
Merge commit '221c697f312ee20cf9e145ff0f2a12f2c498a27d' into 'dev'
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/dart/surround_with.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/dart/surround_with.dart
index 90a50c5..be324d4 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/dart/surround_with.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/dart/surround_with.dart
@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
 class SurroundWith extends MultiCorrectionProducer {
   Iterable<CorrectionProducer> get producers sync* {
+    // If the node is the CompilationUnit, the selected statements must span multiple
+    // top level items and cannot be surrounded with anything.
+    if (node is CompilationUnit) {
+      return;
+    }
     // prepare selected statements
     var selectionAnalyzer = StatementAnalyzer(
         resolvedResult, SourceRange(selectionOffset, selectionLength));
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_descriptor.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_descriptor.dart
index 7fb93d9..2520805 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_descriptor.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_descriptor.dart
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_kind.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart' show ClassElement;
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
 import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
 /// The path to an element.
@@ -27,4 +30,128 @@
   /// Return `true` if the described element is a constructor.
   bool get isConstructor => kind == ElementKind.constructorKind;
+  /// Return `true` if the given [node] appears to be consistent with this kind
+  /// of element.
+  bool matches(AstNode node) {
+    // TODO(brianwilkerson) Check the resolved element if one exists for more
+    //  accurate results.
+    switch (kind) {
+      case ElementKind.classKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.constantKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.constructorKind:
+        if (node is Annotation) {
+          var className = _nameFromIdentifier(;
+          var constructorName = node.constructorName ?? '';
+          if (components[0] == className && components[1] == constructorName) {
+            return true;
+          }
+        } else if (node is InstanceCreationExpression) {
+          var name = node.constructorName;
+          var className = _nameFromIdentifier(;
+          var constructorName = ?? '';
+          if (components[0] == className && components[1] == constructorName) {
+            return true;
+          }
+        } else if (node is MethodInvocation) {
+          var target =;
+          if (target == null) {
+            if (components[0] == && components[1] == '') {
+              return true;
+            }
+          } else if (target is Identifier) {
+            var className = _nameFromIdentifier(target);
+            var constructorName =;
+            if (components[0] == className &&
+                components[1] == constructorName) {
+              return true;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.enumKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.extensionKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.fieldKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.functionKind:
+        if (node is MethodInvocation) {
+          if (node.realTarget == null &&
+              components[0] == {
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.getterKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.methodKind:
+        if (node is MethodInvocation) {
+          if (components[1] == {
+            var target = node.realTarget;
+            if (target == null) {
+              // TODO(brianwilkerson) If ` == null` then the invocation
+              //  should be in a subclass of the element's class.
+              return true;
+            } else {
+              var type = target.staticType;
+              if (type == null && target is SimpleIdentifier) {
+                var element = target.staticElement;
+                // TODO(brianwilkerson) Handle more than `ClassElement`.
+                if (element is ClassElement) {
+                  type = element.thisType;
+                }
+              }
+              if (type == null) {
+                // We can't get more specific type information, so we assume
+                // that the method might have been in the element's class.
+                return true;
+              }
+              if (components[0] == {
+                return true;
+              }
+              if (type is InterfaceType) {
+                for (var supertype in type.allSupertypes) {
+                  if (components[0] == {
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.mixinKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.setterKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.typedefKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+      case ElementKind.variableKind:
+        // TODO: Handle this case.
+        return false;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  String _nameFromIdentifier(Identifier identifier) {
+    if (identifier is SimpleIdentifier) {
+      return;
+    } else if (identifier is PrefixedIdentifier) {
+      return;
+    }
+    throw StateError(
+        'Unexpected class of identifier: ${identifier.runtimeType}');
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97065b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/data_driven.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/change.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager3.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart';
+import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
+import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
+/// The data related to a parameter that has been renamed.
+class RenameParameter extends Change<_Data> {
+  /// The old name of the parameter.
+  final String oldName;
+  /// The new name of the parameter.
+  final String newName;
+  /// Initialize a newly created transform to describe a renaming of a parameter
+  /// from the [oldName] to the [newName].
+  RenameParameter({@required this.newName, @required this.oldName});
+  @override
+  void apply(DartFileEditBuilder builder, DataDrivenFix fix, _Data data) {
+    if (data is _InvocationData) {
+      builder.addSimpleReplacement(range.node(data.nameNode), newName);
+    } else if (data is _OverrideData) {
+      var declaration = data.methodDeclaration;
+      var parameter = declaration.parameterNamed(oldName);
+      if (parameter != null) {
+        var overriddenMethod = declaration.overriddenElement();
+        var overriddenParameter = overriddenMethod?.parameterNamed(oldName);
+        if (overriddenParameter == null) {
+          // If the overridden parameter has already been removed, then just
+          // rename the old parameter to have the new name.
+          builder.addSimpleReplacement(
+              range.node(parameter.identifier), newName);
+        } else {
+          // If the overridden parameter still exists, then mark it as
+          // deprecated (if it isn't already) and add a declaration of the new
+          // parameter.
+          builder.addInsertion(parameter.offset, (builder) {
+            var parameterElement = parameter.declaredElement;
+            builder.writeParameter(newName,
+                isCovariant: parameterElement.isCovariant,
+                isRequiredNamed: parameterElement.isRequiredNamed,
+                type: parameterElement.type);
+            builder.write(', ');
+            if (!parameterElement.hasDeprecated) {
+              builder.write('@deprecated ');
+            }
+          });
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  @override
+  _Data validate(DataDrivenFix fix) {
+    var node = fix.node;
+    if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
+      var parent = node.parent;
+      if ( == oldName &&
+          parent is Label &&
+          parent.parent is NamedExpression) {
+        var invocation = parent.parent.parent.parent;
+        if (fix.element.matches(invocation)) {
+          return _InvocationData(node);
+        }
+      } else if (parent is MethodDeclaration) {
+        return _OverrideData(parent);
+      }
+    }
+    return const _IgnoredData();
+  }
+/// The data returned from `validate`.
+abstract class _Data {
+  const _Data();
+/// The data returned when the change doesn't apply.
+class _IgnoredData extends _Data {
+  const _IgnoredData();
+/// The data returned when updating an invocation site.
+class _InvocationData extends _Data {
+  /// The node representing the name to be replaced.
+  final SimpleIdentifier nameNode;
+  /// Initialize newly created data about an invocation site.
+  _InvocationData(this.nameNode);
+/// The data returned when updating an override site.
+class _OverrideData extends _Data {
+  /// The node representing the overriding method.
+  final MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration;
+  /// Initialize newly created data about an override site.
+  _OverrideData(this.methodDeclaration);
+extension on MethodDeclaration {
+  /// Return the parameter of this method whose name matches the given [name],
+  /// or `null` if there is no such parameter.
+  FormalParameter parameterNamed(String name) {
+    for (var parameter in parameters.parameters) {
+      if ( == name) {
+        return parameter;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  /// Return the element that this method overrides, or `null` if this method
+  /// doesn't override any inherited member.
+  ExecutableElement overriddenElement() {
+    var element = declaredElement;
+    var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
+    if (enclosingElement is ClassElement) {
+      var name = Name(enclosingElement.library.source.uri,;
+      return InheritanceManager3().getInherited2(enclosingElement, name);
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+extension on ExecutableElement {
+  /// Return the parameter of this executable element whose name matches the
+  /// given [name], or `null` if there is no such parameter.
+  ParameterElement parameterNamed(String name) {
+    for (var parameter in parameters) {
+      if ( == name) {
+        return parameter;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set_parser.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set_parser.dart
index e7b8a24..ef73836 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set_parser.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/lib/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set_parser.dart
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/modify_parameters.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/parameter_reference.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set.dart';
 import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set_error_code.dart';
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@
   static const String _mixinKey = 'mixin';
   static const String _nameKey = 'name';
   static const String _newNameKey = 'newName';
+  static const String _oldNameKey = 'oldName';
   static const String _setterKey = 'setter';
   static const String _statementsKey = 'statements';
   static const String _styleKey = 'style';
@@ -90,6 +92,7 @@
   static const String _importKind = 'import';
   static const String _removeParameterKind = 'removeParameter';
   static const String _renameKind = 'rename';
+  static const String _renameParameterKind = 'renameParameter';
   /// The valid values for the [_styleKey] in an [_addParameterKind] change.
   static const List<String> validStyles = [
@@ -420,12 +423,15 @@
         return null;
       } else if (kind == _renameKind) {
         return _translateRenameChange(node);
+      } else if (kind == _renameParameterKind) {
+        return _translateRenameParameterChange(node);
       return _reportInvalidValueOneOf(kindNode, kindContext, [
+        _renameParameterKind,
     } else {
       return _reportInvalidValue(node, context, 'Map');
@@ -718,11 +724,27 @@
     var newName = _translateString(node.valueAt(_newNameKey),
         ErrorContext(key: _newNameKey, parentNode: node));
     if (newName == null) {
+      // The error has already been reported.
       return null;
     return Rename(newName: newName);
+  /// Translate the [node] into a rename parameter change. Return the resulting
+  /// change, or `null` if the [node] does not represent a valid rename change.
+  RenameParameter _translateRenameParameterChange(YamlMap node) {
+    _reportUnsupportedKeys(node, const {_kindKey, _newNameKey, _oldNameKey});
+    var oldName = _translateString(node.valueAt(_oldNameKey),
+        ErrorContext(key: _oldNameKey, parentNode: node));
+    var newName = _translateString(node.valueAt(_newNameKey),
+        ErrorContext(key: _newNameKey, parentNode: node));
+    if (oldName == null || newName == null) {
+      // The error has already been reported.
+      return null;
+    }
+    return RenameParameter(newName: newName, oldName: oldName);
+  }
   /// Translate the [node] into a string. Return the resulting string, or `null`
   /// if the [node] does not represent a valid string. If the [node] is not
   /// valid, use the [context] to report the error.
