes which have as a
// superinterface one of `A<int>`,`A<int?>`, `M<int>` or `M<int?>`.
// Each class has a getter, setter, and method; each is concrete; and
// the method signatures are incompatible (so the signature from `A<int>`
// and from `A<int?>` do not have a correct override relationship in
// any direction), thus allowing a test to verify that legacy type
// mitigation does take place when superinterfaces like `A<int>` and
// `A<int?>` are brought together, it is not just overriding.
// Naming conventions: Class `A` and mixin `M` are used as the top of every
// superinterface graph (except Object). Classes named `Be..` extend `A`,
// classes named `Bwm..` apply the mixin `M` (`w` refers to `with`), and
// classes named `Bwc..` apply the class `A` as a mixin. Finally, classes
// named `Bi..` implement `A`. In each case, classes whose name ends in `q`
// have `A<int?>` as a superinterface and other classes have `A<int>`.
// All classes are concrete, so a couple of them repeat the member
// implementation declarations (with the same member signatures, i.e., with
// no conflicts).
class A<X> {
List<X> get a => [];
set a(List<X> _) {}
X m(X x) => x;
mixin M<X> {
List<X> get a => [];
set a(List<X> _) {}
X m(X x) => x;
class Be extends A<int> {}
class Bi implements A<int> {
List<int> get a => [];
set a(List<int> _) {}
int m(int x) => x;
class Beq extends A<int?> {}
class Biq implements A<int?> {
List<int?> get a => [];
set a(List<int?> _) {}
int? m(int? x) => x;
class Bwc with A<int> {}
class Bwcq with A<int?> {}
class Bwm with M<int> {}
class Bwmq with M<int?> {}