blob: 7a93c95707eeebb50f5e60f6cb0ba4a16a25e2a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'native_testing.dart';
// JavaScript reserved words:
// break
// case
// catch
// class
// const
// continue
// debugger
// default
// delete
// do
// else
// enum
// export
// extends
// false
// finally
// for
// function
// if
// implements
// import
// in
// instanceof
// interface
// let
// new
// null
// package
// private
// protected
// public
// return
// static
// super
// switch
// this
// throw
// true
// try
// typeof
// var
// void
// while
// with
// yield
// Funny thing in JavaScript: there are two syntactic categories:
// "Identifier" and "IdentifierName". The latter includes reserved
// words. This is legal JavaScript according to ECMA-262.5:
// this.default
// See section 11.2 "Left-Hand-Side Expressions" which states that a
// "MemberExpression" includes: "MemberExpression . IdentifierName".
class NativeClassWithOddNames {
bool? breakValue;
bool? caseValue;
bool? catchValue;
bool? classValue;
bool? constValue;
bool? continueValue;
bool? debuggerValue;
bool? defaultValue;
bool? deleteValue;
bool? doValue;
bool? elseValue;
bool? enumValue;
bool? exportValue;
bool? extendsValue;
bool? falseValue;
bool? finallyValue;
bool? forValue;
bool? functionValue;
bool? ifValue;
bool? implementsValue;
bool? importValue;
bool? inValue;
bool? instanceofValue;
bool? interfaceValue;
bool? letValue;
bool? newValue;
bool? nullValue;
bool? packageValue;
bool? privateValue;
bool? protectedValue;
bool? publicValue;
bool? returnValue;
bool? staticValue;
bool? superValue;
bool? switchValue;
bool? thisValue;
bool? throwValue;
bool? trueValue;
bool? tryValue;
bool? typeofValue;
bool? varValue;
bool? voidValue;
bool? whileValue;
bool? withValue;
bool? yieldValue;
void testMyFields() {
if (breakValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "breakValue"';
breakValue = true;
if (!breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
breakValue = false;
if (breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
if (caseValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "caseValue"';
caseValue = true;
if (!caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
caseValue = false;
if (caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
if (catchValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "catchValue"';
catchValue = true;
if (!catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
catchValue = false;
if (catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
if (classValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "classValue"';
classValue = true;
if (!classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
classValue = false;
if (classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
if (constValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "constValue"';
constValue = true;
if (!constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
constValue = false;
if (constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
if (continueValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "continueValue"';
continueValue = true;
if (!continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
continueValue = false;
if (continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
if (debuggerValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "debuggerValue"';
debuggerValue = true;
if (!debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
debuggerValue = false;
if (debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
if (defaultValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "defaultValue"';
defaultValue = true;
if (!defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
defaultValue = false;
if (defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
if (deleteValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "deleteValue"';
deleteValue = true;
if (!deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
deleteValue = false;
if (deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
if (doValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "doValue"';
doValue = true;
if (!doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
doValue = false;
if (doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
if (elseValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "elseValue"';
elseValue = true;
if (!elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
elseValue = false;
if (elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
if (enumValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "enumValue"';
enumValue = true;
if (!enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
enumValue = false;
if (enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
if (exportValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "exportValue"';
exportValue = true;
if (!exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
exportValue = false;
if (exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
if (extendsValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "extendsValue"';
extendsValue = true;
if (!extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
extendsValue = false;
if (extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
if (falseValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "falseValue"';
falseValue = true;
if (!falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
falseValue = false;
if (falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
if (finallyValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "finallyValue"';
finallyValue = true;
if (!finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
finallyValue = false;
if (finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
if (forValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "forValue"';
forValue = true;
if (!forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
forValue = false;
if (forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
if (functionValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "functionValue"';
functionValue = true;
if (!functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
functionValue = false;
if (functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
if (ifValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "ifValue"';
ifValue = true;
if (!ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
ifValue = false;
if (ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
if (implementsValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "implementsValue"';
implementsValue = true;
if (!implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
implementsValue = false;
if (implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
if (importValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "importValue"';
importValue = true;
if (!importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
importValue = false;
if (importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
if (inValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "inValue"';
inValue = true;
if (!inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
inValue = false;
if (inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
if (instanceofValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "instanceofValue"';
instanceofValue = true;
if (!instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
instanceofValue = false;
if (instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
if (interfaceValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "interfaceValue"';
interfaceValue = true;
if (!interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
interfaceValue = false;
if (interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
if (letValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "letValue"';
letValue = true;
if (!letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
letValue = false;
if (letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
if (newValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "newValue"';
newValue = true;
if (!newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
newValue = false;
if (newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
if (nullValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "nullValue"';
nullValue = true;