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/assist/flutter_surround_with_set_state_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/assist/flutter_surround_with_set_state_test.dart
index 3445e2c..d13bb22 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/assist/flutter_surround_with_set_state_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/assist/flutter_surround_with_set_state_test.dart
@@ -27,6 +27,23 @@
+  Future<void> test_noParentNode() async {
+    // This code selects the `CompilationUnit` node which has previously
+    // caused errors in code assuming the node would have a parent.
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+main() {
+// start
+  print(0);
+other() {
+  print(1);
+// end
+    await assertNoAssist();
+  }
   Future<void> test_outsideState() async {
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
@@ -34,7 +51,7 @@
 class Stateless {
   int _count1;
   int _count2;
   void increment() {
 // start
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/flutter_use_case_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/flutter_use_case_test.dart
index 4c619b7..b065182 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/flutter_use_case_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/flutter_use_case_test.dart
@@ -675,6 +675,287 @@
+  Future<void> test_material_TextTheme_copyWith_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class TextTheme {
+  TextTheme copyWith({TextStyle headline1, TextStyle headline2,
+  TextStyle headline3, TextStyle headline4, TextStyle headline5,
+  TextStyle headline6, TextStyle subtitle1, TextStyle subtitle2,
+  TextStyle bodyText1, TextStyle bodyText2, TextStyle caption,
+  TextStyle button, TextStyle overline,
+  @deprecated TextStyle display4, @deprecated TextStyle display3,
+  @deprecated TextStyle display2, @deprecated TextStyle display1,
+  @deprecated TextStyle headline, @deprecated TextStyle title,
+  @deprecated TextStyle subhead, @deprecated TextStyle subtitle,
+  @deprecated TextStyle body2, @deprecated TextStyle body1}) {}
+class TextStyle {}
+    addPackageDataFile('''
+version: 1
+  - title: 'Rename arguments'
+    date: 2020-09-24
+    element:
+      uris: ['$importUri']
+      method: 'copyWith'
+      inClass: 'TextTheme'
+    changes:
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display4'
+        newName: 'headline1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display3'
+        newName: 'headline2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display2'
+        newName: 'headline3'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display1'
+        newName: 'headline4'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'headline'
+        newName: 'headline5'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'title'
+        newName: 'headline6'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subhead'
+        newName: 'subtitle1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subtitle'
+        newName: 'subtitle2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body2'
+        newName: 'bodytext1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body1'
+        newName: 'bodytext2'
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextTheme t, TextStyle s) {
+  t.copyWith(display2: s);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextTheme t, TextStyle s) {
+  t.copyWith(headline3: s);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_material_TextTheme_copyWith_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class TextTheme {
+  TextTheme copyWith({TextStyle headline1, TextStyle headline2,
+  TextStyle headline3, TextStyle headline4, TextStyle headline5,
+  TextStyle headline6, TextStyle subtitle1, TextStyle subtitle2,
+  TextStyle bodyText1, TextStyle bodyText2, TextStyle caption,
+  TextStyle button, TextStyle overline}) {}
+class TextStyle {}
+    addPackageDataFile('''
+version: 1
+  - title: 'Rename arguments'
+    date: 2020-09-24
+    element:
+      uris: ['$importUri']
+      method: 'copyWith'
+      inClass: 'TextTheme'
+    changes:
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display4'
+        newName: 'headline1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display3'
+        newName: 'headline2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display2'
+        newName: 'headline3'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display1'
+        newName: 'headline4'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'headline'
+        newName: 'headline5'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'title'
+        newName: 'headline6'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subhead'
+        newName: 'subtitle1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subtitle'
+        newName: 'subtitle2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body2'
+        newName: 'bodytext1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body1'
+        newName: 'bodytext2'
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextTheme t, TextStyle s) {
+  t.copyWith(subtitle: s);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextTheme t, TextStyle s) {
+  t.copyWith(subtitle2: s);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_material_TextTheme_defaultConstructor_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class TextTheme {
+  TextTheme({TextStyle headline1, TextStyle headline2, TextStyle headline3,
+  TextStyle headline4, TextStyle headline5, TextStyle headline6,
+  TextStyle subtitle1, TextStyle subtitle2, TextStyle bodyText1,
+  TextStyle bodyText2, TextStyle caption, TextStyle button, TextStyle overline,
+  @deprecated TextStyle display4, @deprecated TextStyle display3,
+  @deprecated TextStyle display2, @deprecated TextStyle display1,
+  @deprecated TextStyle headline, @deprecated TextStyle title,
+  @deprecated TextStyle subhead, @deprecated TextStyle subtitle,
+  @deprecated TextStyle body2, @deprecated TextStyle body1}) {}
+class TextStyle {}
+    addPackageDataFile('''
+version: 1
+  - title: 'Rename arguments'
+    date: 2020-09-24
+    element:
+      uris: ['$importUri']
+      constructor: ''
+      inClass: 'TextTheme'
+    changes:
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display4'
+        newName: 'headline1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display3'
+        newName: 'headline2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display2'
+        newName: 'headline3'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display1'
+        newName: 'headline4'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'headline'
+        newName: 'headline5'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'title'
+        newName: 'headline6'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subhead'
+        newName: 'subtitle1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subtitle'
+        newName: 'subtitle2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body2'
+        newName: 'bodytext1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body1'
+        newName: 'bodytext2'
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextStyle s) {
+  TextTheme(display4: s);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextStyle s) {
+  TextTheme(headline1: s);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_material_TextTheme_defaultConstructor_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class TextTheme {
+  TextTheme({TextStyle headline1, TextStyle headline2, TextStyle headline3,
+  TextStyle headline4, TextStyle headline5, TextStyle headline6,
+  TextStyle subtitle1, TextStyle subtitle2, TextStyle bodyText1,
+  TextStyle bodyText2, TextStyle caption, TextStyle button, TextStyle overline,
+  }) {}
+class TextStyle {}
+    addPackageDataFile('''
+version: 1
+  - title: 'Rename arguments'
+    date: 2020-09-24
+    element:
+      uris: ['$importUri']
+      constructor: ''
+      inClass: 'TextTheme'
+    changes:
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display4'
+        newName: 'headline1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display3'
+        newName: 'headline2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display2'
+        newName: 'headline3'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'display1'
+        newName: 'headline4'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'headline'
+        newName: 'headline5'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'title'
+        newName: 'headline6'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subhead'
+        newName: 'subtitle1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'subtitle'
+        newName: 'subtitle2'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body2'
+        newName: 'bodytext1'
+      - kind: 'renameParameter'
+        oldName: 'body1'
+        newName: 'bodytext2'
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextStyle s) {
+  TextTheme(display3: s);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(TextStyle s) {
+  TextTheme(headline2: s);
+  }
   Future<void> test_material_TextTheme_display4_deprecated() async {
 class TextTheme {
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca3df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_descriptor.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/element_kind.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_parameter.dart';
+import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform.dart';
+import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
+import 'data_driven_test_support.dart';
+void main() {
+  defineReflectiveSuite(() {
+    defineReflectiveTests(RenameParameterInConstructorTest);
+    defineReflectiveTests(RenameParameterInMethodTest);
+    defineReflectiveTests(RenameParameterInTopLevelFunctionTest);
+  });
+class RenameParameterInConstructorTest extends _AbstractRenameParameterInTest {
+  @override
+  String get _kind => 'constructor';
+  Future<void> test_named_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  C.named({int b, @deprecated int a});
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'named'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.named(a: 0);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.named(b: 0);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_named_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  C.named({int b});
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'named'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.named(a: 0);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.named(b: 0);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_unnamed_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  C({int b, @deprecated int a});
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', ''], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C(a: 0);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C(b: 0);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_unnamed_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  C({int b});
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', ''], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C(a: 0);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C(b: 0);
+  }
+class RenameParameterInMethodTest extends _AbstractRenameParameterInTest {
+  @override
+  String get _kind => 'method';
+  Future<void> test_differentMethod() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  int m({int b, @deprecated int a}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['D', 'm'], 'a', 'nbew'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(C c) {
+  c.m(a: 1);
+    await assertNoFix();
+  }
+  Future<void> test_instance_override_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  int m({int b, @deprecated int a}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'm'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+class D extends C {
+  @override
+  int m({int a}) => 0;
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+class D extends C {
+  @override
+  int m({int b, @deprecated int a}) => 0;
+  }
+  Future<void> test_instance_override_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  int m({int b}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'm'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+class D extends C {
+  @override
+  int m({int a}) => 0;
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+class D extends C {
+  @override
+  int m({int b}) => 0;
+  }
+  Future<void> test_instance_reference_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  int m({int b, @deprecated int a}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'm'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(C c) {
+  c.m(a: 1);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(C c) {
+  c.m(b: 1);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_instance_reference_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  int m({int b}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'm'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(C c) {
+  c.m(a: 1);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f(C c) {
+  c.m(b: 1);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_static_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  static int m({int b, @deprecated int a}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'm'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.m(a: 1);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.m(b: 1);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_static_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+class C {
+  static int m({int b}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'm'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.m(a: 1);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+void f() {
+  C.m(b: 1);
+  }
+class RenameParameterInTopLevelFunctionTest
+    extends _AbstractRenameParameterInTest {
+  @override
+  String get _kind => 'function';
+  Future<void> test_deprecated() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+int f({int b, @deprecated int a}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['f'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+var x = f(a: 1);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+var x = f(b: 1);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_removed() async {
+    setPackageContent('''
+int f({int b}) => 0;
+    setPackageData(_rename(['f'], 'a', 'b'));
+    await resolveTestCode('''
+import '$importUri';
+var x = f(a: 1);
+    await assertHasFix('''
+import '$importUri';
+var x = f(b: 1);
+  }
+abstract class _AbstractRenameParameterInTest
+    extends DataDrivenFixProcessorTest {
+  /// Return the kind of element containing the parameter being renamed.
