| # Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| [ $runtime != none ] |
| LibTest/core/Uri/hasEmptyPath_A01_t01: RuntimeError |
| LibTest/core/Uri/parse_A05_t01: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $system == windows ] |
| LibTest/io/ProcessResult/exitCode_A01_t02: Skip # Issue 43645 |
| |
| [ $compiler != dart2js && $runtime != none && $runtime != vm && !$checked ] |
| LibTest/async/Future/catchError_A03_t05: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $mode == debug && $runtime == dart_precompiled ] |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t03: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t04: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t05: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t06: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t03: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t04: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t05: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t06: SkipSlow # Very slow compilation in debug mode. |
| |
| [ $arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64 ] |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t01: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t04: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t05: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| LibTest/collection/ListBase/ListBase_class_A01_t06: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t01: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t04: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t05: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| LibTest/collection/ListMixin/ListMixin_class_A01_t06: SkipSlow # Very slow on sim* architectures. |
| |
| [ $compiler == fasta || $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm ] |
| LibTest/html/*: SkipByDesign # dart:html not supported on VM. |