if (!nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
nullValue = false;
if (nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
if (packageValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "packageValue"';
packageValue = true;
if (!packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
packageValue = false;
if (packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
if (privateValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "privateValue"';
privateValue = true;
if (!privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
privateValue = false;
if (privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
if (protectedValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "protectedValue"';
protectedValue = true;
if (!protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
protectedValue = false;
if (protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
if (publicValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "publicValue"';
publicValue = true;
if (!publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
publicValue = false;
if (publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
if (returnValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "returnValue"';
returnValue = true;
if (!returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
returnValue = false;
if (returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
if (staticValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "staticValue"';
staticValue = true;
if (!staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
staticValue = false;
if (staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
if (superValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "superValue"';
superValue = true;
if (!superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
superValue = false;
if (superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
if (switchValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "switchValue"';
switchValue = true;
if (!switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
switchValue = false;
if (switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
if (thisValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "thisValue"';
thisValue = true;
if (!thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
thisValue = false;
if (thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
if (throwValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "throwValue"';
throwValue = true;
if (!throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
throwValue = false;
if (throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
if (trueValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "trueValue"';
trueValue = true;
if (!trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
trueValue = false;
if (trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
if (tryValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "tryValue"';
tryValue = true;
if (!tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
tryValue = false;
if (tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
if (typeofValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "typeofValue"';
typeofValue = true;
if (!typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
typeofValue = false;
if (typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
if (varValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "varValue"';
varValue = true;
if (!varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
varValue = false;
if (varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
if (voidValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "voidValue"';
voidValue = true;
if (!voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
voidValue = false;
if (voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
if (whileValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "whileValue"';
whileValue = true;
if (!whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
whileValue = false;
if (whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
if (withValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "withValue"';
withValue = true;
if (!withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
withValue = false;
if (withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
if (yieldValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "yieldValue"';
yieldValue = true;
if (!yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
yieldValue = false;
if (yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
class ClassWithOddNames {
bool? breakValue;
bool? caseValue;
bool? catchValue;
bool? classValue;
bool? constValue;
bool? continueValue;
bool? debuggerValue;
bool? defaultValue;
bool? deleteValue;
bool? doValue;
bool? elseValue;
bool? enumValue;
bool? exportValue;
bool? extendsValue;
bool? falseValue;
bool? finallyValue;
bool? forValue;
bool? functionValue;
bool? ifValue;
bool? implementsValue;
bool? importValue;
bool? inValue;
bool? instanceofValue;
bool? interfaceValue;
bool? letValue;
bool? newValue;
bool? nullValue;
bool? packageValue;
bool? privateValue;
bool? protectedValue;
bool? publicValue;
bool? returnValue;
bool? staticValue;
bool? superValue;
bool? switchValue;
bool? thisValue;
bool? throwValue;
bool? trueValue;
bool? tryValue;
bool? typeofValue;
bool? varValue;
bool? voidValue;
bool? whileValue;
bool? withValue;
bool? yieldValue;
void testMyFields() {
if (breakValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "breakValue"';
breakValue = true;
if (!breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
breakValue = false;
if (breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
if (caseValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "caseValue"';
caseValue = true;
if (!caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
caseValue = false;
if (caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
if (catchValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "catchValue"';
catchValue = true;
if (!catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
catchValue = false;
if (catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
if (classValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "classValue"';
classValue = true;
if (!classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
classValue = false;
if (classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
if (constValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "constValue"';
constValue = true;
if (!constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
constValue = false;
if (constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
if (continueValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "continueValue"';
continueValue = true;
if (!continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
continueValue = false;
if (continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
if (debuggerValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "debuggerValue"';
debuggerValue = true;
if (!debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
debuggerValue = false;
if (debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
if (defaultValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "defaultValue"';
defaultValue = true;
if (!defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
defaultValue = false;
if (defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
if (deleteValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "deleteValue"';
deleteValue = true;
if (!deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
deleteValue = false;
if (deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
if (doValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "doValue"';
doValue = true;
if (!doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
doValue = false;
if (doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
if (elseValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "elseValue"';
elseValue = true;
if (!elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
elseValue = false;
if (elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
if (enumValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "enumValue"';
enumValue = true;
if (!enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