+  String get _kind;
+  Transform _rename(List<String> components, String oldName, String newName) =>
+      Transform(
+          title: 'title',
+          element: ElementDescriptor(
+              libraryUris: [Uri.parse(importUri)],
+              kind: ElementKindUtilities.fromName(_kind),
+              components: components),
+          bulkApply: false,
+          changes: [
+            RenameParameter(newName: newName, oldName: oldName),
+          ]);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_test.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_test.dart
index 8430c1a..2578b5b 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/rename_test.dart
@@ -361,23 +361,23 @@
 class C {
-  C.old();
+  C.a();
+  C.b();
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old();
+  C.a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.b();
@@ -385,22 +385,22 @@
   Future<void> test_named_named_removed() async {
 class C {
+  C.b();
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old();
+  C.a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.b();
@@ -458,10 +458,10 @@
 class C {
+  C.a();
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', ''], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', ''], 'a'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.a();
@@ -481,10 +481,10 @@
   Future<void> test_unnamed_named_removed() async {
 class C {
+  C.a();
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', ''], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', ''], 'a'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.a();
@@ -601,23 +601,23 @@
 class C {
-  int old;
-  int new;
+  int a;
+  int b;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
-  c.old;
+  c.a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
+  c.b;
@@ -625,22 +625,22 @@
   Future<void> test_instance_reference_removed() async {
 class C {
-  int new;
+  int b;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
-  c.old;
+  c.a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
+  c.b;
@@ -649,23 +649,23 @@
 class C {
-  static int old;
-  static int new;
+  static int a;
+  static int b;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old = 0;
+  C.a = 0;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
- = 0;
+  C.b = 0;
@@ -673,22 +673,22 @@
   Future<void> test_static_assignment_removed() async {
 class C {
-  static int new;
+  static int b;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old = 0;
+  C.a = 0;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
- = 0;
+  C.b = 0;
@@ -697,23 +697,23 @@
 class C {
-  static int old;
-  static int new;
+  static int a;
+  static int b;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old;
+  C.a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.b;
@@ -721,22 +721,22 @@
   Future<void> test_static_reference_removed() async {
 class C {
-  static int new;
+  static int b;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old;
+  C.a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.b;
@@ -794,23 +794,23 @@
 class C {
-  int get old => 0;
-  int get new => 1;
+  int get a => 0;
+  int get b => 1;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
-  c.old;
+  c.a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
+  c.b;
@@ -818,22 +818,22 @@
   Future<void> test_instance_reference_direct_removed() async {
 class C {
-  int get new => 1;
+  int get b => 1;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
-  c.old;
+  c.a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
+  c.b;
@@ -842,26 +842,26 @@
 class C {
-  int get old => 0;
-  int get new => 1;
+  int get a => 0;
+  int get b => 1;
 class D {
   C c() => C();
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(D d) {
-  print(d.c().old);
+  print(d.c().a);
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(D d) {
-  print(d.c().new);
+  print(d.c().b);
@@ -869,25 +869,25 @@
   Future<void> test_instance_reference_indirect_removed() async {
 class C {
-  int get new => 1;
+  int get b => 1;
 class D {
   C c() => C();
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(D d) {
-  print(d.c().old);
+  print(d.c().a);
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(D d) {
-  print(d.c().new);
+  print(d.c().b);
@@ -895,43 +895,43 @@
   Future<void> test_topLevel_reference_deprecated() async {
-int get old => 0;
-int get new => 1;
+int get a => 0;
+int get b => 1;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  old;
+  a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  new;
+  b;
   Future<void> test_topLevel_reference_removed() async {
-int get new => 1;
+int get b => 1;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  old;
+  a;
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  new;
+  b;
 ''', errorFilter: ignoreUnusedImport);
@@ -947,17 +947,17 @@
 class C {
-  int old() => 0;
-  int new() => 0;
+  int a() => 0;
+  int b() => 0;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 class D extends C {
-  int old() => 0;
+  int a() => 0;
     await assertHasFix('''
@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@
 class D extends C {
-  int new() => 0;
+  int b() => 0;
@@ -973,16 +973,16 @@
   Future<void> test_instance_override_removed() async {
 class C {
-  int new() => 0;
+  int b() => 0;
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 class D extends C {
-  int old() => 0;
+  int a() => 0;
     await assertHasFix('''
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@
 class D extends C {
-  int new() => 0;
+  int b() => 0;
@@ -999,23 +999,23 @@
 class C {
-  int old() {}
-  int new() {}
+  int a() {}
+  int b() {}
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
-  c.old();
+  c.a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
+  c.b();
@@ -1023,22 +1023,22 @@
   Future<void> test_instance_reference_removed() async {
 class C {
-  int new() {}
+  int b() {}
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
-  c.old();
+  c.a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f(C c) {
+  c.b();
@@ -1047,23 +1047,23 @@
 class C {
-  static int old() {}
-  static int new() {}
+  static int a() {}
+  static int b() {}
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old();
+  C.a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.b();
@@ -1071,22 +1071,22 @@
   Future<void> test_static_reference_removed() async {
 class C {
-  static int new() {}
+  static int b() {}
-    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['C', 'a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  C.old();
+  C.a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
+  C.b();
@@ -1142,43 +1142,43 @@
   Future<void> test_deprecated() async {
-int old() {}
-int new() {}
+int a() {}
+int b() {}
-    setPackageData(_rename(['old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  old();
+  a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  new();
+  b();
   Future<void> test_removed() async {
-int new() {}
+int b() {}
-    setPackageData(_rename(['old'], 'new'));
+    setPackageData(_rename(['a'], 'b'));
     await resolveTestCode('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  old();
+  a();
     await assertHasFix('''
 import '$importUri';
 void f() {
-  new();
+  b();
 ''', errorFilter: ignoreUnusedImport);
diff --git a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/test_all.dart b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/test_all.dart
index 28ee44c..4eb8242 100644
--- a/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/test_all.dart
+++ b/pkg/analysis_server/test/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/test_all.dart
@@ -4,27 +4,29 @@
 import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
-import 'add_type_parameter_test.dart' as add_type_parameter_change;
+import 'add_type_parameter_test.dart' as add_type_parameter;
 import 'code_fragment_parser_test.dart' as code_fragment_parser;
 import 'code_template_test.dart' as code_template;
 import 'diagnostics/test_all.dart' as diagnostics;
 import 'end_to_end_test.dart' as end_to_end;
 import 'flutter_use_case_test.dart' as flutter_use_case;
 import 'modify_parameters_test.dart' as modify_parameters;
-import 'rename_test.dart' as rename_change;
+import 'rename_parameter_test.dart' as rename_parameter;
+import 'rename_test.dart' as rename;
 import 'transform_set_manager_test.dart' as transform_set_manager;
 import 'transform_set_parser_test.dart' as transform_set_parser;
 void main() {
   defineReflectiveSuite(() {
-    add_type_parameter_change.main();
+    add_type_parameter.main();
-    rename_change.main();
+    rename_parameter.main();
+    rename.main();
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart
index a9eae73..60447c0 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart
@@ -342,9 +342,51 @@
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the diagnostic being ignored
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a diagnostic name appears in an
+  // `ignore` comment, but the diagnostic is already being ignored, either
+  // because it's already included in the same `ignore` comment or because it
+  // appears in an `ignore-in-file` comment.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
+  // `unused_local_variable` is already being ignored for the whole file so it
+  // doesn't need to be ignored on a specific line:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // // ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
+  // void f() {
+  //   // ignore: [!unused_local_variable!]
+  //   var x = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
+  // `unused_local_variable` is being ignored twice on the same line:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // void f() {
+  //   // ignore: unused_local_variable, [!unused_local_variable!]
+  //   var x = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove the ignore comment, or remove the unnecessary diagnostic name if the
+  // ignore comment is ignoring more than one diagnostic:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // // ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
+  // void f() {
+  //   var x = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const HintCode DUPLICATE_IGNORE = HintCode(
-      "The diagnostic '{0}' does not need to be ignored here because it is "
+      "The diagnostic '{0}' doesn't need to be ignored here because it's "
           "already being ignored.",
           "Try removing the name from the list, or removing the whole comment "
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart
index d7a5519..ed2da59 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/error/codes.dart
@@ -25,6 +25,53 @@
    * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field that has the `abstract`
+  // modifier also has an initializer.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is marked as
+  // `abstract` and has an initializer:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // abstract class C {
+  //   abstract int [!f!] = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is marked as
+  // `abstract` and there's an initializer in the constructor:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // abstract class C {
+  //   abstract int f;
+  //
+  //   C() : [!f!] = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the field must be abstract, then remove the initializer:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // abstract class C {
+  //   abstract int f;
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the field isn't required to be abstract, then remove the keyword:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // abstract class C {
+  //   int f = 0;
+  // }
+  // ```
@@ -80,16 +127,56 @@
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
-   * 14.2 Exports: It is a compile-time error if a name <i>N</i> is re-exported
-   * by a library <i>L</i> and <i>N</i> is introduced into the export namespace
-   * of <i>L</i> by more than one export, unless each all exports refer to same
-   * declaration for the name N.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the ambiguous element
    * 1: the name of the first library in which the type is found
    * 2: the name of the second library in which the type is found
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when two or more export directives
+  // cause the same name to be exported from multiple libraries.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // Given a file named `a.dart` containing
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %uri="lib/a.dart"
+  // class C {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // And a file named `b.dart` containing
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %uri="lib/b.dart"
+  // class C {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `C` is being
+  // exported from both `a.dart` and `b.dart`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // export 'a.dart';
+  // export [!'b.dart'!];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If none of the names in one of the libraries needs to be exported, then
+  // remove the unnecessary export directives:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // export 'a.dart';
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If all of the export directives are needed, then hide the name in all
+  // except one of the directives:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // export 'a.dart';
+  // export 'b.dart' hide C;
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode AMBIGUOUS_EXPORT = CompileTimeErrorCode(
       "The name '{0}' is defined in the libraries '{1}' and '{2}'.",
@@ -472,17 +559,103 @@
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a redirecting constructor (a
+  // constructor that redirects to another constructor in the same class) has an
+  // assert in the initializer list.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the unnamed constructor
+  // is a redirecting constructor and also has an assert in the initializer
+  // list:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class C {
+  //   C(int x) : [!assert(x > 0)!],;
+  // {}
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the assert isn't needed, then remove it:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class C {
+  //   C(int x) :;
+  // {}
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the assert is needed, then convert the constructor into a factory
+  // constructor:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class C {
+  //   factory C(int x) {
+  //     assert(x > 0);
+  //     return;
+  //   }
+  // {}
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode ASSERT_IN_REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR =
           "A redirecting constructor can't have an 'assert' initializer.");
-   * 5 Variables: Attempting to assign to a final variable elsewhere will cause
-   * a NoSuchMethodError to be thrown, because no setter is defined for it. The
-   * assignment will also give rise to a static warning for the same reason.
