blob: 71bf4023b6b6af4ec72174ffb0a0a7caaf5ad168 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Update the flakiness data with a set of fresh results.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:test_runner/bot_results.dart';
main(List<String> args) async {
final parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('help', help: 'Show the program usage.', negatable: false);
parser.addOption('input', abbr: 'i', help: "Input flakiness file.");
parser.addOption('output', abbr: 'o', help: "Output flakiness file.");
parser.addOption('build-id', help: "Logdog ID of this buildbot run");
parser.addOption('commit', help: "Commit hash of this buildbot run");
final options = parser.parse(args);
if (options["help"]) {
Usage: update_flakiness.dart [OPTION]... [RESULT-FILE]...
Update the flakiness data with a set of fresh results.
The options are as follows:
final parameters =;
// Load the existing flakiness data, if any.
final data = options["input"] != null
? await loadResultsMap(options["input"])
: <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{};
// Incrementally update the flakiness data with each observed result.
for (final path in parameters) {
final results = await loadResults(path);
for (final resultObject in results) {
final String configuration = resultObject["configuration"];
final String name = resultObject["name"];
final String result = resultObject["result"];
final key = "$configuration:$name";
newMap() => <String, dynamic>{};
final Map<String, dynamic> testData = data.putIfAbsent(key, newMap);
testData["configuration"] = configuration;
testData["name"] = name;
testData["expected"] = resultObject["expected"];
final outcomes = testData.putIfAbsent("outcomes", () => []);
final time =;
if (!outcomes.contains(result)) {
testData["last_new_result_seen"] = time;
if (testData["current"] == result) {
} else {
testData["current"] = result;
testData["current_counter"] = 1;
final occurrences = testData.putIfAbsent("occurrences", newMap);
occurrences.putIfAbsent(result, () => 0);
final firstSeen = testData.putIfAbsent("first_seen", newMap);
firstSeen.putIfAbsent(result, () => time);
final lastSeen = testData.putIfAbsent("last_seen", newMap);
lastSeen[result] = time;
final matches = testData.putIfAbsent("matches", newMap);
// TODO: Temporarily fill in the matches field for all other outcomes.
// Remove this when all the builders have run at least once.
for (final outcome in occurrences.keys) {
matches[outcome] = resultObject["expected"] == "Fail"
? ["Fail", "CompileTimeError", "RuntimeError"].contains(outcome)
: resultObject["expected"] == outcome;
matches[result] = resultObject["matches"];
if (options["build-id"] != null) {
final buildIds = testData.putIfAbsent("build_ids", newMap);
buildIds[result] = options["build-id"];
if (options["commit"] != null) {
final commits = testData.putIfAbsent("commits", newMap);
commits[result] = options["commit"];
// Write out the new flakiness data, containing all the tests known to have
// multiple outcomes.
final sink = options["output"] != null
? new File(options["output"]).openWrite()
: stdout;
final keys = new List<String>.from(data.keys)..sort();
for (final key in keys) {
final testData = data[key];
if (testData["outcomes"].length < 2) continue;
// TODO: Temporarily discard entries for old tests that don't run. Remove
// this when all the builders have run at least once.
if (!testData.containsKey("matches")) {
// Forgive tests that have become deterministic again. If they flake less
// than once in a 100 (p<1%), then if they flake again, the probability of
// them getting past 5 runs of deflaking is 1%^5 = 0.00000001%.
if (100 <= testData["current_counter"]) {