enumValue = false;
if (enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
if (exportValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "exportValue"';
exportValue = true;
if (!exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
exportValue = false;
if (exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
if (extendsValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "extendsValue"';
extendsValue = true;
if (!extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
extendsValue = false;
if (extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
if (falseValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "falseValue"';
falseValue = true;
if (!falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
falseValue = false;
if (falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
if (finallyValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "finallyValue"';
finallyValue = true;
if (!finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
finallyValue = false;
if (finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
if (forValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "forValue"';
forValue = true;
if (!forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
forValue = false;
if (forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
if (functionValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "functionValue"';
functionValue = true;
if (!functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
functionValue = false;
if (functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
if (ifValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "ifValue"';
ifValue = true;
if (!ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
ifValue = false;
if (ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
if (implementsValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "implementsValue"';
implementsValue = true;
if (!implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
implementsValue = false;
if (implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
if (importValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "importValue"';
importValue = true;
if (!importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
importValue = false;
if (importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
if (inValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "inValue"';
inValue = true;
if (!inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
inValue = false;
if (inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
if (instanceofValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "instanceofValue"';
instanceofValue = true;
if (!instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
instanceofValue = false;
if (instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
if (interfaceValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "interfaceValue"';
interfaceValue = true;
if (!interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
interfaceValue = false;
if (interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
if (letValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "letValue"';
letValue = true;
if (!letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
letValue = false;
if (letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
if (newValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "newValue"';
newValue = true;
if (!newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
newValue = false;
if (newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
if (nullValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "nullValue"';
nullValue = true;
if (!nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
nullValue = false;
if (nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
if (packageValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "packageValue"';
packageValue = true;
if (!packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
packageValue = false;
if (packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
if (privateValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "privateValue"';
privateValue = true;
if (!privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
privateValue = false;
if (privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
if (protectedValue != null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "protectedValue"';
protectedValue = true;
if (!protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
protectedValue = false;
if (protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
if (publicValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "publicValue"';
publicValue = true;
if (!publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
publicValue = false;
if (publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
if (returnValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "returnValue"';
returnValue = true;
if (!returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
returnValue = false;
if (returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
if (staticValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "staticValue"';
staticValue = true;
if (!staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
staticValue = false;
if (staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
if (superValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "superValue"';
superValue = true;
if (!superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
superValue = false;
if (superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
if (switchValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "switchValue"';
switchValue = true;
if (!switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
switchValue = false;
if (switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
if (thisValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "thisValue"';
thisValue = true;
if (!thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
thisValue = false;
if (thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
if (throwValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "throwValue"';
throwValue = true;
if (!throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
throwValue = false;
if (throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
if (trueValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "trueValue"';
trueValue = true;
if (!trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
trueValue = false;
if (trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
if (tryValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "tryValue"';
tryValue = true;
if (!tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
tryValue = false;
if (tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
if (typeofValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "typeofValue"';
typeofValue = true;
if (!typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
typeofValue = false;
if (typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
if (varValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "varValue"';
varValue = true;
if (!varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
varValue = false;
if (varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
if (voidValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "voidValue"';
voidValue = true;
if (!voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
voidValue = false;
if (voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
if (whileValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "whileValue"';
whileValue = true;
if (!whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
whileValue = false;
if (whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
if (withValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "withValue"';
withValue = true;
if (!withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
withValue = false;
if (withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
if (yieldValue != null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "yieldValue"';
yieldValue = true;
if (!yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
yieldValue = false;
if (yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
/// Called once with an instance of NativeClassWithOddNames making it easy
/// to inline accessors.
