blob: 54e028bbf00812d714d2bdfffcad4be62937e8a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vm.bytecode.ngrams;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show listEquals, listHashCode;
import 'dbc.dart';
import 'disassembler.dart' show Instruction, BytecodeDisassembler;
bool isControlFlowInstr(Instruction instr) => isControlFlow(instr.opcode);
class NGram {
List<Instruction> instrs;
BytecodeDisassembler _disassembler;
NGram(this.instrs, {bool mergePushes = false}) {
if (mergePushes) {
/// Tests if any instructions that are not the last instruction in the window
/// are a jump, throw, or call.
bool get controlFlowIsNotLast =>
instrs.sublist(0, instrs.length - 1).any(isControlFlowInstr);
int get hashCode => listHashCode(instrs);
bool operator ==(other) =>
(other is NGram) && listEquals(instrs, other.instrs);
String toString() {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (var instr in instrs) {
_disassembler.writeInstruction(out, instr);
return out.toString();
/// Rewrites all Push-like instructions as 'Push r0'.
static void _mergePushes(List<Instruction> instrs) {
for (int i = 0; i < instrs.length; i++) {
if (isPush(instrs[i].opcode)) {
instrs[i] = new Instruction(Opcode.kPush, false, <int>[0], 0);
/// Rewrites the operands of instructions so that ngrams that differ only in
/// operands can be considered the same.
/// Each type of operand is considered to come from a different space, and
/// each operand is re-indexed in that space starting from 0 such that each
/// distinct operand before canonicalization remains distinct afterwords. E.g.
/// Push r3
/// Push r3
/// Push r4
/// Becomes
/// Push r0
/// Push r0
/// Push r1
static void _canonicalize(List<Instruction> instrs) {
Map<Operand, Map<int, int>> operandMaps = <Operand, Map<int, int>>{
// No mapping for Operand.none.
Operand.imm: <int, int>{},
Operand.lit: <int, int>{},
Operand.reg: <int, int>{},
Operand.xeg: <int, int>{},
Operand.tgt: <int, int>{},
// No mapping for Operand.spe.
for (Instruction instr in instrs) {
Format fmt = BytecodeFormats[instr.opcode];
for (int i = 0; i < instr.operands.length; i++) {
Operand op = fmt.operands[i];
if (!operandMaps.containsKey(op)) {
int newOperand = operandMaps[op]
.putIfAbsent(instr.operands[i], () => operandMaps[op].length);
instr.operands[i] = newOperand;
class NGramReader {
List<Instruction> _instructions;
Map<NGram, int> _ngramCounts = <NGram, int>{};
NGramReader(String traceFilename) {
File traceFile = File(traceFilename);
Uint8List bytecode = traceFile.readAsBytesSync();
final disassembler = new BytecodeDisassembler();
_instructions = disassembler.decode(bytecode);
Map<NGram, int> get ngramCounts => _ngramCounts;
void readAllNGrams(int windowSize,
{bool basicBlocks: true, bool mergePushes: false}) {
int offset = 0;
while (offset + windowSize < _instructions.length) {
List<Instruction> window =
_instructions.sublist(offset, offset + windowSize);
offset += 1;
NGram ngram = new NGram(window, mergePushes: mergePushes);
if (basicBlocks && ngram.controlFlowIsNotLast) {
_ngramCounts.update(ngram, (count) => count + 1, ifAbsent: () => 1);
void writeNGramStats(String outputFilename,
{bool sort = true, int minCount = 1000}) {
File outputFile = new File(outputFilename);
IOSink file = outputFile.openWrite();
List<MapEntry<NGram, int>> entries =
_ngramCounts.entries.where((e) => e.value > minCount).toList();
if (sort) {
entries.sort((e1, e2) => e2.value - e1.value);
entries.forEach((e) {
file.write("count: ${e.value}\n${e.key}\n");