blob: d801f3d313b391c1d56cecda069c87a6163c1f82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:convert";
import "dart:io";
import "package:vm_service/vm_service.dart" as vmService;
import "package:vm_service/vm_service_io.dart" as vmService;
import "dijkstras_sssp_algorithm.dart";
class VMServiceHeapHelperBase {
vmService.VmService _serviceClient;
vmService.VmService get serviceClient => _serviceClient;
Future connect(Uri observatoryUri) async {
String path = observatoryUri.path;
if (!path.endsWith("/")) path += "/";
String wsUriString = 'ws://${observatoryUri.authority}${path}ws';
_serviceClient = await vmService.vmServiceConnectUri(wsUriString,
log: const StdOutLog());
Future disconnect() async {
await _serviceClient.dispose();
Future<bool> waitUntilPaused(String isolateId) async {
int nulls = 0;
while (true) {
bool result = await _isPaused(isolateId);
if (result == null) {
if (nulls > 5) {
// We've now asked for the isolate 5 times and in all cases gotten
// `Sentinel`. Most likely things aren't working for whatever reason.
return false;
} else if (result) {
return true;
} else {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
Future<bool> _isPaused(String isolateId) async {
dynamic tmp = await _serviceClient.getIsolate(isolateId);
if (tmp is vmService.Isolate) {
vmService.Isolate isolate = tmp;
if (isolate.pauseEvent.kind != "Resume") return true;
return false;
return null;
Future<bool> _isPausedAtStart(String isolateId) async {
dynamic tmp = await _serviceClient.getIsolate(isolateId);
if (tmp is vmService.Isolate) {
vmService.Isolate isolate = tmp;
return isolate.pauseEvent.kind == "PauseStart";
return false;
Future<vmService.AllocationProfile> forceGC(String isolateId) async {
await waitUntilIsolateIsRunnable(isolateId);
int expectGcAfter = new;
while (true) {
vmService.AllocationProfile allocationProfile;
try {
allocationProfile =
await _serviceClient.getAllocationProfile(isolateId, gc: true);
} catch (e) {
if (allocationProfile.dateLastServiceGC != null &&
allocationProfile.dateLastServiceGC >= expectGcAfter) {
return allocationProfile;
Future<bool> isIsolateRunnable(String isolateId) async {
dynamic tmp = await _serviceClient.getIsolate(isolateId);
if (tmp is vmService.Isolate) {
vmService.Isolate isolate = tmp;
return isolate.runnable;
return null;
Future<void> waitUntilIsolateIsRunnable(String isolateId) async {
int nulls = 0;
while (true) {
bool result = await isIsolateRunnable(isolateId);
if (result == null) {
if (nulls > 5) {
// We've now asked for the isolate 5 times and in all cases gotten
// `Sentinel`. Most likely things aren't working for whatever reason.
