blob: 7ebd3cad415d699c96afd8bf04150800d70650d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
* Set up three synthetic types Left, Right, Bottom, such that
* Left and Right are not subtype related, both are
* supertypes of Bottom, and GLB(Left, Right) == Bottom
typedef Left = void Function(double);
typedef Right = void Function(int);
typedef Bottom = void Function(num);
* Typedefs which given a type T produce a contra-variant
* occurrence of FutureOr<T>, Future<T>, and T respectively.
typedef TakesFutureOr<T> = void Function(FutureOr<T>);
typedef TakesFuture<T> = void Function(Future<T>);
typedef Takes<T> = void Function(T);
* Given a type T, produce a type Exactly<T> such that
* Exactly<S> <: Exactly<T> iff S and T are mutual subtypes.
typedef Exactly<T> = T Function(T);
* Given an argument of type T, produce a result of type Exactly<T>.
Exactly<T> exactly<T>(T t) => (T t) => t;
* Given a call infer(a, b) where a has type void Function(S0) and b has type
* void Function(S1), set up an inference constraint system of the form:
* ? <: T <: S0
* ? <: T <: S1
* which merges to:
* ? <: T <: GLB(S0, S1)
Exactly<void Function(T)> infer<T>(void Function(T) x, void Function(T) y) {
return (void Function(T) t) => t;
void test(bool b) {
// Variables of specific types for input into the GLB algorithm
TakesFutureOr<Left> futureOrLeft = (_) {};
TakesFutureOr<Right> futureOrRight = (_) {};
TakesFuture<Left> futureLeft = (_) {};
TakesFuture<Right> futureRight = (_) {};
Takes<Left> left = (_) {};
Takes<Right> right = (_) {};
// Check variables of exact type. Assigning the result of inference
// to any of these checks that the result is exactly as expect.
Exactly<TakesFutureOr<Bottom>> checkFutureOrBottom = (t) => t;
Exactly<TakesFuture<Bottom>> checkFutureBottom = (t) => t;
Exactly<Takes<Bottom>> checkBottom = (t) => t;
// Note: assignments are done in separate steps below to avoid interactions
// with downward inference.
// GLB(FutureOr<A>, FutureOr<B>) = FutureOr<GLB(A, B)>
// Compute the upper bound of the function types, which computes
// the GLB of the argument types.
var glb = b ? futureOrLeft : futureOrRight;
// Capture the inferred type of glb as an exact type.
var exactlyGlb = exactly(glb);
// Check that the inferred type is exactly as expected.
checkFutureOrBottom = exactlyGlb;
// Compute the upper bound of the function types via inference
// constraint merge which computes the GLB of the argument types.
var merge = infer(futureOrLeft, futureOrRight);
checkFutureOrBottom = merge;
// GLB(FutureOr<A>, Future<B>) = Future<GLB(A, B)>
// Compute the upper bound of the function types, which computes
// the GLB of the argument types.
var glb = b ? futureOrLeft : futureRight;
// Capture the inferred type of glb as an exact type.
var exactlyGlb = exactly(glb);
// Check that the inferred type is exactly as expected.
checkFutureBottom = exactlyGlb;
// Compute the upper bound of the function types via inference
// constraint merge which computes the GLB of the argument types.
var merge = infer(futureOrLeft, futureRight);
checkFutureBottom = merge;
// GLB(Future<A>, FutureOr<B>) = Future<GLB(A, B)>
// Compute the upper bound of the function types, which computes
// the GLB of the argument types.
var glb = b ? futureLeft : futureOrRight;
// Capture the inferred type of glb as an exact type.
var exactlyGlb = exactly(glb);
// Check that the inferred type is exactly as expected.
checkFutureBottom = exactlyGlb;
// Compute the upper bound of the function types via inference
// constraint merge which computes the GLB of the argument types.
var merge = infer(futureLeft, futureOrRight);
checkFutureBottom = merge;
// GLB(FutureOr<A>, B) = GLB(A, B)
// Compute the upper bound of the function types, which computes
// the GLB of the argument types.
var glb = b ? futureOrLeft : right;
// Capture the inferred type of glb as an exact type.
var exactlyGlb = exactly(glb);
// Check that the inferred type is exactly as expected.
checkBottom = exactlyGlb;
// Compute the upper bound of the function types via inference
// constraint merge which computes the GLB of the argument types.
var merge = infer(futureOrLeft, right);
checkBottom = merge;
// GLB(A, FutureOr<B>) = GLB(A, B)
// Compute the upper bound of the function types, which computes
// the GLB of the argument types.
var glb = b ? left : futureOrRight;
// Capture the inferred type of glb as an exact type.
var exactlyGlb = exactly(glb);
// Check that the inferred type is exactly as expected.
checkBottom = exactlyGlb;
// Compute the upper bound of the function types via inference
// constraint merge which computes the GLB of the argument types.
var merge = infer(left, futureOrRight);
checkBottom = merge;
main() {