blob: 4661aeb63f76caf0d2c97e4d84a8cfb484a2ed21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.type_algebra;
import 'ast.dart';
import 'core_types.dart';
/// Returns a type where all occurrences of the given type parameters have been
/// replaced with the corresponding types.
/// This will copy only the subterms of [type] that contain substituted
/// variables; all other [DartType] objects will be reused.
/// In particular, if no variables were substituted, this is guaranteed to
/// return the [type] instance (not a copy), so the caller may use [identical]
/// to efficiently check if a distinct type was created.
DartType substitute(DartType type, Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution) {
if (substitution.isEmpty) return type;
return Substitution.fromMap(substitution).substituteType(type);
/// Returns a mapping from the type parameters declared on the class of [type]
/// to the actual type arguments provided in [type].
/// This can be passed as argument to [substitute].
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> getSubstitutionMap(Supertype type) {
return type.typeArguments.isEmpty
? const <TypeParameter, DartType>{}
: new Map<TypeParameter, DartType>.fromIterables(
type.classNode.typeParameters, type.typeArguments);
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> getUpperBoundSubstitutionMap(Class host) {
if (host.typeParameters.isEmpty) return const <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
var result = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (var parameter in host.typeParameters) {
result[parameter] = const DynamicType();
for (var parameter in host.typeParameters) {
result[parameter] = substitute(parameter.bound, result);
return result;
/// Like [substitute], except when a type in the [substitution] map references
/// another substituted type variable, the mapping for that type is recursively
/// inserted.
/// For example `Set<G>` substituted with `{T -> String, G -> List<T>}` results
/// in `Set<List<String>>`.
/// Returns `null` if the substitution map contains a cycle reachable from a
/// type variable in [type] (the resulting type would be infinite).
/// The [substitution] map will be mutated so that the right-hand sides may
/// be remapped to the deeply substituted type, but only for the keys that are
/// reachable from [type].
/// As with [substitute], this is guaranteed to return the same instance if no
/// substitution was performed.
DartType substituteDeep(
DartType type, Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution) {
if (substitution.isEmpty) return type;
var substitutor = new _DeepTypeSubstitutor(substitution);
var result = substitutor.visit(type);
return substitutor.isInfinite ? null : result;
/// Returns true if [type] contains a reference to any of the given [variables].
/// [unhandledTypeHandler] is a helper function invoked on unknown implementers
/// of [DartType]. Its arguments are the unhandled type and the function that
/// can be invoked from within the handler on parts of the unknown type to
/// recursively call the visitor. If not passed, an exception is thrown then an
/// unhandled implementer of [DartType] is encountered.
/// It is an error to call this with a [type] that contains a [FunctionType]
/// that declares one of the parameters in [variables].
bool containsTypeVariable(DartType type, Set<TypeParameter> variables,
{bool Function(DartType type, bool Function(DartType type) recursor)
unhandledTypeHandler}) {
if (variables.isEmpty) return false;
return new _OccurrenceVisitor(variables,
unhandledTypeHandler: unhandledTypeHandler)
/// Returns `true` if [type] contains any free type variables, that is, type
/// variable for function types whose function type is part of [type].
bool containsFreeFunctionTypeVariables(DartType type) {
return new _FreeFunctionTypeVariableVisitor().visit(type);
/// Given a set of type variables, finds a substitution of those variables such
/// that the two given types becomes equal, or returns `null` if no such
/// substitution exists.
/// For example, unifying `List<T>` with `List<String>`, where `T` is a
/// quantified variable, yields the substitution `T = String`.
/// If successful, this equation holds:
/// substitute(type1, substitution) == substitute(type2, substitution)
/// The unification can fail for two reasons:
/// - incompatible types, e.g. `List<T>` cannot be unified with `Set<T>`.
/// - infinite types: e.g. `T` cannot be unified with `List<T>` because it
/// would create the infinite type `List<List<List<...>>>`.
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> unifyTypes(
DartType type1, DartType type2, Set<TypeParameter> quantifiedVariables) {
var unifier = new _TypeUnification(type1, type2, quantifiedVariables);
return unifier.success ? unifier.substitution : null;
/// Generates a fresh copy of the given type parameters, with their bounds
/// substituted to reference the new parameters.
/// The returned object contains the fresh type parameter list as well as a
/// mapping to be used for replacing other types to use the new type parameters.