} else if (result) {
} else {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
Future<void> printAllocationProfile(String isolateId, {String filter}) async {
await waitUntilIsolateIsRunnable(isolateId);
vmService.AllocationProfile allocationProfile =
await _serviceClient.getAllocationProfile(isolateId);
for (vmService.ClassHeapStats member in allocationProfile.members) {
if (filter != null) {
if ( != filter) continue;
} else {
if ( == "") continue;
if (member.instancesCurrent == 0) continue;
vmService.Class c =
await _serviceClient.getObject(isolateId,;
if (c.location?.script?.uri == null) continue;
print("${}: ${member.instancesCurrent}");
Future<void> filterAndPrintInstances(String isolateId, String filter,
String fieldName, Set<String> fieldValues) async {
await waitUntilIsolateIsRunnable(isolateId);
vmService.AllocationProfile allocationProfile =
await _serviceClient.getAllocationProfile(isolateId);
for (vmService.ClassHeapStats member in allocationProfile.members) {
if ( != filter) continue;
vmService.Class c =
await _serviceClient.getObject(isolateId,;
if (c.location?.script?.uri == null) continue;
print("${}: ${member.instancesCurrent}");
vmService.InstanceSet instances = await _serviceClient.getInstances(
isolateId,, 10000);
int instanceNum = 0;
for (vmService.ObjRef instance in instances.instances) {
var receivedObject =
await _serviceClient.getObject(isolateId,;
if (receivedObject is! vmService.Instance) continue;
vmService.Instance object = receivedObject;
for (vmService.BoundField field in object.fields) {
if ( == fieldName) {
if (field.value is vmService.Sentinel) continue;
var receivedValue =
await _serviceClient.getObject(isolateId,;
if (receivedValue is! vmService.Instance) continue;
String value = (receivedValue as vmService.Instance).valueAsString;
if (!fieldValues.contains(value)) continue;
print("${instanceNum}: ${}: "
"${value} --- ${}");
Future<void> printRetainingPaths(String isolateId, String filter) async {
await waitUntilIsolateIsRunnable(isolateId);
vmService.AllocationProfile allocationProfile =
await _serviceClient.getAllocationProfile(isolateId);
for (vmService.ClassHeapStats member in allocationProfile.members) {
if ( != filter) continue;
vmService.Class c =
await _serviceClient.getObject(isolateId,;
print("Found ${} (location: ${c.location})");
print("${}: "
"(instancesCurrent: ${member.instancesCurrent})");
vmService.InstanceSet instances = await _serviceClient.getInstances(
isolateId,, 10000);
print(" => Got ${instances.instances.length} instances");
for (vmService.ObjRef instance in instances.instances) {
var receivedObject =
await _serviceClient.getObject(isolateId,;
print("Instance: $receivedObject");
vmService.RetainingPath retainingPath =
await _serviceClient.getRetainingPath(isolateId,, 1000);
print("Retaining path: (length ${retainingPath.length}");
for (int i = 0; i < retainingPath.elements.length; i++) {
print(" [$i] = ${retainingPath.elements[i]}");
Future<String> getIsolateId() async {
vmService.VM vm = await _serviceClient.getVM();
if (vm.isolates.length != 1) {
throw "Expected 1 isolate, got ${vm.isolates.length}";
vmService.IsolateRef isolateRef = vm.isolates.single;
abstract class LaunchingVMServiceHeapHelper extends VMServiceHeapHelperBase {
Process _process;
Process get process => _process;
bool _started = false;
void start(List<String> scriptAndArgs,
{void stdinReceiver(String line),
void stderrReceiver(String line)}) async {
if (_started) throw "Already started";
_started = true;
_process = await Process.start(
["--pause_isolates_on_start", "--enable-vm-service=0"]
.transform(new LineSplitter())
.listen((line) {
const kObservatoryListening = 'Observatory listening on ';
if (line.startsWith(kObservatoryListening)) {
Uri observatoryUri =
_setupAndRun(observatoryUri).catchError((e, st) {
// Manually kill the process or it will leak,
// see
// This seems to rethrow.
throw e;
if (stdinReceiver != null) {
} else {
stdout.writeln("> $line");
.transform(new LineSplitter())
.listen((line) {
if (stderrReceiver != null) {
} else {
stderr.writeln("> $line");
// ignore: unawaited_futures
_process.exitCode.then((value) {
void processExited(int exitCode) {}
void killProcess() {
Future _setupAndRun(Uri observatoryUri) async {
await connect(observatoryUri);
await run();
Future<void> run();
class VMServiceHeapHelperSpecificExactLeakFinder
extends LaunchingVMServiceHeapHelper {
final Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>> _interests =
new Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>>();
final Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>> _prettyPrints =
new Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>>();
final bool throwOnPossibleLeak;
final bool tryToFindShortestPathToLeaks;
List<Interest> interests,
List<Interest> prettyPrints,
this.tryToFindShortestPathToLeaks) {
if (interests.isEmpty) throw "Empty list of interests given";
for (Interest interest in interests) {
Map<String, List<String>> classToFields = _interests[interest.uri];
if (classToFields == null) {
classToFields = Map<String, List<String>>();
_interests[interest.uri] = classToFields;
List<String> fields = classToFields[interest.className];
if (fields == null) {
fields = new List<String>();
classToFields[interest.className] = fields;
for (Interest interest in prettyPrints) {
Map<String, List<String>> classToFields = _prettyPrints[interest.uri];
if (classToFields == null) {
classToFields = Map<String, List<String>>();
_prettyPrints[interest.uri] = classToFields;
List<String> fields = classToFields[interest.className];
if (fields == null) {
fields = new List<String>();
classToFields[interest.className] = fields;
void pause() async {
await _serviceClient.pause(;
vmService.VM _vm;
vmService.IsolateRef _isolateRef;
int _iterationNumber;
int get iterationNumber => _iterationNumber;
/// Best effort check if the isolate is idle.
