blob: 9af39268250801cea247186ecd08949721220686 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
set -ex
# Build a workspace component from a package.
# $1: the name of the package
# $2: the name of the repository (same as package if missing)
# $3: branch to clone from (master if missing). Do not select multiple
# different branches for the same repo, that
# will not work and is not enforced.
# $4: subdirectory of the repository applicable to the package (root if missing)
function make_clone_from_package {
local package_name="$1"
local repo_name="$2"
local branch="$3"
local subdir="$4"
[ -z "${repo_name}" ] && repo_name=${package_name}
[ -z "${branch}" ] && branch=master
[ -z "${subdir}" ] && subdir=.
add_repo_to_workspace "${repo_name}" "${branch}"
ln -sfn "_repos/${repo_name}/${subdir}" "${package_name}"
grep -v "^${package_name}:file://" .packages >> || true
echo "${package_name}:file://$(pwd)/$(readlink ${package_name})/lib" \
mv .packages
# HACK ALERT: no associative arrays in bash 3 and eval is a bad idea. Use
# files instead. :-(
trap _cleanup EXIT
function _cleanup {
rm -f "${done_this_run}" "${repos_changed_this_run}"
# Returns true if we have already processed this repository or package.
# Repository names are prefixed with "_repos/", package names are plain.
# $1: repository or package name
function already_done_this_run {
grep -q "^$1$" "${done_this_run}"
return $?
# Adds the parameter to the run log file.
# $1: package name, or repository name prefixed with '_repos/'.
function log_this_run {
echo "$1" >> "${done_this_run}"
# Returns true if when pulling this repository it changed.
# Unlike `already_done_this_run`, repository names are plain.
# $1: repository name
function repo_changed_this_run {
grep -q "^$1$" "${repos_changed_this_run}"
return $?
# Adds the parameter to the repository changed log.
# $1: repository name
function log_repo_changed_this_run {
echo "$1" >> "${repos_changed_this_run}"
function _pull_into_repo {
local branch="$1"
local revision="$2"
local sparse_param
if [ "${branch}" == "master" ] ; then
[ -z "${revision}" ] && revision="${branch}"
git pull ${sparse_param} --rebase originHTTP "${revision}"
# Add a git repository to the workspace.
# $1: the name of the repository
# $2: branch to clone from
# $3: revision to check out, or leave at HEAD if empty. We can't use sparse
# clones in this case.
function add_repo_to_workspace {
local repo_name="$1"
local branch="$2"
local revision
local clone
local curr_head
local prev_head
if already_done_this_run "_repos/${repo_name}" ; then return 0 ; fi
log_this_run "_repos/${repo_name}"
case "${repo_name}" in
archive) clone="${repo_name}.git" ;;
build_verify) clone="${repo_name}.git" ;;
build_version) clone="${repo_name}.git" ;;
csv) clone="" ;;
git) clone="${repo_name}.git" ;;
node-interop) clone="" ;;
node_preamble) clone="${repo_name}.dart.git" ;;
source_gen_test) clone="${repo_name}.git" ;;
quiver-dart) clone="${repo_name}.git" ;;
uuid) clone="" ;;
*.dart) clone="${repo_name}" ;;
echo "WARNING: using default for ${repo_name}, this might not work"
if [ -d "_repos/${repo_name}" ] ; then
pushd "_repos/${repo_name}"
prev_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
${NO_UPDATE} _pull_into_repo "${branch}" "${revision}"
curr_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
if [ "${prev_head}" != "${curr_head}" ] ; then
log_repo_changed_this_run "${repo_name}"
git checkout -b "${branch}"
return $?
mkdir -p _repos
pushd "_repos"
git init "${repo_name}"
pushd "${repo_name}"
git remote add "origin" -t "${branch}" "${clone}"
# Use HTTP for pulls to reduce authentication overhead and excessive pressing
# of authentication tokens. This means we might be prompted for
# username/password if a package does not exist, but that's
# the tradeoff.
git remote add "originHTTP" -t "${branch}" \
$(echo "${clone}" | sed s,^,,g)
git config core.sparsecheckout true
echo "**" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
echo "!**/.packages" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
echo "!**/pubspec.lock" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
echo "!**/.dart_tool/package_config.json" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
# TODO(jcollins-g): Usual bag of tricks does not work to stop git pull from
# prompting and force it to hard fail if authentication is required. Why?
if ! _pull_into_repo ${branch} ${revision} ; then
echo error cloning: "${clone}". Cleaning up
# We remove the repository here so that if you're iteratively adding new
# repository configurations, a rerun of the script will re-initialize the
# misconfigured repository.
rm -rf "${repo_name}"
return 2
log_repo_changed_this_run "${repo_name}"