-   *
-   * A constant variable is always implicitly final.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an assignment to a
+  // top-level variable, a static field, or a local variable that has the
+  // `const` modifier. The value of a compile-time constant can't be changed at
+  // runtime.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because `c` is being assigned a
+  // value even though it has the `const` modifier:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // const c = 0;
+  //
+  // void f() {
+  //   [!c!] = 1;
+  //   print(c);
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the variable must be assignable, then remove the `const` modifier:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var c = 0;
+  //
+  // void f() {
+  //   c = 1;
+  //   print(c);
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the constant shouldn't be changed, then either remove the assignment or
+  // use a local variable in place of references to the constant:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // const c = 0;
+  //
+  // void f() {
+  //   var v = 1;
+  //   print(v);
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode ASSIGNMENT_TO_CONST = CompileTimeErrorCode(
       'ASSIGNMENT_TO_CONST', "Constant variables can't be assigned a value.",
       correction: "Try removing the assignment, or "
@@ -2001,9 +2174,51 @@
           isUnresolvedIdentifier: true);
-   * 16.12.2 Const: If <i>T</i> is a parameterized type, it is a compile-time
-   * error if <i>T</i> includes a type variable among its type arguments.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type parameter is used as a
+  // type argument in a `const` invocation of a constructor. This isn't allowed
+  // because the value of the type parameter (the actual type that will be used
+  // at runtime) can't be known at compile time.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+  // is being used as a type argument when creating a constant:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class C<T> {
+  //   const C();
+  // }
+  //
+  // C<T> newC<T>() => const C<[!T!]>();
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the type that will be used for the type parameter can be known at
+  // compile time, then remove the use of the type parameter:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class C<T> {
+  //   const C();
+  // }
+  //
+  // C<int> newC() => const C<int>();
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the type that will be used for the type parameter can't be known until
+  // runtime, then remove the keyword `const`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class C<T> {
+  //   const C();
+  // }
+  //
+  // C<T> newC<T>() => C<T>();
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_WITH_TYPE_PARAMETERS =
           "A constant creation can't use a type parameter as a type argument.",
@@ -2379,17 +2594,47 @@
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
-   * 18.3 Parts: It's a compile-time error if the same library contains two part
-   * directives with the same URI.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the URI of the duplicate part
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a single file is referenced in
+  // multiple part directives.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // Given a file named `part.dart` containing
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %uri="lib/part.dart"
+  // part of lib;
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the file `part.dart` is
+  // included multiple times:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // library lib;
+  //
+  // part 'part.dart';
+  // part [!'part.dart'!];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove all except the first of the duplicated part directives:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // library lib;
+  //
+  // part 'part.dart';
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode DUPLICATE_PART = CompileTimeErrorCode(
-      "The library already contains a part with the uri '{0}'.",
+      "The library already contains a part with the URI '{0}'.",
-          "Try removing all but one of the duplicated part directives.");
+          "Try removing all except one of the duplicated part directives.");
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode ENUM_CONSTANT_SAME_NAME_AS_ENCLOSING =
@@ -2476,42 +2721,93 @@
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
-   * 12.7 Lists: A fresh instance (7.6.1) <i>a</i>, of size <i>n</i>, whose
-   * class implements the built-in class <i>List&lt;E></i> is allocated.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the number of provided type arguments
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a list literal has more than one
+  // type argument.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the list literal has
+  // two type arguments when it can have at most one:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var l = [!<int, int>!][];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove all except one of the type arguments:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var l = <int>[];
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode EXPECTED_ONE_LIST_TYPE_ARGUMENTS =
-      CompileTimeErrorCode(
-          "List literals require exactly one type argument or none, "
-              "but {0} found.",
+          "List literals require one type argument or none, but {0} found.",
           correction: "Try adjusting the number of type arguments.");
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the number of provided type arguments
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a set literal has more than one
+  // type argument.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the set literal has
+  // three type arguments when it can have at most one:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var s = [!<int, String, int>!]{0, 'a', 1};
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove all except one of the type arguments:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var s = <int>{0, 1};
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode EXPECTED_ONE_SET_TYPE_ARGUMENTS =
-      CompileTimeErrorCode(
-          "Set literals require exactly one type argument or none, "
-              "but {0} found.",
+      CompileTimeErrorCode('EXPECTED_ONE_SET_TYPE_ARGUMENTS',
+          "Set literals require one type argument or none, but {0} were found.",
           correction: "Try adjusting the number of type arguments.");
-   * 12.8 Maps: A fresh instance (7.6.1) <i>m</i>, of size <i>n</i>, whose class
-   * implements the built-in class <i>Map&lt;K, V></i> is allocated.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the number of provided type arguments
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a map literal has either one or
+  // more than two type arguments.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the map literal has
+  // three type arguments when it can have either two or zero:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var m = [!<int, String, int>!]{};
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Remove all except two of the type arguments:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var m = <int, String>{};
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode EXPECTED_TWO_MAP_TYPE_ARGUMENTS =
-      CompileTimeErrorCode(
-          "Map literals require exactly two type arguments or none, "
-              "but {0} found.",
+      CompileTimeErrorCode('EXPECTED_TWO_MAP_TYPE_ARGUMENTS',
+          "Map literals require two type arguments or none, but {0} found.",
           correction: "Try adjusting the number of type arguments.");
@@ -2583,12 +2879,36 @@
       hasPublishedDocs: true);
-   * 14.2 Exports: It is a compile-time error if the compilation unit found at
-   * the specified URI is not a library declaration.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an export directive references a
+  // part rather than a library.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // Given a file named `part.dart` containing
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %uri="lib/part.dart"
+  // part of lib;
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the file `part.dart` is
+  // a part, and only libraries can be exported:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // library lib;
+  //
+  // export [!'part.dart'!];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Either remove the export directive, or change the URI to be the URI of the
+  // library containing the part.
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY =
           "The exported library '{0}' can't have a part-of directive.",
@@ -3743,9 +4063,38 @@
           correction: "Try making the deferred import non-deferred.");
-   * It is a compile-time error if the declared return type of a function marked
-   * 'async*' is not a supertype of 'Stream<T>' for some type 'T'.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a function has the
+  // `async*` modifier even though the return type of the function isn't either
+  // `Stream` or a supertype of `Stream`.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
+  // function `f` has the 'async*' modifier even though the return type `int`
+  // isn't a supertype of `Stream`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // [!int!] f() async* {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the function should be asynchronous, then change the return type to be
+  // either `Stream` or a supertype of `Stream`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // Stream<int> f() async* {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the function should be synchronous, then remove the `async*` modifier:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // int f() => 0;
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode ILLEGAL_ASYNC_GENERATOR_RETURN_TYPE =
@@ -3789,9 +4138,7 @@
   // If the function should be synchronous, then remove the `async` modifier:
   // ```dart
-  // int f() {
-  //   return 0;
-  // }
+  // int f() => 0;
   // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode ILLEGAL_ASYNC_RETURN_TYPE =
@@ -3803,9 +4150,39 @@
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
-   * It is a compile-time error if the declared return type of a function marked
-   * 'sync*' is not a supertype of 'Iterable<T>' for some type 'T'.
+   * No parameters.