FreshTypeParameters getFreshTypeParameters(List<TypeParameter> typeParameters) {
var freshParameters = new List<TypeParameter>.generate(
typeParameters.length, (i) => new TypeParameter(typeParameters[i].name),
growable: true);
var map = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
map[typeParameters[i]] = new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
typeParameters[i], freshParameters[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
TypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i];
TypeParameter freshTypeParameter = freshParameters[i];
freshTypeParameter.bound = substitute(typeParameter.bound, map);
freshTypeParameter.defaultType = typeParameter.defaultType != null
? substitute(typeParameter.defaultType, map)
: null;
freshTypeParameter.variance =
typeParameter.isLegacyCovariant ? null : typeParameter.variance;
// Annotations on a type parameter are specific to the declaration of the
// type parameter, rather than the type parameter as such, and therefore
// should not be copied here.
return new FreshTypeParameters(freshParameters, Substitution.fromMap(map));
class FreshTypeParameters {
final List<TypeParameter> freshTypeParameters;
final Substitution substitution;
FreshTypeParameters(this.freshTypeParameters, this.substitution);
FunctionType applyToFunctionType(FunctionType type) => new FunctionType(,
typeParameters: freshTypeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: type.requiredParameterCount,
type.typedefType == null ? null : substitute(type.typedefType));
DartType substitute(DartType type) => substitution.substituteType(type);
NamedType substituteNamed(NamedType type) =>
new NamedType(, substitute(type.type),
isRequired: type.isRequired);
Supertype substituteSuper(Supertype type) {
return substitution.substituteSupertype(type);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class Substitution {
const Substitution();
static const Substitution empty = _NullSubstitution.instance;
/// Substitutes each parameter to the type it maps to in [map].
static Substitution fromMap(Map<TypeParameter, DartType> map) {
if (map.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return new _MapSubstitution(map, map);
static Substitution filtered(Substitution sub, TypeParameterFilter filter) {
return new _FilteredSubstitution(sub, filter);
/// Substitutes all occurrences of the given type parameters with the
/// corresponding upper or lower bound, depending on the variance of the
/// context where it occurs.
/// For example the type `(T) => T` with the bounds `bottom <: T <: num`
/// becomes `(bottom) => num` (in this example, `num` is the upper bound,
/// and `bottom` is the lower bound).
/// This is a way to obtain an upper bound for a type while eliminating all
/// references to certain type variables.
static Substitution fromUpperAndLowerBounds(
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> upper, Map<TypeParameter, DartType> lower) {
if (upper.isEmpty && lower.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return new _MapSubstitution(upper, lower);
/// Substitutes the type parameters on the class of [supertype] with the
/// type arguments provided in [supertype].
static Substitution fromSupertype(Supertype supertype) {
if (supertype.typeArguments.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return fromMap(new Map<TypeParameter, DartType>.fromIterables(
supertype.classNode.typeParameters, supertype.typeArguments));
/// Substitutes the type parameters on the class of [type] with the
/// type arguments provided in [type].
static Substitution fromInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) {
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return fromMap(new Map<TypeParameter, DartType>.fromIterables(
type.classNode.typeParameters, type.typeArguments));
/// Substitutes the type parameters on the typedef of [type] with the
/// type arguments provided in [type].
static Substitution fromTypedefType(TypedefType type) {
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return fromMap(new Map<TypeParameter, DartType>.fromIterables(
type.typedefNode.typeParameters, type.typeArguments));
/// Substitutes the Nth parameter in [parameters] with the Nth type in
/// [types].
static Substitution fromPairs(
List<TypeParameter> parameters, List<DartType> types) {
// TODO(asgerf): Investigate if it is more efficient to implement
// substitution based on parallel pairwise lists instead of Maps.
assert(parameters.length == types.length);
if (parameters.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return fromMap(
new Map<TypeParameter, DartType>.fromIterables(parameters, types));
/// Substitutes the type parameters on the class with bottom or dynamic,
/// depending on the covariance of its use.
static Substitution bottomForClass(Class class_) {
if (class_.typeParameters.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
return new _ClassBottomSubstitution(class_);
/// Substitutes covariant uses of [class_]'s type parameters with the upper
/// bound of that type parameter. Recursive references in the bound have
/// been replaced by dynamic.
static Substitution upperBoundForClass(Class class_) {
if (class_.typeParameters.isEmpty) return _NullSubstitution.instance;
var upper = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (var parameter in class_.typeParameters) {
upper[parameter] = const DynamicType();
for (var parameter in class_.typeParameters) {
upper[parameter] = substitute(parameter.bound, upper);
return fromUpperAndLowerBounds(upper, {});
/// Substitutes both variables from [first] and [second], favoring those from
/// [first] if they overlap.
