blob: 74d8deeb4ca59ba43dab046dab64511bb05fe5d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This test checks that noSuchMethod forwarders are generated for abstract
// accessors implicitly declared via fields of abstract classes in case when one
// of the accessors is defined in a superclass.
void expectTypeError(callback()) {
try {
throw 'Expected TypeError, did not occur';
} on TypeError {}
abstract class A {
int foo;
abstract class B implements A {
int get foo => 42;
noSuchMethod(i) => "bar";
class C extends B {
// Should receive a noSuchMethod forwarder for the 'foo' setter, but not for
// the 'foo' getter.
abstract class D implements A {
void set foo(int value) {}
noSuchMethod(i) => "bar";
class E extends D {
// Should receive a noSuchMethod forwarder for the 'foo' getter, but not for
// the 'foo' setter.
main() {
var c = new C();
expectTypeError(() => (c as dynamic).foo = "bar");
var e = new E();
expectTypeError(() =>;