Future<bool> isIdle() async {
dynamic tmp = await _serviceClient.getIsolate(;
if (tmp is vmService.Isolate) {
vmService.Isolate isolate = tmp;
return isolate.pauseEvent.topFrame == null;
return false;
Future<void> run() async {
_vm = await _serviceClient.getVM();
if (_vm.isolates.length != 1) {
throw "Expected 1 isolate, got ${_vm.isolates.length}";
_isolateRef = _vm.isolates.single;
await forceGC(;
assert(await _isPausedAtStart(;
await _serviceClient.resume(;
_iterationNumber = 1;
while (true) {
await waitUntilPaused(;
print("Iteration: #$_iterationNumber");
await forceGC(;
vmService.HeapSnapshotGraph heapSnapshotGraph =
await vmService.HeapSnapshotGraph.getSnapshot(
_serviceClient, _isolateRef);
Set<String> duplicatePrints = {};
Map<String, List<vmService.HeapSnapshotObject>> groupedByToString = {};
heapSnapshotGraph, duplicatePrints, groupedByToString);
if (duplicatePrints.isNotEmpty) {
print("WARNING: Duplicated pretty prints of objects.");
print("This might be a memory leak!");
for (String s in duplicatePrints) {
int count = groupedByToString[s].length;
print("$s ($count)");
for (vmService.HeapSnapshotObject duplicate in groupedByToString[s]) {
String prettyPrint = _heapObjectPrettyPrint(
duplicate, heapSnapshotGraph, _prettyPrints);
print(" => ${prettyPrint}");
if (tryToFindShortestPathToLeaks) {
if (throwOnPossibleLeak) {
throw "Possible leak detected.";
await _serviceClient.resume(;
void _tryToFindShortestPath(vmService.HeapSnapshotGraph heapSnapshotGraph) {
HeapGraph graph = convertHeapGraph(heapSnapshotGraph);
Set<String> duplicatePrints = {};
Map<String, List<HeapGraphElement>> groupedByToString = {};
_usingConvertedGraph(graph, duplicatePrints, groupedByToString);
for (String duplicateString in duplicatePrints) {
List<HeapGraphElement> Function(HeapGraphElement target) dijkstraTarget =
dijkstra(graph.elements.first, graph);
for (HeapGraphElement duplicate in groupedByToString[duplicateString]) {
print("${duplicate} pointed to from:");
List<HeapGraphElement> shortestPath = dijkstraTarget(duplicate);
for (int i = 0; i < shortestPath.length - 1; i++) {
HeapGraphElement thisOne = shortestPath[i];
HeapGraphElement nextOne = shortestPath[i + 1];
String indexFieldName;
if (thisOne is HeapGraphElementActual) {
HeapGraphClass c = thisOne.class_;
if (c is HeapGraphClassActual) {
for (vmService.HeapSnapshotField field in c.origin.fields) {
if (thisOne.references[field.index] == nextOne) {
indexFieldName =;
if (indexFieldName == null) {
indexFieldName = "no field found; index "
print(" $thisOne -> $nextOne ($indexFieldName)");
void _usingConvertedGraph(HeapGraph graph, Set<String> duplicatePrints,
Map<String, List<HeapGraphElement>> groupedByToString) {
Set<String> seenPrints = {};
for (HeapGraphClassActual c in graph.classes) {
Map<String, List<String>> interests = _interests[c.libraryUri];
if (interests != null && interests.isNotEmpty) {
List<String> fieldsToUse = interests[];
if (fieldsToUse != null && fieldsToUse.isNotEmpty) {
for (HeapGraphElement instance in c.getInstances(graph)) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln("Instance: ${instance}");
if (instance is HeapGraphElementActual) {
for (String fieldName in fieldsToUse) {