/// Neither substitution is applied to the results of the other, so this does
/// *not* correspond to a sequence of two substitutions. For example,
/// combining `{T -> List<G>}` with `{G -> String}` does not correspond to
/// `{T -> List<String>}` because the result from substituting `T` is not
/// searched for occurences of `G`.
static Substitution combine(Substitution first, Substitution second) {
if (first == _NullSubstitution.instance) return second;
if (second == _NullSubstitution.instance) return first;
return new _CombinedSubstitution(first, second);
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound);
DartType substituteType(DartType node, {bool contravariant: false}) {
return new _TopSubstitutor(this, contravariant).visit(node);
Supertype substituteSupertype(Supertype node) {
return new _TopSubstitutor(this, false).visitSupertype(node);
class _NullSubstitution extends Substitution {
static const _NullSubstitution instance = const _NullSubstitution();
const _NullSubstitution();
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
return new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(parameter, parameter);
DartType substituteType(DartType node, {bool contravariant: false}) => node;
Supertype substituteSupertype(Supertype node) => node;
String toString() => "Substitution.empty";
class _MapSubstitution extends Substitution {
final Map<TypeParameter, DartType> upper;
final Map<TypeParameter, DartType> lower;
_MapSubstitution(this.upper, this.lower);
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
return upperBound ? upper[parameter] : lower[parameter];
String toString() => "_MapSubstitution($upper, $lower)";
class _TopSubstitutor extends _TypeSubstitutor {
final Substitution substitution;
_TopSubstitutor(this.substitution, bool contravariant) : super(null) {
if (contravariant) {
DartType lookup(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
return substitution.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound);
TypeParameter freshTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
throw 'Create a fresh environment first';
class _ClassBottomSubstitution extends Substitution {
final Class class_;
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
if (parameter.parent == class_) {
return upperBound ? const BottomType() : const DynamicType();
return null;
class _CombinedSubstitution extends Substitution {
final Substitution first, second;
_CombinedSubstitution(this.first, this.second);
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
return first.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound) ??
second.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound);
typedef bool TypeParameterFilter(TypeParameter P);
class _FilteredSubstitution extends Substitution {
final Substitution base;
final TypeParameterFilter filterFn;
_FilteredSubstitution(this.base, this.filterFn);
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
return filterFn(parameter)
? base.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound)
: _NullSubstitution.instance.getSubstitute(parameter, upperBound);
class _InnerTypeSubstitutor extends _TypeSubstitutor {
final Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
_InnerTypeSubstitutor(_TypeSubstitutor outer) : super(outer);
DartType lookup(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
return substitution[parameter];
TypeParameter freshTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
TypeParameter fresh = new TypeParameter(;
TypeParameterType typeParameterType = substitution[node] =
new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(node, fresh);
fresh.bound = visit(node.bound);
if (node.defaultType != null) {
fresh.defaultType = visit(node.defaultType);
// If the bound was changed from substituting the bound we need to update
// implicit nullability to be based on the new bound. If the bound wasn't
// changed the computation below results in the same nullability.
// If the type variable occurred in the bound then the bound was
// of the form `Foo<...T..>` or `FutureOr<T>` and the nullability therefore
// has not changed.
typeParameterType.declaredNullability =
return fresh;
/// Combines nullabilities of types during type substitution.
/// In a type substitution, for example, when `int` is substituted for `T` in
/// `List<T?>`, the nullability of the occurrence of the type parameter should
/// be combined with the nullability of the type that is being substituted for
/// that type parameter. In the example above it's the nullability of `T?`
/// and `int`. The function computes the nullability for the replacement as
/// per the following table:
/// | a \ b | ! | ? | * | % |
/// |-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|
/// | ! | ! | ? | * | ! |
/// | ? | N/A | ? | ? | ? |
/// | * | * | ? | * | * |
/// | % | N/A | ? | * | % |
/// Here `!` denotes `Nullability.nonNullable`, `?` denotes
/// `Nullability.nullable`, `*` denotes `Nullability.legacy`, and `%` denotes
/// `Nullability.neither`. The table elements marked with N/A denote the
/// cases that should yield a type error before the substitution is performed.