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a function has the
+  // `sync*` modifier even though the return type of the function isn't either
+  // `Iterable` or a supertype of `Iterable`.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
+  // function `f` has the 'sync*' modifier even though the return type `int`
+  // isn't a supertype of `Iterable`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // [!int!] f() sync* {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the function should return an iterable, then change the return type to
+  // be either `Iterable` or a supertype of `Iterable`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // Iterable<int> f() sync* {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the function should return a single value, then remove the `sync*`
+  // modifier:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // int f() => 0;
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode ILLEGAL_SYNC_GENERATOR_RETURN_TYPE =
@@ -3915,16 +4292,48 @@
       hasPublishedDocs: true);
-   * 7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if the superclass of a
-   * class <i>C</i> appears in the implements clause of <i>C</i>.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the class that appears in both "extends" and "implements"
    *    clauses
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when one class is listed in both the
+  // `extends` and `implements` clauses of another class.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A` is used
+  // in both the `extends` and `implements` clauses for the class `B`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class A {}
+  //
+  // class B extends A implements [!A!] {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If you want to inherit the implementation from the class, then remove the
+  // class from the `implements` clause:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class A {}
+  //
+  // class B extends A {}
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If you don't want to inherit the implementation from the class, then remove
+  // the `extends` clause:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class A {}
+  //
+  // class B implements A {}
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_SUPER_CLASS =
-          "'{0}' can't be used in both 'extends' and 'implements' clauses.",
+          "'{0}' can't be used in both the 'extends' and 'implements' clauses.",
           correction: "Try removing one of the occurrences.");
@@ -4500,11 +4909,37 @@
               "Try using the BigInt class, or switch to the closest valid "
               "double: {1}");
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an integer literal has a value
+  // that is too large (positive) or too small (negative) to be represented in a
+  // 64-bit word.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the value can't be
+  // represented in 64 bits:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var x = [!9223372036854775810!];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If you need to represent the current value, then wrap it in an instance of
+  // the class `BigInt`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // var x = BigInt.parse('9223372036854775810');
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode INTEGER_LITERAL_OUT_OF_RANGE =
           "The integer literal {0} can't be represented in 64 bits.",
-              "Try using the BigInt class if you need an integer larger than "
+              "Try using the 'BigInt' class if you need an integer larger than "
               "9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or less than "
@@ -5018,17 +5453,97 @@
           "Invalid reference to 'this' expression.",
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the initializer list of a
+  // constructor contains an invocation of a constructor in the superclass, but
+  // the invocation isn't the last item in the initializer list.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of the
+  // superclass' constructor isn't the last item in the initializer list:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class A {
+  //   A(int x);
+  // }
+  //
+  // class B extends A {
+  //   B(int x) : [!super!](x), assert(x >= 0);
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Move the invocation of the superclass' constructor to the end of the
+  // initializer list:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // class A {
+  //   A(int x);
+  // }
+  //
+  // class B extends A {
+  //   B(int x) : assert(x >= 0), super(x);
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_SUPER_INVOCATION =
-          "The super call must be last in an initializer list: '{0}'.");
+          "The superclass call must be last in an initializer list: '{0}'.");
-   * 12.6 Lists: It is a compile time error if the type argument of a constant
-   * list literal includes a type parameter.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the type parameter
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type parameter is used as a
+  // type argument in a list, map, or set literal that is prefixed by `const`.
+  // This isn't allowed because the value of the type parameter (the actual type
+  // that will be used at runtime) can't be known at compile time.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+  // is being used as a type argument when creating a constant list:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // List<T> newList<T>() => const <[!T!]>[];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+  // is being used as a type argument when creating a constant map:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // Map<String, T> newSet<T>() => const <String, [!T!]>{};
+  // ```
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+  // is being used as a type argument when creating a constant set:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // Set<T> newSet<T>() => const <[!T!]>{};
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // If the type that will be used for the type parameter can be known at
+  // compile time, then remove the type parameter:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // List<int> newList() => const <int>[];
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If the type that will be used for the type parameter can't be known until
+  // runtime, then remove the keyword `const`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // List<T> newList<T>() => <T>[];
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_LIST =
@@ -5039,9 +5554,6 @@
               "Try replacing the type parameter with a different type.");
-   * 12.7 Maps: It is a compile time error if the type arguments of a constant
-   * map literal include a type parameter.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the type parameter
@@ -5276,17 +5788,67 @@
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
-   * 13.13 Break: It is a compile-time error if no such statement
-   * <i>s<sub>E</sub></i> exists within the innermost function in which
-   * <i>s<sub>b</sub></i> occurs.
-   *
-   * 13.14 Continue: It is a compile-time error if no such statement or case
-   * clause <i>s<sub>E</sub></i> exists within the innermost function in which
-   * <i>s<sub>c</sub></i> occurs.
-   *
    * Parameters:
    * 0: the name of the unresolvable label
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `break` or `continue`
+  // statement references a label that is declared in a method or function
+  // containing the function in which the `break` or `continue` statement
+  // appears. The `break` and `continue` statements can't be used to transfer
+  // control outside the function that contains them.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the label `loop` is
+  // declared outside the local function `g`:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // void f() {
+  //   loop:
+  //   while (true) {
+  //     void g() {
+  //       break [!loop!];
+  //     }
+  //
+  //     g();
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Try rewriting the code so that it isn't necessary to transfer control
+  // outside the local function, possibly by inlining the local function:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // void f() {
+  //   loop:
+  //   while (true) {
+  //     break loop;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
+  //
+  // If that isn't possible, then try rewriting the local function so that a
+  // value returned by the function can be used to determine whether control is
+  // transferred:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // void f() {
+  //   loop:
+  //   while (true) {
+  //     bool g() {
+  //       return true;
+  //     }
+  //
+  //     if (g()) {
+  //       break loop;
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode LABEL_IN_OUTER_SCOPE = CompileTimeErrorCode(
       "Can't reference label '{0}' declared in an outer method.");
@@ -5466,6 +6028,9 @@
           "The element type '{0}' can't be assigned to the list type '{1}'.",
           hasPublishedDocs: true);
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode MAIN_FIRST_POSITIONAL_PARAMETER_TYPE =
@@ -5474,6 +6039,9 @@
     correction: "Try changing the type of the parameter.",
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode MAIN_HAS_REQUIRED_NAMED_PARAMETERS =
@@ -5482,6 +6050,9 @@
         "or removing the 'required' modifier.",
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode
@@ -5490,6 +6061,32 @@
         "or removing extra parameters.",
+  /**
+   * No parameters.
+   */
+  // #### Description
+  //
+  // The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library contains a declaration
+  // of the name `main` that isn't the declaration of a top-level function.
+  //
+  // #### Example
+  //
+  // The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `main` is
+  // being used to declare a top-level variable:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // var [!main!] = 3;
+  // ```
+  //
+  // #### Common fixes
+  //
+  // Use a different name for the declaration:
+  //
+  // ```dart
+  // %experiments=non-nullable
+  // var mainIndex = 3;
+  // ```
   static const CompileTimeErrorCode MAIN_IS_NOT_FUNCTION = CompileTimeErrorCode(
     "The declaration named 'main' must be a function.",
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
index 8e9e71c..cd29202 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart
@@ -257,6 +257,11 @@
   static T checkNotNull<T>(T argument, [String, name]) => argument;
+// In the SDK this is an abstract class.
+class BigInt implements Comparable<BigInt> {
+  static BigInt parse(String source, {int radix}) => BigInt();
 abstract class bool extends Object {
   external const factory bool.fromEnvironment(String name,
       {bool defaultValue: false});
@@ -1100,18 +1105,21 @@
   /// [nullSafePackages], if supplied, is a list of packages names that should
   /// be included in the null safety allow list.
+  ///
+  /// [sdkVersion], if supplied will override the version stored in the mock
+  /// SDK's `version` file.
     @required this.resourceProvider,
     List<MockSdkLibrary> additionalLibraries = const [],
     List<String> nullSafePackages = const [],
+    String sdkVersion,
   }) {
+    sdkVersion ??= '${ExperimentStatus.currentVersion.major}.'
+        '${ExperimentStatus.currentVersion.minor}.0';
     _versionFile = resourceProvider
-    _versionFile.writeAsStringSync(
-      '${ExperimentStatus.currentVersion.major}.'
-      '${ExperimentStatus.currentVersion.minor}.0',
-    );
+    _versionFile.writeAsStringSync(sdkVersion);
     for (MockSdkLibrary library in _LIBRARIES) {
       var convertedLibrary = library._toProvider(resourceProvider);
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/ b/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/
index 7b12549..5b680ce 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/tool/diagnostics/
@@ -234,6 +234,55 @@
 doesn't conform to the language specification or
 that might work in unexpected ways.
+### abstract_field_initializer
+_Abstract fields can't have initializers._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field that has the `abstract`
+modifier also has an initializer.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is marked as
+`abstract` and has an initializer:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+abstract class C {
+  abstract int [!f!] = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is marked as
+`abstract` and there's an initializer in the constructor:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+abstract class C {
+  abstract int f;
+  C() : [!f!] = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the field must be abstract, then remove the initializer:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+abstract class C {
+  abstract int f;
+{% endprettify %}
+If the field isn't required to be abstract, then remove the keyword:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+abstract class C {
+  int f = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### abstract_super_member_reference
 _The {0} '{1}' is always abstract in the supertype._
@@ -263,6 +312,54 @@
 Remove the invocation of the abstract member, possibly replacing it with an
 invocation of a concrete member.
+### ambiguous_export
+_The name '{0}' is defined in the libraries '{1}' and '{2}'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when two or more export directives
+cause the same name to be exported from multiple libraries.