# Tries pub get multiple times since it occasionally fails.
# Returns false if we ran out of retries.
function pub_get_with_retries {
for try in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
if pub get --no-precompile ; then return 0 ; fi
sleep $[$try * $try]
return 1
# Puts to stdout a list of the package names for the dependencies of a package.
# Uses pub (super slow).
# $1: directory name
function generate_package_names_with_pub {
local directory_name="$1"
if [ -n "${ONE_PUB_ONLY}" ] && [ "${ONE_PUB_ONLY}" != "$1" ] ; then
return 0
[ -z "${directory_name}" ] && directory_name=.
pushd "${directory_name}" >/dev/null
pub_get_with_retries >/dev/null
popd >/dev/null
# HACK ALERT: assumes '.pub-cache' is in the path of the real pub cache.
# Packages referring to other packages via path in pubspec.yaml are not
# supported at all and we do not include dependencies derived that way
# exclusively.
grep -v '^#' "${directory_name}/.packages" | grep '.pub-cache' | cut -f 1 -d :
# Returns true if we can use yq, or false if there is a path package dependency.
function _can_use_yq {
for k in dependencies dev_dependencies ; do
if yq r "$1/pubspec.yaml" "${k}.*.path" | egrep -q -v '^(- null|null)$' ; then
return 1
return 0
# Prints package and version number, one per line, to stdout.
function _generate_yq_helper {
yq r "$1/pubspec.yaml" dependencies | egrep '^\w+:' | sed 's/:/ /'
yq r "$1/pubspec.yaml" dev_dependencies | egrep '^\w+:' | sed 's/:/ /'
# Puts to stdout a list of the package names for the dependencies of a package.
# Parses yaml (fast), but requires the 'yq' program.
# $1: directory name
function generate_package_names_with_yq {
local directory_name="$1"
local package
local version
if _can_use_yq "${directory_name}" ; then
_generate_yq_helper "${directory_name}" | while read package version ; do
if [ ! -z "${version}" ] ; then
echo "${package}"
echo "assert: should have a version number or we should have used pub" >&2
return 1
generate_package_names_with_pub "${directory_name}"
# Add a package, recursively, to the workspace. A package may add its own
# repository, or use an existing one.
# $1: the package name. Must be one of the packages we know the location of.
function add_package_to_workspace {
local package_name="$1"
if already_done_this_run "${package_name}" ; then return 0 ; fi
log_this_run "${package_name}"
if [ -d "${package_name}" ] ; then {
pushd "${package_name}"
prev_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
} ; fi
local repo
case "${package_name}" in
_fe_analyzer_shared) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package _fe_analyzer_shared "${repo}" master pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared ;;
analysis_tool) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package analysis_tool "${repo}" master pkg/analysis_tool ;;
analyzer) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package analyzer "${repo}" master pkg/analyzer ;;
build) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build "${repo}" master build ;;
build_config) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_config "${repo}" master build_config ;;
build_daemon) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_daemon "${repo}" master build_daemon ;;
build_integration) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package build_integration "${repo}" master pkg/build_integration ;;
build_modules) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_modules "${repo}" master build_modules ;;
build_node_compilers) repo=node-interop
make_clone_from_package build_node_compilers "${repo}" master build_node_compilers ;;
build_resolvers) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_resolvers "${repo}" master build_resolvers ;;
build_runner) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_runner "${repo}" master build_runner ;;
build_runner_core) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_runner_core "${repo}" master build_runner_core;;
build_test) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_test "${repo}" master build_test ;;
build_vm_compilers) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_vm_compilers "${repo}" master build_vm_compilers ;;
build_web_compilers) repo=build
make_clone_from_package build_web_compilers "${repo}" master build_web_compilers ;;
built_collection) repo=built_collection.dart
make_clone_from_package built_collection "${repo}" ;;
built_value) repo=built_value.dart
make_clone_from_package built_value "${repo}" master built_value ;;
built_value_generator) repo=built_value.dart
make_clone_from_package built_value_generator "${repo}" master built_value_generator ;;
checked_yaml) repo=json_serializable
make_clone_from_package checked_yaml "${repo}" master checked_yaml ;;