Nullability combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution(Nullability a, Nullability b) {
// In the table above we may extend the function given by it, replacing N/A
// with whatever is easier to implement. In this implementation, we extend
// the table function as follows:
// | a \ b | ! | ? | * | % |
// |-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|
// | ! | ! | ? | * | ! |
// | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
// | * | * | ? | * | * |
// | % | % | ? | * | % |
if (a == Nullability.nullable || b == Nullability.nullable) {
return Nullability.nullable;
if (a == Nullability.legacy || b == Nullability.legacy) {
return Nullability.legacy;
return a;
abstract class _TypeSubstitutor extends DartTypeVisitor<DartType> {
final _TypeSubstitutor outer;
bool covariantContext = true;
_TypeSubstitutor(this.outer) {
covariantContext = outer == null ? true : outer.covariantContext;
DartType lookup(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound);
/// The number of times a variable from this environment has been used in
/// a substitution.
/// There is a strict requirement that we must return the same instance for
/// types that were not altered by the substitution. This counter lets us
/// check quickly if anything happened in a substitution.
int useCounter = 0;
_InnerTypeSubstitutor newInnerEnvironment() {
return new _InnerTypeSubstitutor(this);
void invertVariance() {
covariantContext = !covariantContext;
Supertype visitSupertype(Supertype node) {
if (node.typeArguments.isEmpty) return node;
int before = useCounter;
var typeArguments =;
if (useCounter == before) return node;
return new Supertype(node.classNode, typeArguments);
NamedType visitNamedType(NamedType node) {
int before = useCounter;
var type = visit(node.type);
if (useCounter == before) return node;
return new NamedType(, type, isRequired: node.isRequired);
DartType visit(DartType node) => node.accept(this);
DartType defaultDartType(DartType node) => node;
DartType visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) => node;
DartType visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) => node;
DartType visitVoidType(VoidType node) => node;
DartType visitBottomType(BottomType node) => node;
DartType visitNeverType(NeverType node) => node;
DartType visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
if (node.typeArguments.isEmpty) return node;
int before = useCounter;
var typeArguments =;
if (useCounter == before) return node;
return new InterfaceType(node.classNode, node.nullability, typeArguments);
DartType visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node) {
int before = useCounter;
DartType typeArgument = node.typeArgument.accept(this);
if (useCounter == before) return node;
return new FutureOrType(typeArgument, node.declaredNullability);
DartType visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) {
if (node.typeArguments.isEmpty) return node;
int before = useCounter;
var typeArguments =;
if (useCounter == before) return node;
return new TypedefType(node.typedefNode, node.nullability, typeArguments);
List<TypeParameter> freshTypeParameters(List<TypeParameter> parameters) {
if (parameters.isEmpty) return const <TypeParameter>[];
TypeParameter freshTypeParameter(TypeParameter node);
DartType visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
// This is a bit tricky because we have to generate fresh type parameters
// in order to change the bounds. At the same time, if the function type
// was unaltered, we have to return the [node] object (not a copy!).
// Substituting a type for a fresh type variable should not be confused with
// a "real" substitution.
// Create an inner environment to generate fresh type parameters. The use
// counter on the inner environment tells if the fresh type parameters have
// any uses, but does not tell if the resulting function type is distinct.
// Our own use counter will get incremented if something from our
// environment has been used inside the function.
node.typeParameters.every((TypeParameter parameter) =>
lookup(parameter, true) == null &&
lookup(parameter, false) == null),
"Function type variables cannot be substituted while still attached "
"to the function. Perform substitution on "
"`FunctionType.withoutTypeParameters` instead.");
var inner = node.typeParameters.isEmpty ? this : newInnerEnvironment();
int before = this.useCounter;
// Invert the variance when translating parameters.