+#### Example
+Given a file named `a.dart` containing
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C {}
+{% endprettify %}
+And a file named `b.dart` containing
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C {}
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `C` is being
+exported from both `a.dart` and `b.dart`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+export 'a.dart';
+export [!'b.dart'!];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If none of the names in one of the libraries needs to be exported, then
+remove the unnecessary export directives:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+export 'a.dart';
+{% endprettify %}
+If all of the export directives are needed, then hide the name in all
+except one of the directives:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+export 'a.dart';
+export 'b.dart' hide C;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### ambiguous_extension_member_access
 _A member named '{0}' is defined in extensions '{1}' and '{2}' and neither is
@@ -570,6 +667,103 @@
 String g(num y) => f(y as String);
 {% endprettify %}
+### assert_in_redirecting_constructor
+_A redirecting constructor can't have an 'assert' initializer._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a redirecting constructor (a
+constructor that redirects to another constructor in the same class) has an
+assert in the initializer list.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the unnamed constructor
+is a redirecting constructor and also has an assert in the initializer
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C {
+  C(int x) : [!assert(x > 0)!],;
+ {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the assert isn't needed, then remove it:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C {
+  C(int x) :;
+ {}
+{% endprettify %}
+If the assert is needed, then convert the constructor into a factory
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C {
+  factory C(int x) {
+    assert(x > 0);
+    return;
+  }
+ {}
+{% endprettify %}
+### assignment_to_const
+_Constant variables can't be assigned a value._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an assignment to a
+top-level variable, a static field, or a local variable that has the
+`const` modifier. The value of a compile-time constant can't be changed at
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because `c` is being assigned a
+value even though it has the `const` modifier:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+const c = 0;
+void f() {
+  [!c!] = 1;
+  print(c);
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the variable must be assignable, then remove the `const` modifier:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var c = 0;
+void f() {
+  c = 1;
+  print(c);
+{% endprettify %}
+If the constant shouldn't be changed, then either remove the assignment or
+use a local variable in place of references to the constant:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+const c = 0;
+void f() {
+  var v = 1;
+  print(v);
+{% endprettify %}
 ### assignment_to_final
 _'{0}' can't be used as a setter because it's final._
@@ -1433,6 +1627,54 @@
 C f(int i) => C(i);
 {% endprettify %}
+### const_with_type_parameters
+_A constant creation can't use a type parameter as a type argument._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type parameter is used as a
+type argument in a `const` invocation of a constructor. This isn't allowed
+because the value of the type parameter (the actual type that will be used
+at runtime) can't be known at compile time.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+is being used as a type argument when creating a constant:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C<T> {
+  const C();
+C<T> newC<T>() => const C<[!T!]>();
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the type that will be used for the type parameter can be known at
+compile time, then remove the use of the type parameter:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C<T> {
+  const C();
+C<int> newC() => const C<int>();
+{% endprettify %}
+If the type that will be used for the type parameter can't be known until
+runtime, then remove the keyword `const`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class C<T> {
+  const C();
+C<T> newC<T>() => C<T>();
+{% endprettify %}
 ### creation_with_non_type
 _The name '{0}' isn't a class._
@@ -1975,6 +2217,54 @@
 int y = 1;
 {% endprettify %}
+### duplicate_ignore
+_The diagnostic '{0}' doesn't need to be ignored here because it's already being
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a diagnostic name appears in an
+`ignore` comment, but the diagnostic is already being ignored, either
+because it's already included in the same `ignore` comment or because it
+appears in an `ignore-in-file` comment.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
+`unused_local_variable` is already being ignored for the whole file so it
+doesn't need to be ignored on a specific line:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
+void f() {
+  // ignore: [!unused_local_variable!]
+  var x = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
+`unused_local_variable` is being ignored twice on the same line:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+void f() {
+  // ignore: unused_local_variable, [!unused_local_variable!]
+  var x = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove the ignore comment, or remove the unnecessary diagnostic name if the
+ignore comment is ignoring more than one diagnostic:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
+void f() {
+  var x = 0;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### duplicate_import
 _Duplicate import._
@@ -2056,6 +2346,43 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### duplicate_part
+_The library already contains a part with the URI '{0}'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a single file is referenced in
+multiple part directives.
+#### Example
+Given a file named `part.dart` containing
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+part of lib;
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the file `part.dart` is
+included multiple times:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+library lib;
+part 'part.dart';
+part [!'part.dart'!];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove all except the first of the duplicated part directives:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+library lib;
+part 'part.dart';
+{% endprettify %}
 ### equal_elements_in_const_set
 _Two elements in a constant set literal can't be equal._
@@ -2216,6 +2543,84 @@
 of which entry to remove might affect the order in which the keys and
 values are returned by an iterator.
+### expected_one_list_type_arguments
+_List literals require one type argument or none, but {0} found._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a list literal has more than one
+type argument.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the list literal has
+two type arguments when it can have at most one:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var l = [!<int, int>!][];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove all except one of the type arguments:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var l = <int>[];
+{% endprettify %}
+### expected_one_set_type_arguments
+_Set literals require one type argument or none, but {0} were found._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a set literal has more than one
+type argument.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the set literal has
+three type arguments when it can have at most one:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var s = [!<int, String, int>!]{0, 'a', 1};
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove all except one of the type arguments:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var s = <int>{0, 1};
+{% endprettify %}
+### expected_two_map_type_arguments
+_Map literals require two type arguments or none, but {0} found._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a map literal has either one or
+more than two type arguments.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the map literal has
+three type arguments when it can have either two or zero:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var m = [!<int, String, int>!]{};
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Remove all except two of the type arguments:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var m = <int, String>{};
+{% endprettify %}
 ### export_legacy_symbol
 _The symbol '{0}' is defined in a legacy library, and can't be re-exported from
@@ -2266,6 +2671,37 @@
 combinator to the export directive in your library that hides all of the
 names declared in the opted-out library.
+### export_of_non_library
+_The exported library '{0}' can't have a part-of directive._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an export directive references a
+part rather than a library.
+#### Example
+Given a file named `part.dart` containing
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+part of lib;
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the file `part.dart` is
+a part, and only libraries can be exported:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+library lib;
+export [!'part.dart'!];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Either remove the export directive, or change the URI to be the URI of the
+library containing the part.
 ### expression_in_map
 _Expressions can't be used in a map literal._
@@ -3092,6 +3528,42 @@
 {% endprettify %}
+### illegal_async_generator_return_type
+_Functions marked 'async*' must have a return type that is a supertype of
+'Stream<T>' for some type 'T'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a function has the
+`async*` modifier even though the return type of the function isn't either
+`Stream` or a supertype of `Stream`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
+function `f` has the 'async*' modifier even though the return type `int`
+isn't a supertype of `Stream`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+[!int!] f() async* {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the function should be asynchronous, then change the return type to be
+either `Stream` or a supertype of `Stream`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+Stream<int> f() async* {}
+{% endprettify %}
+If the function should be synchronous, then remove the `async*` modifier:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+int f() => 0;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### illegal_async_return_type
 _Functions marked 'async' must have a return type assignable to 'Future'._
@@ -3128,9 +3600,44 @@
 If the function should be synchronous, then remove the `async` modifier:
 {% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
-int f() {
-  return 0;
+int f() => 0;
+{% endprettify %}
+### illegal_sync_generator_return_type
+_Functions marked 'sync*' must have a return type that is a supertype of
+'Iterable<T>' for some type 'T'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a function has the
+`sync*` modifier even though the return type of the function isn't either
+`Iterable` or a supertype of `Iterable`.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
+function `f` has the 'sync*' modifier even though the return type `int`
+isn't a supertype of `Iterable`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+[!int!] f() sync* {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the function should return an iterable, then change the return type to
+be either `Iterable` or a supertype of `Iterable`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+Iterable<int> f() sync* {}
+{% endprettify %}
+If the function should return a single value, then remove the `sync*`
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+int f() => 0;
 {% endprettify %}
 ### implements_non_class
@@ -3195,6 +3702,46 @@
 class B implements A {}
 {% endprettify %}
+### implements_super_class
+_'{0}' can't be used in both the 'extends' and 'implements' clauses._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when one class is listed in both the
+`extends` and `implements` clauses of another class.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A` is used
+in both the `extends` and `implements` clauses for the class `B`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class A {}
+class B extends A implements [!A!] {}
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If you want to inherit the implementation from the class, then remove the
+class from the `implements` clause:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class A {}
+class B extends A {}
+{% endprettify %}
+If you don't want to inherit the implementation from the class, then remove
+the `extends` clause:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class A {}
+class B implements A {}
+{% endprettify %}
 ### implicit_this_reference_in_initializer
 _The instance member '{0}' can't be accessed in an initializer._
@@ -3594,6 +4141,34 @@
 If there's a concrete subclass of the abstract class that can be used, then
 create an instance of the concrete subclass.
+### integer_literal_out_of_range
+_The integer literal {0} can't be represented in 64 bits._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an integer literal has a value
+that is too large (positive) or too small (negative) to be represented in a
+64-bit word.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the value can't be
+represented in 64 bits:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var x = [!9223372036854775810!];
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If you need to represent the current value, then wrap it in an instance of
+the class `BigInt`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var x = BigInt.parse('9223372036854775810');
+{% endprettify %}
 ### invalid_annotation
 _Annotation must be either a const variable reference or const constructor
@@ -4035,6 +4610,103 @@
 class C {}
 {% endprettify %}
+### invalid_super_invocation
+_The superclass call must be last in an initializer list: '{0}'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the initializer list of a
+constructor contains an invocation of a constructor in the superclass, but
+the invocation isn't the last item in the initializer list.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of the
+superclass' constructor isn't the last item in the initializer list:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class A {
+  A(int x);
+class B extends A {
+  B(int x) : [!super!](x), assert(x >= 0);
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Move the invocation of the superclass' constructor to the end of the
+initializer list:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+class A {
+  A(int x);
+class B extends A {
+  B(int x) : assert(x >= 0), super(x);
+{% endprettify %}
+### invalid_type_argument_in_const_literal
+_Constant list literals can't include a type parameter as a type argument, such
+as '{0}'._
+_Constant map literals can't include a type parameter as a type argument, such
+as '{0}'._
+_Constant set literals can't include a type parameter as a type argument, such
+as '{0}'._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type parameter is used as a
+type argument in a list, map, or set literal that is prefixed by `const`.