testObjectStronglyTyped(object) {
if (object.breakValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "breakValue"';
object.breakValue = true;
if (!object.breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
object.breakValue = false;
if (object.breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
if (object.caseValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "caseValue"';
object.caseValue = true;
if (!object.caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
object.caseValue = false;
if (object.caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
if (object.catchValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "catchValue"';
object.catchValue = true;
if (!object.catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
object.catchValue = false;
if (object.catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
if (object.classValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "classValue"';
object.classValue = true;
if (!object.classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
object.classValue = false;
if (object.classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
if (object.constValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "constValue"';
object.constValue = true;
if (!object.constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
object.constValue = false;
if (object.constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
if (object.continueValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "continueValue"';
object.continueValue = true;
if (!object.continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
object.continueValue = false;
if (object.continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
if (object.debuggerValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "debuggerValue"';
object.debuggerValue = true;
if (!object.debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
object.debuggerValue = false;
if (object.debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
if (object.defaultValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "defaultValue"';
object.defaultValue = true;
if (!object.defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
object.defaultValue = false;
if (object.defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
if (object.deleteValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "deleteValue"';
object.deleteValue = true;
if (!object.deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
object.deleteValue = false;
if (object.deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
if (object.doValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "doValue"';
object.doValue = true;
if (!object.doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
object.doValue = false;
if (object.doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
if (object.elseValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "elseValue"';
object.elseValue = true;
if (!object.elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
object.elseValue = false;
if (object.elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
if (object.enumValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "enumValue"';
object.enumValue = true;
if (!object.enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
object.enumValue = false;
if (object.enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
if (object.exportValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "exportValue"';
object.exportValue = true;
if (!object.exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
object.exportValue = false;
if (object.exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
if (object.extendsValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "extendsValue"';
object.extendsValue = true;
if (!object.extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
object.extendsValue = false;
if (object.extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
if (object.falseValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "falseValue"';
object.falseValue = true;
if (!object.falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
object.falseValue = false;
if (object.falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
if (object.finallyValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "finallyValue"';
object.finallyValue = true;
if (!object.finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
object.finallyValue = false;
if (object.finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
if (object.forValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "forValue"';
object.forValue = true;
if (!object.forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
object.forValue = false;
if (object.forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
if (object.functionValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "functionValue"';
object.functionValue = true;
if (!object.functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
object.functionValue = false;
if (object.functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
if (object.ifValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "ifValue"';
object.ifValue = true;
if (!object.ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
object.ifValue = false;
if (object.ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
if (object.implementsValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "implementsValue"';
object.implementsValue = true;
if (!object.implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
object.implementsValue = false;
if (object.implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
if (object.importValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "importValue"';
object.importValue = true;
if (!object.importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
object.importValue = false;
if (object.importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
if (object.inValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "inValue"';
object.inValue = true;
if (!object.inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
object.inValue = false;
if (object.inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
if (object.instanceofValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "instanceofValue"';
object.instanceofValue = true;
if (!object.instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
object.instanceofValue = false;
if (object.instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
if (object.interfaceValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "interfaceValue"';
object.interfaceValue = true;
if (!object.interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
object.interfaceValue = false;
if (object.interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
if (object.letValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "letValue"';
object.letValue = true;
if (!object.letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
object.letValue = false;
if (object.letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
if (object.newValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "newValue"';
object.newValue = true;
if (!object.newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
object.newValue = false;
if (object.newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
if (object.nullValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "nullValue"';
object.nullValue = true;
if (!object.nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
object.nullValue = false;
if (object.nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
if (object.packageValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "packageValue"';
object.packageValue = true;
if (!object.packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
object.packageValue = false;
if (object.packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
if (object.privateValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "privateValue"';
object.privateValue = true;
if (!object.privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
object.privateValue = false;
if (object.privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
if (object.protectedValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "protectedValue"';
object.protectedValue = true;
if (!object.protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
object.protectedValue = false;
if (object.protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
if (object.publicValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "publicValue"';
object.publicValue = true;
if (!object.publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
object.publicValue = false;
if (object.publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
if (object.returnValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "returnValue"';
object.returnValue = true;
if (!object.returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
object.returnValue = false;
if (object.returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
if (object.staticValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "staticValue"';
object.staticValue = true;
if (!object.staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
object.staticValue = false;
if (object.staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
if (object.superValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "superValue"';
object.superValue = true;
if (!object.superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
object.superValue = false;
if (object.superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
if (object.switchValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "switchValue"';
object.switchValue = true;
if (!object.switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
object.switchValue = false;
if (object.switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
if (object.thisValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "thisValue"';
object.thisValue = true;
if (!object.thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
object.thisValue = false;
if (object.thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
if (object.throwValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "throwValue"';
object.throwValue = true;
if (!object.throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
object.throwValue = false;
if (object.throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
if (object.trueValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "trueValue"';
object.trueValue = true;
if (!object.trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
object.trueValue = false;
if (object.trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
if (object.tryValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "tryValue"';
object.tryValue = true;
if (!object.tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
object.tryValue = false;
if (object.tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
if (object.typeofValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "typeofValue"';
object.typeofValue = true;
if (!object.typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
object.typeofValue = false;
if (object.typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
if (object.varValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "varValue"';
object.varValue = true;
if (!object.varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
object.varValue = false;
if (object.varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
if (object.voidValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "voidValue"';
object.voidValue = true;
if (!object.voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
object.voidValue = false;
if (object.voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
if (object.whileValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "whileValue"';
object.whileValue = true;
if (!object.whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
object.whileValue = false;
if (object.whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
if (object.withValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "withValue"';
object.withValue = true;
if (!object.withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
object.withValue = false;
if (object.withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
if (object.yieldValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "yieldValue"';
object.yieldValue = true;
if (!object.yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
object.yieldValue = false;
if (object.yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
/// Called multiple times with arguments that are hard to track in type
/// inference making it hard to inline accessors.