var typeParameters = inner.freshTypeParameters(node.typeParameters);
var positionalParameters = node.positionalParameters.isEmpty
? const <DartType>[]
var namedParameters = node.namedParameters.isEmpty
? const <NamedType>[]
var returnType = inner.visit(node.returnType);
DartType typedefType =
node.typedefType == null ? null : inner.visit(node.typedefType);
if (this.useCounter == before) return node;
return new FunctionType(positionalParameters, returnType, node.nullability,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: node.requiredParameterCount,
typedefType: typedefType);
void bumpCountersUntil(_TypeSubstitutor target) {
var node = this;
while (node != target) {
node = node.outer;
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter variable) {
var environment = this;
while (environment != null) {
DartType replacement = environment.lookup(variable, covariantContext);
if (replacement != null) {
return replacement;
environment = environment.outer;
return null;
DartType visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
DartType replacement = getSubstitute(node.parameter);
if (replacement is InvalidType) return replacement;
if (replacement != null) {
return replacement.withDeclaredNullability(
replacement.nullability, node.nullability));
return node;
class _DeepTypeSubstitutor extends _InnerTypeSubstitutor {
int depth = 0;
bool isInfinite = false;
_DeepTypeSubstitutor(Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution,
[_DeepTypeSubstitutor outer])
: super(outer) {
_DeepTypeSubstitutor newInnerEnvironment() {
return new _DeepTypeSubstitutor(<TypeParameter, DartType>{}, this);
DartType visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
DartType replacement = getSubstitute(node.parameter);
if (replacement == null) return node;
if (isInfinite) return replacement;
if (depth > substitution.length) {
isInfinite = true;
return replacement;
} else {
replacement = visit(replacement);
// Update type to the fully fleshed-out type.
substitution[node.parameter] = replacement;
return replacement;
class _TypeUnification {
// Acyclic invariant: There are no cycles in the map, that is, all types can
// be resolved to finite types by substituting all contained type variables.
// The acyclic invariant holds everywhere except during cycle detection.
// It is not checked that the substitution satisfies the bound on the type
// parameter.
final Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
/// Variables that may be assigned freely in order to obtain unification.
/// These are sometimes referred to as existentially quantified variables.
final Set<TypeParameter> quantifiedVariables;
/// Variables that are bound by a function type inside one of the types.
/// These may not occur in a substitution, because these variables are not in
/// scope at the existentially quantified variables.
/// For example, suppose we are trying to satisfy the equation:
/// ∃S. <E>(E, S) => E = <E>(E, E) => E
/// That is, we must choose `S` such that the generic function type
/// `<E>(E, S) => E` becomes `<E>(E, E) => E`. Choosing `S = E` is not a
/// valid solution, because `E` is not in scope where `S` is quantified.
/// The two function types cannot be unified.
final Set<TypeParameter> _universallyQuantifiedVariables =
new Set<TypeParameter>();
bool success = true;
_TypeUnification(DartType type1, DartType type2, this.quantifiedVariables) {
_unify(type1, type2);
if (success && substitution.length >= 2) {
for (var key in substitution.keys) {
substitution[key] = substituteDeep(substitution[key], substitution);
DartType _substituteHead(TypeParameterType type) {
for (int i = 0; i <= substitution.length; ++i) {
DartType nextType = substitution[type.parameter];
if (nextType == null) return type;
if (nextType is TypeParameterType) {
type = nextType;
} else {
return nextType;
// The cycle should have been found by _trySubstitution when the cycle
// was created.
throw 'Unexpected cycle found during unification';
bool _unify(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
if (!success) return false;
type1 = type1 is TypeParameterType ? _substituteHead(type1) : type1;
type2 = type2 is TypeParameterType ? _substituteHead(type2) : type2;
if (type1 is DynamicType && type2 is DynamicType) return true;
if (type1 is VoidType && type2 is VoidType) return true;
if (type1 is InvalidType && type2 is InvalidType) return true;
if (type1 is BottomType && type2 is BottomType) return true;
if (type1 is InterfaceType && type2 is InterfaceType) {
if (type1.classNode != type2.classNode ||
type1.nullability != type2.nullability) {
return _fail();
assert(type1.typeArguments.length == type2.typeArguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < type1.typeArguments.length; ++i) {
if (!_unify(type1.typeArguments[i], type2.typeArguments[i])) {
return false;
return true;
if (type1 is FunctionType && type2 is FunctionType) {
if (type1.typeParameters.length != type2.typeParameters.length ||
type1.positionalParameters.length !=
type2.positionalParameters.length ||
type1.namedParameters.length != type2.namedParameters.length ||
type1.requiredParameterCount != type2.requiredParameterCount ||
type1.nullability != type2.nullability) {
return _fail();
// When unifying two generic functions, transform the equation like this:
// ∃S. <E>(fn1) = <T>(fn2)
// ==>
// ∃S. ∀G. fn1[G/E] = fn2[G/T]
// That is, assume some fixed identical choice of type parameters for both
// functions and try to unify the instantiated function types.