String prettyPrinted =
sb.writeln(" $fieldName: "
String sbToString = sb.toString();
if (!seenPrints.add(sbToString)) {
groupedByToString[sbToString] ??= [];
String _heapObjectToString(
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject o, vmService.HeapSnapshotClass class_) {
if (o == null) return "Sentinel";
if ( is vmService.HeapSnapshotObjectNoData) {
return "Instance of ${}";
if ( is vmService.HeapSnapshotObjectLengthData) {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObjectLengthData data =;
return "Instance of ${} length = ${data.length}";
return "Instance of ${}; data: '${}'";
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject _heapObjectGetField(
String name,
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject o,
vmService.HeapSnapshotClass class_,
vmService.HeapSnapshotGraph graph) {
for (vmService.HeapSnapshotField field in class_.fields) {
if ( == name) {
int index = o.references[field.index] - 1;
if (index < 0) {
// Sentinel object.
return null;
return graph.objects[index];
return null;
String _heapObjectPrettyPrint(
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject o,
vmService.HeapSnapshotGraph graph,
Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>> prettyPrints) {
if (o.classId == 0) {
return "Class sentinel";
vmService.HeapSnapshotClass class_ = graph.classes[o.classId - 1];
if ( == "_OneByteString") {
return '"${}"';
if ( == "_SimpleUri") {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject fieldValueObject =
_heapObjectGetField("_uri", o, class_, graph);
String prettyPrinted =
_heapObjectPrettyPrint(fieldValueObject, graph, prettyPrints);
return "_SimpleUri[${prettyPrinted}]";
if ( == "_Uri") {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject schemeValueObject =
_heapObjectGetField("scheme", o, class_, graph);
String schemePrettyPrinted =
_heapObjectPrettyPrint(schemeValueObject, graph, prettyPrints);
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject pathValueObject =
_heapObjectGetField("path", o, class_, graph);
String pathPrettyPrinted =
_heapObjectPrettyPrint(pathValueObject, graph, prettyPrints);
return "_Uri[${schemePrettyPrinted}:${pathPrettyPrinted}]";
Map<String, List<String>> classToFields = prettyPrints[class_.libraryUri];
if (classToFields != null) {
List<String> fields = classToFields[];
if (fields != null) {
return "${}[" + {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject fieldValueObject =
_heapObjectGetField(field, o, class_, graph);
String prettyPrinted = fieldValueObject == null
? null
: _heapObjectPrettyPrint(
fieldValueObject, graph, prettyPrints);
return "$field: ${prettyPrinted}";
}).join(", ") +
return _heapObjectToString(o, class_);
void _usingUnconvertedGraph(
vmService.HeapSnapshotGraph graph,
Set<String> duplicatePrints,
Map<String, List<vmService.HeapSnapshotObject>> groupedByToString) {
Set<String> seenPrints = {};
List<bool> ignoredClasses =
new List<bool>.filled(graph.classes.length, false);
for (int i = 0; i < graph.objects.length; i++) {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject o = graph.objects[i];
if (o.classId == 0) {
// Sentinel.
if (ignoredClasses[o.classId - 1]) {
// Class is not interesting.