testObjectWeaklyTyped(object) {
object = object[0];
if (object == 'fisk') return;
if (object.breakValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "breakValue"';
object.breakValue = true;
if (!object.breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
object.breakValue = false;
if (object.breakValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "breakValue"';
if (object.caseValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "caseValue"';
object.caseValue = true;
if (!object.caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
object.caseValue = false;
if (object.caseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "caseValue"';
if (object.catchValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "catchValue"';
object.catchValue = true;
if (!object.catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
object.catchValue = false;
if (object.catchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "catchValue"';
if (object.classValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "classValue"';
object.classValue = true;
if (!object.classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
object.classValue = false;
if (object.classValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "classValue"';
if (object.constValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "constValue"';
object.constValue = true;
if (!object.constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
object.constValue = false;
if (object.constValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "constValue"';
if (object.continueValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "continueValue"';
object.continueValue = true;
if (!object.continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
object.continueValue = false;
if (object.continueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "continueValue"';
if (object.debuggerValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "debuggerValue"';
object.debuggerValue = true;
if (!object.debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
object.debuggerValue = false;
if (object.debuggerValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "debuggerValue"';
if (object.defaultValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "defaultValue"';
object.defaultValue = true;
if (!object.defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
object.defaultValue = false;
if (object.defaultValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "defaultValue"';
if (object.deleteValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "deleteValue"';
object.deleteValue = true;
if (!object.deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
object.deleteValue = false;
if (object.deleteValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "deleteValue"';
if (object.doValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "doValue"';
object.doValue = true;
if (!object.doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
object.doValue = false;
if (object.doValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "doValue"';
if (object.elseValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "elseValue"';
object.elseValue = true;
if (!object.elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
object.elseValue = false;
if (object.elseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "elseValue"';
if (object.enumValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "enumValue"';
object.enumValue = true;
if (!object.enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
object.enumValue = false;
if (object.enumValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "enumValue"';
if (object.exportValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "exportValue"';
object.exportValue = true;
if (!object.exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
object.exportValue = false;
if (object.exportValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "exportValue"';
if (object.extendsValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "extendsValue"';
object.extendsValue = true;
if (!object.extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
object.extendsValue = false;
if (object.extendsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "extendsValue"';
if (object.falseValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "falseValue"';
object.falseValue = true;
if (!object.falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
object.falseValue = false;
if (object.falseValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "falseValue"';
if (object.finallyValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "finallyValue"';
object.finallyValue = true;
if (!object.finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
object.finallyValue = false;
if (object.finallyValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "finallyValue"';
if (object.forValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "forValue"';
object.forValue = true;
if (!object.forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
object.forValue = false;
if (object.forValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "forValue"';
if (object.functionValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "functionValue"';
object.functionValue = true;
if (!object.functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
object.functionValue = false;
if (object.functionValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "functionValue"';
if (object.ifValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "ifValue"';
object.ifValue = true;
if (!object.ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
object.ifValue = false;
if (object.ifValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "ifValue"';
if (object.implementsValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "implementsValue"';
object.implementsValue = true;
if (!object.implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
object.implementsValue = false;
if (object.implementsValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "implementsValue"';
if (object.importValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "importValue"';
object.importValue = true;
if (!object.importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
object.importValue = false;
if (object.importValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "importValue"';
if (object.inValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "inValue"';
object.inValue = true;
if (!object.inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
object.inValue = false;
if (object.inValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "inValue"';
if (object.instanceofValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "instanceofValue"';
object.instanceofValue = true;
if (!object.instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
object.instanceofValue = false;