var leftInstance = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
var rightInstance = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < type1.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
var instantiator = new TypeParameter(type1.typeParameters[i].name);
var instantiatorType = new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
type1.typeParameters[i], instantiator);
leftInstance[type1.typeParameters[i]] = instantiatorType;
rightInstance[type2.typeParameters[i]] = instantiatorType;
for (int i = 0; i < type1.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
var left = substitute(type1.typeParameters[i].bound, leftInstance);
var right = substitute(type2.typeParameters[i].bound, rightInstance);
if (!_unify(left, right)) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < type1.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
var left = substitute(type1.positionalParameters[i], leftInstance);
var right = substitute(type2.positionalParameters[i], rightInstance);
if (!_unify(left, right)) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < type1.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
if (type1.namedParameters[i].name != type2.namedParameters[i].name) {
return false;
var left = substitute(type1.namedParameters[i].type, leftInstance);
var right = substitute(type2.namedParameters[i].type, rightInstance);
if (!_unify(left, right)) return false;
var leftReturn = substitute(type1.returnType, leftInstance);
var rightReturn = substitute(type2.returnType, rightInstance);
if (!_unify(leftReturn, rightReturn)) return false;
return true;
if (type1 is TypeParameterType &&
type2 is TypeParameterType &&
type1.parameter == type2.parameter &&
type1.declaredNullability == type2.declaredNullability) {
return true;
if (type1 is TypeParameterType &&
quantifiedVariables.contains(type1.parameter)) {
return _trySubstitution(type1.parameter, type2);
if (type2 is TypeParameterType &&
quantifiedVariables.contains(type2.parameter)) {
return _trySubstitution(type2.parameter, type1);
return _fail();
bool _trySubstitution(TypeParameter variable, DartType type) {
if (containsTypeVariable(type, _universallyQuantifiedVariables)) {
return _fail();
// Set the plain substitution first and then generate the deep
// substitution to detect cycles.
substitution[variable] = type;
DartType deepSubstitute = substituteDeep(type, substitution);
if (deepSubstitute == null) return _fail();
substitution[variable] = deepSubstitute;
return true;
bool _fail() {
return success = false;
class _OccurrenceVisitor implements DartTypeVisitor<bool> {
final Set<TypeParameter> variables;
/// Helper function invoked on unknown implementers of [DartType].
/// Its arguments are the unhandled type and the function that can be invoked
/// from within the handler on parts of the unknown type to recursively call
/// the visitor. If not set, an exception is thrown then an unhandled
/// implementer of [DartType] is encountered.
final bool Function(DartType node, bool Function(DartType node) recursor)
_OccurrenceVisitor(this.variables, {this.unhandledTypeHandler});
bool visit(DartType node) => node.accept(this);
bool visitNamedType(NamedType node) {
return visit(node.type);
bool defaultDartType(DartType node) {
if (unhandledTypeHandler == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported type '${node.runtimeType}'.");
} else {
return unhandledTypeHandler(node, visit);
bool visitBottomType(BottomType node) => false;
bool visitNeverType(NeverType node) => false;
bool visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) => false;
bool visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) => false;
bool visitVoidType(VoidType node) => false;
bool visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
return node.typeArguments.any(visit);
bool visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node) {
return visit(node.typeArgument);
bool visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) {
return node.typeArguments.any(visit);
bool visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
return node.typeParameters.any(handleTypeParameter) ||
node.positionalParameters.any(visit) ||
node.namedParameters.any(visitNamedType) ||
bool visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
return variables == null || variables.contains(node.parameter);
bool handleTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
if (node.bound.accept(this)) return true;
if (node.defaultType == null) return false;
return node.defaultType.accept(this);
class _FreeFunctionTypeVariableVisitor implements DartTypeVisitor<bool> {
final Set<TypeParameter> variables = new Set<TypeParameter>();
bool visit(DartType node) => node.accept(this);
bool defaultDartType(DartType node) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported type $node (${node.runtimeType}.");
bool visitNamedType(NamedType node) {
return visit(node.type);
bool visitBottomType(BottomType node) => false;
bool visitNeverType(NeverType node) => false;
bool visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) => false;
bool visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) => false;
bool visitVoidType(VoidType node) => false;
bool visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
return node.typeArguments.any(visit);
bool visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node) {
