blob: 69083d2fb233f493c8f6163640017e15ca3f5aca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class C {
int call() => 0;
functionContext(int Function() f) {}
nullableFunctionContext(int Function()? f) {}
foo<T extends C?>(C? c, T t, T? nt) {
functionContext(null as C?); // Error.
nullableFunctionContext(null as C?); // Error.
functionContext(c); // Error.
nullableFunctionContext(c); // Error.
functionContext(t); // Error.
nullableFunctionContext(t); // Error.
functionContext(nt); // Error.
nullableFunctionContext(nt); // Error.
bar<T extends C>(C c, T t) {
functionContext(c); // Shouldn't result in a compile-time error.
nullableFunctionContext(c); // Shouldn't result in a compile-time error.
functionContext(t); // Shouldn't result in a compile-time error.
nullableFunctionContext(t); // Shouldn't result in a compile-time error.
main() {}