if (object.instanceofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "instanceofValue"';
if (object.interfaceValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "interfaceValue"';
object.interfaceValue = true;
if (!object.interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
object.interfaceValue = false;
if (object.interfaceValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "interfaceValue"';
if (object.letValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "letValue"';
object.letValue = true;
if (!object.letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
object.letValue = false;
if (object.letValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "letValue"';
if (object.newValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "newValue"';
object.newValue = true;
if (!object.newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
object.newValue = false;
if (object.newValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "newValue"';
if (object.nullValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "nullValue"';
object.nullValue = true;
if (!object.nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
object.nullValue = false;
if (object.nullValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "nullValue"';
if (object.packageValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "packageValue"';
object.packageValue = true;
if (!object.packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
object.packageValue = false;
if (object.packageValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "packageValue"';
if (object.privateValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "privateValue"';
object.privateValue = true;
if (!object.privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
object.privateValue = false;
if (object.privateValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "privateValue"';
if (object.protectedValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "protectedValue"';
object.protectedValue = true;
if (!object.protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
object.protectedValue = false;
if (object.protectedValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "protectedValue"';
if (object.publicValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "publicValue"';
object.publicValue = true;
if (!object.publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
object.publicValue = false;
if (object.publicValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "publicValue"';
if (object.returnValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "returnValue"';
object.returnValue = true;
if (!object.returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
object.returnValue = false;
if (object.returnValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "returnValue"';
if (object.staticValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "staticValue"';
object.staticValue = true;
if (!object.staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
object.staticValue = false;
if (object.staticValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "staticValue"';
if (object.superValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "superValue"';
object.superValue = true;
if (!object.superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
object.superValue = false;
if (object.superValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "superValue"';
if (object.switchValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "switchValue"';
object.switchValue = true;
if (!object.switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
object.switchValue = false;
if (object.switchValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "switchValue"';
if (object.thisValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "thisValue"';
object.thisValue = true;
if (!object.thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
object.thisValue = false;
if (object.thisValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "thisValue"';
if (object.throwValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "throwValue"';
object.throwValue = true;
if (!object.throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
object.throwValue = false;
if (object.throwValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "throwValue"';
if (object.trueValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "trueValue"';
object.trueValue = true;
if (!object.trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
object.trueValue = false;
if (object.trueValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "trueValue"';
if (object.tryValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "tryValue"';
object.tryValue = true;
if (!object.tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
object.tryValue = false;
if (object.tryValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "tryValue"';
if (object.typeofValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "typeofValue"';
object.typeofValue = true;
if (!object.typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
object.typeofValue = false;
if (object.typeofValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "typeofValue"';
if (object.varValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "varValue"';
object.varValue = true;
if (!object.varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
object.varValue = false;
if (object.varValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "varValue"';
if (object.voidValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "voidValue"';
object.voidValue = true;
if (!object.voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
object.voidValue = false;
if (object.voidValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "voidValue"';
if (object.whileValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "whileValue"';
object.whileValue = true;
if (!object.whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
object.whileValue = false;
if (object.whileValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "whileValue"';
if (object.withValue == null) throw 'incorrect initialization of "withValue"';
object.withValue = true;
if (!object.withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
object.withValue = false;
if (object.withValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "withValue"';
if (object.yieldValue == null)
throw 'incorrect initialization of "yieldValue"';
object.yieldValue = true;
if (!object.yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
object.yieldValue = false;
if (object.yieldValue!) throw 'incorrect value in "yieldValue"';
NativeClassWithOddNames makeNativeClassWithOddNames() native;
setup() {
JS('', r"""
function NativeClassWithOddNames() {}
makeNativeClassWithOddNames = function() {return new NativeClassWithOddNames()};
main() {
var object = makeNativeClassWithOddNames();
testObjectWeaklyTyped([new ClassWithOddNames()..testMyFields()]);