| #!/usr/bin/env dart |
| // Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.9 |
| |
| /// Command-line tool that runs dartanalyzer on a sdk under the perspective of |
| /// one tool. |
| // TODO(sigmund): generalize this to support other tools, not just ddc. |
| |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| import 'package:args/args.dart'; |
| import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/resolve_input_uri.dart'; |
| |
| import 'patch_sdk.dart' as patch; |
| |
| void main(List<String> argv) { |
| if (Platform.isWindows) { |
| print('Golden file does not support Windows. Skipping.'); |
| return; |
| } |
| var args = _parser.parse(argv); |
| if (args['help'] as bool) { |
| print('Apply patch file to the SDK and report analysis errors from the ' |
| 'resulting libraries.\n\n' |
| 'Usage: ${Platform.script.pathSegments.last} [options...]\n\n' |
| '${_parser.usage}'); |
| return; |
| } |
| var baseDir = args['out'] as String; |
| if (baseDir == null) { |
| var tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('check_sdk-'); |
| baseDir = tmp.path; |
| } |
| var baseUri = resolveInputUri(baseDir.endsWith('/') ? baseDir : '$baseDir/'); |
| var sdkDir = baseUri.resolve('sdk/').toFilePath(); |
| print('Generating a patched sdk at ${baseUri.path}'); |
| |
| var librariesJson = args['libraries'] != null |
| ? resolveInputUri(args['libraries'] as String) |
| : Platform.script.resolve('../../../sdk/lib/libraries.json'); |
| var target = args['target'] as String; |
| patch.main([ |
| '--libraries', |
| librariesJson.toFilePath(), |
| '--target', |
| target, |
| '--out', |
| sdkDir, |
| '--merge-parts', |
| '--nnbd', |
| ]); |
| |
| var isWeb = false; |
| var isNative = false; |
| switch (target) { |
| case 'dartdevc': |
| case 'dart2js': |
| isWeb = true; |
| break; |
| case 'flutter': |
| case 'vm': |
| isNative = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| var core = ''' |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:collection'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:core'; |
| import 'dart:developer'; |
| import 'dart:math'; |
| import 'dart:typed_data'; |
| '''; |
| |
| var web = !isWeb |
| ? '' |
| : ''' |
| import 'dart:js'; |
| import 'dart:js_util'; |
| import 'dart:indexed_db'; |
| import 'dart:html'; |
| import 'dart:html_common'; |
| import 'dart:svg'; |
| import 'dart:web_audio'; |
| import 'dart:web_gl'; |
| import 'dart:web_sql'; |
| '''; |
| |
| var native = !isNative |
| ? ''' |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| import 'dart:isolate'; |
| ''' |
| : ''' |
| import 'dart:ffi'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| import 'dart:isolate'; |
| import 'dart:mirrors'; |
| '''; |
| |
| var emptyProgramUri = baseUri.resolve('empty_program.dart'); |
| File.fromUri(emptyProgramUri).writeAsStringSync(''' |
| $core |
| $web |
| $native |
| |
| main() {} |
| '''); |
| |
| print('Running dartanalyzer'); |
| var dart = resolveInputUri(Platform.resolvedExecutable); |
| var analyzerSnapshot = |
| dart.resolve('snapshots/dartanalyzer.dart.snapshot').toFilePath(); |
| var result = Process.runSync(dart.toFilePath(), [ |
| // The NNBD dart binaries / snapshots require this flag to be enabled at |
| // VM level. |
| if (analyzerSnapshot.contains('NNBD')) '--enable-experiment=non-nullable', |
| analyzerSnapshot, |
| '--dart-sdk=${sdkDir}', |
| '--format', |
| 'machine', |
| '--sdk-warnings', |
| '--no-hints', |
| '--enable-experiment', |
| 'non-nullable', |
| emptyProgramUri.toFilePath() |
| ]); |
| |
| stdout.write(result.stdout); |
| var errors = result.stderr as String; |
| |
| // Trim temporary directory paths and sort errors. |
| errors = errors.replaceAll(sdkDir, ''); |
| var errorList = errors.isEmpty ? <String>[] : errors.trim().split('\n'); |
| var count = errorList.length; |
| print('$count analyzer errors.'); |
| errorList.sort(); |
| errors = errorList.join('\n') + '\n'; |
| var errorFile = baseUri.resolve('errors.txt'); |
| print('Errors emitted to ${errorFile.path}'); |
| File.fromUri(errorFile).writeAsStringSync(errors, flush: true); |
| |
| // Check against golden file. |
| var goldenFile = |
| Platform.script.resolve('${target}_nnbd_sdk_error_golden.txt'); |
| var golden = File.fromUri(goldenFile).readAsStringSync(); |
| if (errors != golden) { |
| if (args['update-golden'] as bool) { |
| // Update the golden file. |
| File.fromUri(goldenFile).writeAsStringSync(errors, flush: true); |
| print('Golden file updated.'); |
| exit(0); |
| } else { |
| // Fail. |
| print('Golden file does not match.'); |
| print('\nTo update the golden file, run:' |
| '\n ${Platform.executable} ${Platform.script} ' |
| '${argv.join(' ')} --update-golden'); |
| |
| // Compare the two sorted lists to show what errors changed. Note, we |
| // don't use `diff` as an external tool because it is not available on |
| // windows bots. |
| var toAdd = <String>[]; |
| var toRemove = <String>[]; |
| var goldenList = golden.trim().split('\n'); |
| var i = 0, j = 0; |
| for (; i < errorList.length && j < goldenList.length;) { |
| var compare = errorList[i].compareTo(goldenList[j]); |
| if (compare == 0) { |
| i++; |
| j++; |
| } else if (compare < 0) { |
| toAdd.add(errorList[i]); |
| i++; |
| } else { |
| toRemove.add(goldenList[j]); |
| j++; |
| } |
| } |
| for (; i < errorList.length; i++) { |
| toAdd.add(errorList[i]); |
| } |
| for (; j < goldenList.length; j++) { |
| toRemove.add(goldenList[j]); |
| } |
| print('\nNew errors:'); |
| print(toAdd.join('\n')); |
| print('\nErrors that can be removed from the golden file:'); |
| print(toRemove.join('\n')); |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| } |
| exit(0); |
| } |
| |
| final _parser = ArgParser() |
| ..addOption('libraries', |
| help: 'Path to the nnbd libraries.json (defaults to the one under ' |
| 'sdk/lib/libraries.json.') |
| ..addOption('out', |
| help: 'Path to an output folder (defaults to a new tmp folder).') |
| ..addOption('target', |
| help: 'The target tool. ' |
| 'This name matches one of the possible targets in libraries.json ' |
| 'and it is used to pick which patch files will be applied.', |
| allowed: ['dartdevc', 'dart2js', 'dart2js_server', 'vm', 'flutter'], |
| defaultsTo: 'dartdevc') |
| ..addFlag('update-golden', help: 'Update the golden file.', defaultsTo: false) |
| ..addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Display this message.'); |