return visit(node.typeArgument);
bool visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) {
return node.typeArguments.any(visit);
bool visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
bool result = node.typeParameters.any(handleTypeParameter) ||
node.positionalParameters.any(visit) ||
node.namedParameters.any(visitNamedType) ||
return result;
bool visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
return node.parameter.parent == null && !variables.contains(node.parameter);
bool handleTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
if (node.bound.accept(this)) return true;
if (node.defaultType == null) return false;
return node.defaultType.accept(this);
Nullability uniteNullabilities(Nullability a, Nullability b) {
if (a == Nullability.nullable || b == Nullability.nullable) {
return Nullability.nullable;
if (a == Nullability.legacy || b == Nullability.legacy) {
return Nullability.legacy;
if (a == Nullability.undetermined || b == Nullability.undetermined) {
return Nullability.undetermined;
return Nullability.nonNullable;
Nullability intersectNullabilities(Nullability a, Nullability b) {
if (a == Nullability.nonNullable || b == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return Nullability.nonNullable;
if (a == Nullability.undetermined || b == Nullability.undetermined) {
return Nullability.undetermined;
if (a == Nullability.legacy || b == Nullability.legacy) {
return Nullability.legacy;
return Nullability.nullable;
/// Tells if a [DartType] is primitive or not.
/// This is useful in recursive algorithms over types where the primitive types
/// are the base cases of the recursion. According to the visitor a primitive
/// type is any [DartType] that doesn't include other [DartType]s as its parts.
/// The nullability attributes don't affect the primitiveness of a type.
bool isPrimitiveDartType(DartType type,
{bool Function(DartType unhandledType) unhandledTypeHandler}) {
return type.accept(const _PrimitiveTypeVerifier());
/// Visitors that implements the algorithm of [isPrimitiveDartType].
/// The visitor is shallow, that is, it doesn't recurse over the given type due
/// to its purpose. The reason for having a visitor is to make the need for an
/// update visible when a new implementer of [DartType] is introduced in Kernel.
class _PrimitiveTypeVerifier implements DartTypeVisitor<bool> {
const _PrimitiveTypeVerifier();
bool defaultDartType(DartType node) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Unsupported operation: _PrimitiveTypeVerifier(${node.runtimeType})");
bool visitBottomType(BottomType node) => true;
bool visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) => true;
bool visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
// Function types are never primitive because they at least include the
// return types as their parts.
return false;
bool visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node) => false;
bool visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
return node.typeArguments.isEmpty;
bool visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Unsupported operation: _PrimitiveTypeVerifier(InvalidType).");
bool visitNeverType(NeverType node) => true;
bool visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
return node.promotedBound == null;
bool visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) {
return node.typeArguments.isEmpty;
bool visitVoidType(VoidType node) => true;
/// Removes the application of ? or * from the type.
/// Some types are nullable even without the application of the nullable type
/// constructor at the top level, for example, Null or FutureOr<int?>.
// TODO(dmitryas): Remove [coreTypes] parameter when NullType is landed.
DartType unwrapNullabilityConstructor(DartType type, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
return type.accept1(const _NullabilityConstructorUnwrapper(), coreTypes);
/// Implementation of [unwrapNullabilityConstructor] as a visitor.
/// Implementing the function as a visitor makes the necessity of supporting a new implementation of [DartType] visible at compile time.
// TODO(dmitryas): Remove CoreTypes as the second argument when NullType is landed.
class _NullabilityConstructorUnwrapper
implements DartTypeVisitor1<DartType, CoreTypes> {
const _NullabilityConstructorUnwrapper();
DartType defaultDartType(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Unsupported operation: _NullabilityConstructorUnwrapper(${node.runtimeType})");
DartType visitBottomType(BottomType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) => node;
DartType visitDynamicType(DynamicType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) => node;
DartType visitFunctionType(FunctionType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
return node == coreTypes.nullType
? node
: node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType visitInvalidType(InvalidType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) => node;
DartType visitNeverType(NeverType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
if (node.promotedBound != null) {
// Intersection types don't have their own nullabilities.
return node;
} else {
return node.withDeclaredNullability(
DartType visitTypedefType(TypedefType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType visitVoidType(VoidType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) => node;