vmService.HeapSnapshotClass c = graph.classes[o.classId - 1];
Map<String, List<String>> interests = _interests[c.libraryUri];
if (interests == null || interests.isEmpty) {
// Not an object we care about.
ignoredClasses[o.classId - 1] = true;
List<String> fieldsToUse = interests[];
if (fieldsToUse == null || fieldsToUse.isEmpty) {
// Not an object we care about.
ignoredClasses[o.classId - 1] = true;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln("Instance: ${_heapObjectToString(o, c)}");
for (String fieldName in fieldsToUse) {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject fieldValueObject =
_heapObjectGetField(fieldName, o, c, graph);
String prettyPrinted =
_heapObjectPrettyPrint(fieldValueObject, graph, _prettyPrints);
sb.writeln(" $fieldName: ${prettyPrinted}");
String sbToString = sb.toString();
if (!seenPrints.add(sbToString)) {
groupedByToString[sbToString] ??= [];
List<HeapGraphElement> Function(HeapGraphElement target) dijkstra(
HeapGraphElement source, HeapGraph heapGraph) {
Map<HeapGraphElement, int> elementNum = {};
Map<HeapGraphElement, GraphNode<HeapGraphElement>> elements = {};
elements[heapGraph.elementSentinel] =
new GraphNode<HeapGraphElement>(heapGraph.elementSentinel);
elementNum[heapGraph.elementSentinel] = elements.length;
for (HeapGraphElementActual element in heapGraph.elements) {
elements[element] = new GraphNode<HeapGraphElement>(element);
elementNum[element] = elements.length;
for (HeapGraphElementActual element in heapGraph.elements) {
GraphNode<HeapGraphElement> node = elements[element];
for (HeapGraphElement out in element.references) {
DijkstrasAlgorithm<HeapGraphElement> result =
new DijkstrasAlgorithm<HeapGraphElement>(
(HeapGraphElement a, HeapGraphElement b) {
if (identical(a, b)) {
throw "Comparing two identical ones was unexpected";
return elementNum[a] - elementNum[b];
(HeapGraphElement a, HeapGraphElement b) {
if (identical(a, b)) return 0;
// Prefer going via actual field.
if (a is HeapGraphElementActual) {
HeapGraphClass c = a.class_;
if (c is HeapGraphClassActual) {
for (vmService.HeapSnapshotField field in c.origin.fields) {
if (a.references[field.index] == b) {
// Via actual field!
return 1;
// Prefer not to go directly from HeapGraphClassSentinel to Procedure.
if (a is HeapGraphElementActual && b is HeapGraphElementActual) {
HeapGraphElementActual aa = a;
HeapGraphElementActual bb = b;
if (aa.class_ is HeapGraphClassSentinel &&
bb.class_ is HeapGraphClassActual) {
HeapGraphClassActual c = bb.class_;
if ( == "Procedure") {
return 1000;
// Prefer not to go via sentinel and via "Context".
if (b is HeapGraphElementSentinel) return 100;
HeapGraphElementActual bb = b;
if (bb.class_ is HeapGraphClassSentinel) return 100;
HeapGraphClassActual c = bb.class_;
if ( == "Context") {
if (c.libraryUri.toString().isEmpty) return 100;
// Not via actual field.
