blob: d7d559b66c2948a680bbdbf31f759c4b57e82c7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test;
void foo(
[List<String> list1 = /*@ typeArgs=String* */ const [],
List<String> list2 = /*@ typeArgs=String* */ const [
]]) {}
void main() {
List<int> l0 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [];
List<int> l1 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [3];
List<int> l2 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [
List<int> l3 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [
List<dynamic> l0 = /*@ typeArgs=dynamic */ [];
List<dynamic> l1 = /*@ typeArgs=dynamic */ [3];
List<dynamic> l2 = /*@ typeArgs=dynamic */ ["hello"];
List<dynamic> l3 = /*@ typeArgs=dynamic */ ["hello", 3];
List<int> l0 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/ <num>[];
List<int> l1 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/ <num>[3];
List<int> l2 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/ <num>[
List<int> l3 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/ <num>[
Iterable<int> i0 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [];
Iterable<int> i1 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [3];
Iterable<int> i2 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [
Iterable<int> i3 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ [
const List<int> c0 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ const [];
const List<int> c1 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ const [3];
const List<int> c2 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ const [
const List<int> c3 = /*@ typeArgs=int* */ const [