expect) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package expect "${repo}" master pkg/expect ;;
front_end) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package front_end "${repo}" master pkg/front_end ;;
grinder) repo=grinder.dart
make_clone_from_package grinder "${repo}" ;;
kernel) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package kernel "${repo}" master pkg/kernel ;;
meta) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package meta "${repo}" master pkg/meta ;;
node_interop) repo=node-interop
make_clone_from_package node_interop "${repo}" master node_interop ;;
node_io) repo=node-interop
make_clone_from_package node_io "${repo}" master node_io ;;
js) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package js "${repo}" master pkg/js ;;
json_annotation) repo=json_serializable
make_clone_from_package json_annotation "${repo}" master json_annotation ;;
json_serializable) repo=json_serializable
make_clone_from_package json_serializable "${repo}" master json_serializable ;;
package_config) repo=package_config
# TODO(jcollins-g): remove pin after
make_clone_from_package package_config "${repo}" 2453cd2e78c2db56ee2669ced17ce70dd00bf576 ;;
protobuf) repo=protobuf
make_clone_from_package protobuf "${repo}" master protobuf ;;
scratch_space) repo=build
make_clone_from_package scratch_space "${repo}" master scratch_space ;;
source_gen) repo=source_gen
make_clone_from_package source_gen "${repo}" master source_gen ;;
source_gen_test) repo=source_gen_test
make_clone_from_package source_gen_test "${repo}" ;;
test) repo=test
make_clone_from_package test "${repo}" master pkgs/test ;;
test_api) repo=test
make_clone_from_package test_api "${repo}" master pkgs/test_api ;;
test_core) repo=test
make_clone_from_package test_core "${repo}" master pkgs/test_core ;;
testing) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package testing "${repo}" master pkg/testing ;;
vm_service) repo=sdk
make_clone_from_package vm_service "${repo}" master pkg/vm_service ;;
quiver) repo=quiver-dart
make_clone_from_package quiver "${repo}" ;;
*) repo="${package_name}"
make_clone_from_package "${package_name}" ;;
# Use the .packages file to check for packages we've completed in the
# past, and refresh them all. This enables us to detect if we need to rerun
# pub for any of them.
if [ -e ".packages" -a -z "${HAVE_DONE_GLOBAL_REFRESH}" ] ; then
for n in $(grep -v '^#' ".packages" | cut -f 1 -d :) ; do
add_package_to_workspace "$n"
if [ "${package_name}" = "kernel" ] ; then
# HACK ALERT: kernel depends on unpublished packages, so we can't use pub.
for n in args meta expect front_end test testing ; do
add_package_to_workspace "$n"
# HACK ALERT: some packages have dependencies only available via path. Add
# those here.
case "${package_name}" in
add_package_to_workspace "analysis_tool"
if [ -n "${NO_UPDATE}" ] || repo_changed_this_run "${repo}" ; then
if [ -z "${ONE_PUB_ONLY}" ] ; then
for n in $(generate_package_names_with_yq "${package_name}") ; do
add_package_to_workspace "$n"
for n in $(generate_package_names_with_pub "${package_name}") ; do
add_package_to_workspace "$n"
rm -f "${package_name}/.packages"
rm -f "${package_name}/pubspec.lock"
rm -f "${package_name}/.dart_tool/package_config.json"
# Creates a flat workspace for the given package name.
# All repositories are checked out no more than once under _repos. These
# clones are "stock" without full history but should still be usable to make
# changes on -- the main issue is that all of them have any checked in
# .packages, pubspec.lock, or package_config.json files hidden. This could
# impact test running in the SDK if dev_dependencies are not fully specified in
# pubspec.yaml -- modify this script to add the necessary entries if need be.
# Symlinks to package directories are placed in the root of the workspace for
# convenience.
# One .packages file to rule them all is placed in the root of the workspace --
# do not run pub get yourself on any of the packages.
# Set "NO_UPDATE" to "echo" to not try git pull on existing repos and to assume
# we always have to re-pub-get. This is useful in debugging the script and
# iteratively adding repository configurations.
# Set "ONE_PUB_ONLY" to the package being migrated to restrict running pub to
# one package only. This has the impact of only pulling in dev dependencies
# for the top level package.
# This script might be able to update your existing workspace, or it might
# trash it completely. Make backups.
function main {
if ! which yq ; then
echo "missing: yq. apt-get install yq or brew install yq" >&2
return 2
if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] ; then
echo usage: $0 source_package_name workspace_dir
return 2
add_package_to_workspace "$1"
main "$@"