+This isn't allowed because the value of the type parameter (the actual type
+that will be used at runtime) can't be known at compile time.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+is being used as a type argument when creating a constant list:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+List<T> newList<T>() => const <[!T!]>[];
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+is being used as a type argument when creating a constant map:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+Map<String, T> newSet<T>() => const <String, [!T!]>{};
+{% endprettify %}
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
+is being used as a type argument when creating a constant set:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+Set<T> newSet<T>() => const <[!T!]>{};
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+If the type that will be used for the type parameter can be known at
+compile time, then remove the type parameter:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+List<int> newList() => const <int>[];
+{% endprettify %}
+If the type that will be used for the type parameter can't be known until
+runtime, then remove the keyword `const`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+List<T> newList<T>() => <T>[];
+{% endprettify %}
 ### invalid_uri
 _Invalid URI syntax: '{0}'._
@@ -4282,6 +4954,69 @@
 var y = f();
 {% endprettify %}
+### label_in_outer_scope
+_Can't reference label '{0}' declared in an outer method._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `break` or `continue`
+statement references a label that is declared in a method or function
+containing the function in which the `break` or `continue` statement
+appears. The `break` and `continue` statements can't be used to transfer
+control outside the function that contains them.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the label `loop` is
+declared outside the local function `g`:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+void f() {
+  loop:
+  while (true) {
+    void g() {
+      break [!loop!];
+    }
+    g();
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Try rewriting the code so that it isn't necessary to transfer control
+outside the local function, possibly by inlining the local function:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+void f() {
+  loop:
+  while (true) {
+    break loop;
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
+If that isn't possible, then try rewriting the local function so that a
+value returned by the function can be used to determine whether control is
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+void f() {
+  loop:
+  while (true) {
+    bool g() {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (g()) {
+      break loop;
+    }
+  }
+{% endprettify %}
 ### late_final_field_with_const_constructor
 _Can't have a late final field in a class with a const constructor._
@@ -4420,6 +5155,32 @@
 List<num> x = [1, 2.5, 3];
 {% endprettify %}
+### main_is_not_function
+_The declaration named 'main' must be a function._
+#### Description
+The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library contains a declaration
+of the name `main` that isn't the declaration of a top-level function.
+#### Example
+The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `main` is
+being used to declare a top-level variable:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var [!main!] = 3;
+{% endprettify %}
+#### Common fixes
+Use a different name for the declaration:
+{% prettify dart tag=pre+code %}
+var mainIndex = 3;
+{% endprettify %}
 ### map_entry_not_in_map
 _Map entries can only be used in a map literal._
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/migration_cli.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/migration_cli.dart
index f6d45aa..2252d76 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/migration_cli.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/migration_cli.dart
@@ -692,11 +692,13 @@
       Object bindAddress,
       {List<String> included = const <String>[],
       int preferredPort,
-      String summaryPath}) {
+      String summaryPath,
+      @required String sdkPath}) {
     return NonNullableFix(listener, resourceProvider, getLineInfo, bindAddress,
         included: included,
         preferredPort: preferredPort,
-        summaryPath: summaryPath);
+        summaryPath: summaryPath,
+        sdkPath: sdkPath);
   /// Runs the full migration process.
@@ -732,7 +734,8 @@
         _fixCodeProcessor.getLineInfo, computeBindAddress(),
         included: [],
         preferredPort: options.previewPort,
-        summaryPath: options.summary);
+        summaryPath: options.summary,
+        sdkPath: options.sdkPath);
     nonNullableFix.rerunFunction = _rerunFunction;
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart
index d10f7f4..35f98a8 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/edge_builder.dart
@@ -1236,17 +1236,27 @@
       targetType = _thisOrSuper(node);
     DecoratedType expressionType;
-    if (callee == null) {
+    DecoratedType calleeType;
+    if (targetType != null &&
+        targetType.type is FunctionType &&
+ == 'call') {
+      // If `X` has a function type, then in the expression ``, the
+      // function being called is `X` itself, so the callee type is simply the
+      // type of `X`.
+      calleeType = targetType;
+    } else if (callee != null) {
+      calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee, targetType: targetType);
+      if (callee is PropertyAccessorElement) {
+        calleeType = calleeType.returnType;
+      }
+    }
+    if (calleeType == null) {
       // Dynamic dispatch.  The return type is `dynamic`.
       // TODO(paulberry): would it be better to assume a return type of `Never`
       // so that we don't unnecessarily propagate nullabilities everywhere?
       expressionType = _makeNullableDynamicType(node);
     } else {
-      var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee, targetType: targetType);
-      if (callee is PropertyAccessorElement) {
-        calleeType = calleeType.returnType;
-      }
       expressionType = _handleInvocationArguments(
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/front_end/non_nullable_fix.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/front_end/non_nullable_fix.dart
index 792eeba..6148a95 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/front_end/non_nullable_fix.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/lib/src/front_end/non_nullable_fix.dart
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode, JsonEncoder;
+import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
 import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
@@ -26,20 +27,10 @@
 /// and determines whether the associated variable or parameter can be null
 /// then adds or removes a '?' trailing the named type as appropriate.
 class NonNullableFix {
-  // TODO(srawlins): Refactor to use
-  //  `Feature.non_nullable.releaseVersion` when this becomes non-null (perhaps
-  //  after "Beta").
-  static final Version _intendedMinimumSdkVersion = Version.parse('2.12.0-0');
-  // In the package_config.json file, the patch number is omitted.
-  static final String _intendedLanguageVersion =
-      '${_intendedMinimumSdkVersion.major}.${_intendedMinimumSdkVersion.minor}';
-  static final String _intendedSdkVersionConstraint =
-      '>=$_intendedMinimumSdkVersion <3.0.0';
   static final List<HttpPreviewServer> _allServers = [];
+  final Version _intendedMinimumSdkVersion;
   /// The internet address the server should bind to.  Should be suitable for
   /// passing to HttpServer.bind, i.e. either a [String] or an
   /// [InternetAddress].
@@ -87,14 +78,26 @@
       this.listener, this.resourceProvider, this._getLineInfo, this.bindAddress,
-      {List<String> included = const [], this.preferredPort, this.summaryPath})
+      {List<String> included = const [],
+      this.preferredPort,
+      this.summaryPath,
+      @required String sdkPath})
       : includedRoot =
-            _getIncludedRoot(included, listener.server.resourceProvider) {
+            _getIncludedRoot(included, listener.server.resourceProvider),
+        _intendedMinimumSdkVersion =
+            _computeIntendedMinimumSdkVersion(resourceProvider, sdkPath) {
   bool get isPreviewServerRunning => _server != null;
+  /// In the package_config.json file, the patch number is omitted.
+  String get _intendedLanguageVersion =>
+      '${_intendedMinimumSdkVersion.major}.${_intendedMinimumSdkVersion.minor}';
+  String get _intendedSdkVersionConstraint =>
+      '>=$_intendedMinimumSdkVersion <3.0.0';
   InstrumentationListener createInstrumentationListener(
           {MigrationSummary migrationSummary}) =>
       InstrumentationListener(migrationSummary: migrationSummary);
@@ -371,6 +374,52 @@
+  static Version _computeIntendedMinimumSdkVersion(
+      ResourceProvider resourceProvider, String sdkPath) {
+    var versionFile = resourceProvider
+        .getFile(resourceProvider.pathContext.join(sdkPath, 'version'));
+    if (!versionFile.exists) {
+      throw StateError(
+          'Could not find SDK version file at ${versionFile.path}');
+    }
+    var sdkVersionString = versionFile.readAsStringSync().trim();
+    var sdkVersion = Version.parse(sdkVersionString);
+    // Ideally, we would like to set the user's minimum SDK constraint to the
+    // version in which null safety was released to stable.  But we only want to
+    // do so if we are sure that stable release exists.  An easy way to check
+    // that is to see if the current SDK version is greater than or equal to the
+    // stable release of null safety.
+    var nullSafetyStableReleaseVersion = Feature.non_nullable.releaseVersion;
+    if (sdkVersion >= nullSafetyStableReleaseVersion) {
+      // It is, so we can use it as the minimum SDK constraint.
+      return nullSafetyStableReleaseVersion;
+    } else {
+      // It isn't.  This either means that null safety hasn't been released to
+      // stable yet (in which case it's definitely not safe to use
+      // `nullSafetyStableReleaseVersion` as a minimum SDK constraint), or it
+      // has been released but the user hasn't upgraded to it (in which case we
+      // don't want to use it as a minimum SDK constraint anyway, because we
+      // don't want to force the user to upgrade their SDK in order to be able
+      // to use their own package).  Our next best option is to use the user's
+      // current SDK version as a minimum SDK constraint, assuming it's a proper
+      // beta release version.
+      if (sdkVersionString.contains('beta')) {
+        // It is, so we can use it.
+        return sdkVersion;
+      } else {
+        // It isn't.  The user is probably either on a bleeding edge version of
+        // the SDK (e.g. `2.12.0-edge.<SHA>`), a dev version
+        // (e.g. ``), or an internally built version
+        // (e.g. `2.12.0-<large number>`).  All of these version numbers are
+        // unsafe for the user to use as their minimum SDK constraint, because
+        // if they published their package, it wouldn't be usable with the
+        // latest beta release.  So just fall back on using a version of
+        // `<stable release>-0`.
+        return Version.parse('$nullSafetyStableReleaseVersion-0');
+      }
+    }
+  }
   /// Get the "root" of all [included] paths. See [includedRoot] for its
   /// definition.
   static String _getIncludedRoot(
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart
index b0ba46d..a444f76 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/api_test.dart
@@ -5231,6 +5231,24 @@
     await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
+  Future<void> test_null_aware_call_followed_by_if_null() async {
+    var content = '''
+typedef MapGetter = Map<String, String> Function();
+void f(Map<String, String> m) {}
+void g(MapGetter/*?*/ mapGetter) {
+  f(mapGetter?.call() ?? {});
+    var expected = '''
+typedef MapGetter = Map<String, String> Function();
+void f(Map<String, String> m) {}
+void g(MapGetter? mapGetter) {
+  f(mapGetter?.call() ?? {});
+    await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
+  }
   Future<void> test_null_aware_getter_invocation() async {
     var content = '''
 bool f(int i) => i?.isEven;
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edge_builder_test.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edge_builder_test.dart
index 0497d63..712cd2a 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edge_builder_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/edge_builder_test.dart
@@ -4692,6 +4692,29 @@
     expect(hasNullCheckHint(findNode.methodInvocation('c.m2')), isTrue);
+  Future<void> test_methodInvocation_call_functionTyped() async {
+    await analyze('''
+void f(void Function(int x) callback, int y) =>;
+    assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node,
+        decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
+        hard: true);
+  }
+  Future<void> test_methodInvocation_call_interfaceTyped() async {
+    // Make sure that we don't try to treat all methods called `call` as though
+    // the underlying type is a function type.