return 10;
return (HeapGraphElement target) {
return result.getPathFromTarget(elements[source], elements[target]);
class Interest {
final Uri uri;
final String className;
final List<String> fieldNames;
Interest(this.uri, this.className, this.fieldNames);
class StdOutLog implements vmService.Log {
const StdOutLog();
void severe(String message) {
print("> SEVERE: $message");
void warning(String message) {
print("> WARNING: $message");
HeapGraph convertHeapGraph(vmService.HeapSnapshotGraph graph) {
HeapGraphClassSentinel classSentinel = new HeapGraphClassSentinel();
List<HeapGraphClassActual> classes =
new List<HeapGraphClassActual>(graph.classes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < graph.classes.length; i++) {
vmService.HeapSnapshotClass c = graph.classes[i];
classes[i] = new HeapGraphClassActual(c);
HeapGraphElementSentinel elementSentinel = new HeapGraphElementSentinel();
List<HeapGraphElementActual> elements =
new List<HeapGraphElementActual>(graph.objects.length);
for (int i = 0; i < graph.objects.length; i++) {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject o = graph.objects[i];
elements[i] = new HeapGraphElementActual(o);
for (int i = 0; i < graph.objects.length; i++) {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObject o = graph.objects[i];
HeapGraphElementActual converted = elements[i];
if (o.classId == 0) {
converted.class_ = classSentinel;
} else {
converted.class_ = classes[o.classId - 1];
converted.referencesFiller = () {
for (int refId in o.references) {
HeapGraphElement ref;
if (refId == 0) {
ref = elementSentinel;
} else {
ref = elements[refId - 1];
return new HeapGraph(classSentinel, classes, elementSentinel, elements);
class HeapGraph {
final HeapGraphClassSentinel classSentinel;
final List<HeapGraphClassActual> classes;
final HeapGraphElementSentinel elementSentinel;
final List<HeapGraphElementActual> elements;
this.classSentinel, this.classes, this.elementSentinel, this.elements);
abstract class HeapGraphElement {
/// Outbound references, i.e. this element points to elements in this list.
List<HeapGraphElement> _references;
void Function() referencesFiller;
List<HeapGraphElement> get references {
if (_references == null && referencesFiller != null) {
_references = new List<HeapGraphElement>();
return _references;
String getPrettyPrint(Map<Uri, Map<String, List<String>>> prettyPrints) {
if (this is HeapGraphElementActual) {
HeapGraphElementActual me = this;
if (me.class_.toString() == "_OneByteString") {
return '"${}"';
if (me.class_.toString() == "_SimpleUri") {
return "_SimpleUri["
if (me.class_.toString() == "_Uri") {
return "_Uri[${me.getField("scheme").getPrettyPrint(prettyPrints)}:"
if (me.class_ is HeapGraphClassActual) {
HeapGraphClassActual c = me.class_;
Map<String, List<String>> classToFields = prettyPrints[c.libraryUri];
if (classToFields != null) {
List<String> fields = classToFields[];
if (fields != null) {
return "${}[" + {
return "$field: "
}).join(", ") +
return toString();
class HeapGraphElementSentinel extends HeapGraphElement {
String toString() => "HeapGraphElementSentinel";
class HeapGraphElementActual extends HeapGraphElement {
final vmService.HeapSnapshotObject origin;
HeapGraphClass class_;
HeapGraphElement getField(String name) {
if (class_ is HeapGraphClassActual) {
HeapGraphClassActual c = class_;
for (vmService.HeapSnapshotField field in c.origin.fields) {
if ( == name) {
return references[field.index];
return null;
String toString() {
if ( is vmService.HeapSnapshotObjectNoData) {
return "Instance of $class_";
if ( is vmService.HeapSnapshotObjectLengthData) {
vmService.HeapSnapshotObjectLengthData data =;
return "Instance of $class_ length = ${data.length}";
return "Instance of $class_; data: '${}'";
abstract class HeapGraphClass {
List<HeapGraphElement> _instances;
List<HeapGraphElement> getInstances(HeapGraph graph) {
if (_instances == null) {
_instances = new List<HeapGraphElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < graph.elements.length; i++) {
HeapGraphElementActual converted = graph.elements[i];
if (converted.class_ == this) {
return _instances;
class HeapGraphClassSentinel extends HeapGraphClass {
String toString() => "HeapGraphClassSentinel";
class HeapGraphClassActual extends HeapGraphClass {
final vmService.HeapSnapshotClass origin;
HeapGraphClassActual(this.origin) {
assert(origin != null);
String get name =>;
Uri get libraryUri => origin.libraryUri;
String toString() => name;