+    await analyze('''
+abstract class C {
+  void call(int x);
+void f(C c, int y) =>;
+    assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int y').node,
+        decoratedTypeAnnotation('int x').node,
+        hard: true);
+  }
   Future<void> test_methodInvocation_dynamic() async {
     await analyze('''
 class C {
diff --git a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/migration_cli_test.dart b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/migration_cli_test.dart
index 31d3cec..72acffb 100644
--- a/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/migration_cli_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/nnbd_migration/test/migration_cli_test.dart
@@ -67,11 +67,13 @@
       Object bindAddress,
       {List<String> included = const <String>[],
       int preferredPort,
-      String summaryPath})
+      String summaryPath,
+      @required String sdkPath})
       : super(listener, resourceProvider, getLineInfo, bindAddress,
             included: included,
             preferredPort: preferredPort,
-            summaryPath: summaryPath);
+            summaryPath: summaryPath,
+            sdkPath: sdkPath);
   InstrumentationListener createInstrumentationListener(
@@ -150,19 +152,22 @@
       Object bindAddress,
       {List<String> included = const <String>[],
       int preferredPort,
-      String summaryPath}) {
+      String summaryPath,
+      @required String sdkPath}) {
     if (cli._test.injectArtificialException) {
       return _ExceptionGeneratingNonNullableFix(
           listener, resourceProvider, getLineInfo, bindAddress,
           included: included,
           preferredPort: preferredPort,
-          summaryPath: summaryPath);
+          summaryPath: summaryPath,
+          sdkPath: sdkPath);
     } else {
       return super.createNonNullableFix(
           listener, resourceProvider, getLineInfo, bindAddress,
           included: included,
           preferredPort: preferredPort,
-          summaryPath: summaryPath);
+          summaryPath: summaryPath,
+          sdkPath: sdkPath);
@@ -432,7 +437,7 @@
 name: test
-  sdk: '${migrated ? '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0' : '>=2.6.0 <3.0.0'}'
+  sdk: '${migrated ? '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0' : '>=2.6.0 <3.0.0'}'
           packageConfigText ?? _getPackageConfigText(migrated: migrated),
@@ -1794,7 +1799,7 @@
 name: test
   foo: 1
-  sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0'
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
@@ -1851,7 +1856,7 @@
         projectDir, simpleProject(migrated: true, pubspecText: '''
 name: test
-  sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0'
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
@@ -1868,7 +1873,7 @@
         // This is strange-looking, but valid.
-  sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0'
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
 name: test
@@ -1882,6 +1887,58 @@
     expect(() async => await, throwsUnsupportedError);
+  test_pubspec_with_sdk_version_beta() async {
+    var projectDir = createProjectDir(simpleProject());
+    var cliRunner = _createCli(sdkVersion: '2.12.0-1.2.beta')
+        .decodeCommandLineArgs(_parseArgs(['--apply-changes', projectDir]));
+    await;
+    assertProjectContents(
+        projectDir, simpleProject(migrated: true, pubspecText: '''
+name: test
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0-1.2.beta <3.0.0'
+  }
+  test_pubspec_with_sdk_version_dev() async {
+    var projectDir = createProjectDir(simpleProject());
+    var cliRunner = _createCli(sdkVersion: '')
+        .decodeCommandLineArgs(_parseArgs(['--apply-changes', projectDir]));
+    await;
+    assertProjectContents(
+        projectDir, simpleProject(migrated: true, pubspecText: '''
+name: test
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0'
+  }
+  test_pubspec_with_sdk_version_edge() async {
+    var projectDir = createProjectDir(simpleProject());
+    var cliRunner = _createCli(sdkVersion: '2.12.0-edge.1234567')
+        .decodeCommandLineArgs(_parseArgs(['--apply-changes', projectDir]));
+    await;
+    assertProjectContents(
+        projectDir, simpleProject(migrated: true, pubspecText: '''
+name: test
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0'
+  }
+  test_pubspec_with_sdk_version_internal() async {
+    var projectDir = createProjectDir(simpleProject());
+    var cliRunner = _createCli(sdkVersion: '2.12.0-1234567')
+        .decodeCommandLineArgs(_parseArgs(['--apply-changes', projectDir]));
+    await;
+    assertProjectContents(
+        projectDir, simpleProject(migrated: true, pubspecText: '''
+name: test
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0'
+  }
   test_uses_physical_resource_provider_by_default() {
     var cli = MigrationCli(binaryName: 'nnbd_migration');
     expect(cli.resourceProvider, same(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE));
@@ -1896,9 +1953,12 @@
         headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'});
-  _MigrationCli _createCli({List<String> nullSafePackages = const []}) {
+  _MigrationCli _createCli(
+      {List<String> nullSafePackages = const [], String sdkVersion}) {
-        resourceProvider: resourceProvider, nullSafePackages: nullSafePackages);
+        resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
+        nullSafePackages: nullSafePackages,
+        sdkVersion: sdkVersion);
     return _MigrationCli(this);
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_1_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_1_test.dart
index 013d558..987c06f 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_1_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_1_test.dart
@@ -15,13 +15,15 @@
   generateIsolateSource(sourcePath, "");
   try {
+    String sourceUri = Uri.file(sourcePath).toString();
     // Strong Isolate Spawning another Strong Isolate using spawnUri.
-        "$tmpDirPath/strong_strong.dart", "", sourcePath, 're: strong');
+        "$tmpDirPath/strong_strong.dart", "", sourceUri, 're: strong');
     // Weak Isolate Spawning a Strong Isolate using spawnUri.
-        "$tmpDirPath/weak_strong.dart", "2.6", sourcePath, 're: strong');
+        "$tmpDirPath/weak_strong.dart", "2.6", sourceUri, 're: strong');
   } finally {
     tmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_2_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_2_test.dart
index e2f9d1c..34ca1a8 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_2_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_2_test.dart
@@ -15,13 +15,15 @@
   generateIsolateSource(sourcePath, "2.6");
   try {
+    String sourceUri = Uri.file(sourcePath).toString();
     // Strong Isolate Spawning another weak Isolate using spawnUri.
-        "$tmpDirPath/strong_weak.dart", "", sourcePath, 're: weak');
+        "$tmpDirPath/strong_weak.dart", "", sourceUri, 're: weak');
     // Weak Isolate Spawning another Weak Isolate using spawnUri.
-        "$tmpDirPath/weak_weak.dart", "2.6", sourcePath, 're: weak');
+        "$tmpDirPath/weak_weak.dart", "2.6", sourceUri, 're: weak');
   } finally {
     tmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_3_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_3_test.dart
index b7650db..b50f70e 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_3_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_3_test.dart
@@ -17,13 +17,15 @@
   generateKernel(sourcePath, outPath);
   try {
+    String outUri = Uri.file(outPath).toString();
     // Strong Isolate Spawning another Strong Isolate using spawnUri.
-        "$tmpDirPath/strong_strong.dart", "", outPath, 're: strong');
+        "$tmpDirPath/strong_strong.dart", "", outUri, 're: strong');
     // Weak Isolate Spawning a Strong Isolate using spawnUri.
-        "$tmpDirPath/weak_strong.dart", "2.6", outPath, 're: strong');
+        "$tmpDirPath/weak_strong.dart", "2.6", outUri, 're: strong');
   } finally {
     tmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
diff --git a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_4_test.dart b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_4_test.dart
index 875d4d0..ce457dc 100644
--- a/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_4_test.dart
+++ b/tests/lib/isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_4_test.dart
@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@
   generateKernel(sourcePath, outPath);
   try {
+    String outUri = Uri.file(outPath).toString();
     // Strong Isolate Spawning another weak Isolate using spawnUri.
-    testNullSafetyMode("$tmpDirPath/strong_weak.dart", "", outPath, 're: weak');
+    testNullSafetyMode("$tmpDirPath/strong_weak.dart", "", outUri, 're: weak');
     // Weak Isolate Spawning another Weak Isolate using spawnUri.
-        "$tmpDirPath/weak_weak.dart", "2.6", outPath, 're: weak');
+        "$tmpDirPath/weak_weak.dart", "2.6", outUri, 're: weak');
   } finally {
     tmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
diff --git a/tests/lib/lib_vm.status b/tests/lib/lib_vm.status
index 77a53e5..b28a2fa 100644
--- a/tests/lib/lib_vm.status
+++ b/tests/lib/lib_vm.status
@@ -75,16 +75,6 @@
 mirrors/library_uri_io_test: RuntimeError
 mirrors/library_uri_package_test: RuntimeError
-[ $runtime == vm && $system == windows ]
-isolate/detect_nullsafety_1_test: Skip # Issue 43583
-isolate/detect_nullsafety_2_test: Skip # Issue 43583
-isolate/nnbd_spawn_autodetect_1_test: Skip # Issue 43583
-isolate/nnbd_spawn_autodetect_2_test: Skip # Issue 43583
-isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_1_test: Skip # Issue 43583
-isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_2_test: Skip # Issue 43583
-isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_3_test: Skip # Issue 43583
-isolate/nnbd_spawnuri_autodetect_4_test: Skip # Issue 43583
 [ $runtime == vm && ($arch == simarm || $arch == simarmv6) ]
 convert/utf85_test: Skip # Pass, Slow Issue 12644.
diff --git a/tools/VERSION b/tools/VERSION
index c53ff28..b32f56d 100644
--- a/tools/VERSION
+++ b/tools/VERSION
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file