tree: 65c797044d68596773fc491b173d490d71c12ff2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. jsHelpers/
  2. stacktrace_testfiles/
  3. testfiles/
  4. common.dart
  5. ddc_common.dart
  7. sourcemaps_ddc.status
  8. sourcemaps_ddc_suite.dart
  9. sourcemaps_ddk.status
  10. sourcemaps_ddk_suite.dart
  11. stacktrace_ddc.status
  12. stacktrace_ddc_suite.dart
  13. stacktrace_ddk.status
  14. stacktrace_ddk_suite.dart
  15. testing.json

This folder contains a testing framework for validating the debugging behaviour of the generated js. It currently has 2 suits: One for (legacy) DDC and one for DDC with kernel (DDK).

Running the tests likely requires the compilation of the correct targets. DDK currently also requires ddc_sdk.dill inside ./out/ReleaseX64/gen/utils/dartdevc/ddc_sdk.dill. This should be remedied at some point.

All tests are plain Dart files and goes in “testfiles”. They are automatically picked up by the testing framework.

The tests files should contain comments describing where to set breakpoints, and the expected breaking positions. This is done with comments as in /*key*/ where key can be on of the following:

  • fail: Will fail the test. Useful for debugging.
  • Debugger:stepOver: Will step over breakpoints. Default (i.e. without this) is to step into.
  • bl (break line): insert a breakpoint on this line. This does not add any new expected breaks.
  • s:{i} (stop): adds an expected stop as the ith stop (1-indexed).
  • sl:{i} (stop at line): adds an expected stop as the ith stop (1-indexed). Only check the line number.
  • nb (no break): The debugger should never break on this line.
  • nbc (no break column): The debugger should never break on this line and column.
  • nbb:{i}:{j} (no break between): The debugger should not break on this line between expectation i and j (1-indexed). From can also be the special value 0 meaning from the beginning. For example nbb:0:1 means not before first expected stop.
  • nm (no mapping): There's not allowed to be any mapping to this line.
  • bc:{i} (break column): inserts a breakpoint at this line and column and adds an expected stop as the ith stop (1-indexed).

Note that in an ideal world bc:{i} would be unnecessary: Stopping at a line and stepping should generally be enough. Because of the current behaviour of d8 though, for instance

baz(foo(), bar())

will stop at baz, go into foo, stop at bar, go into bar and stop at baz. From a Dart perspective we would instead expect it to stop at foo, go into foo, stop at bar,

go into bar and stop a baz. Having bc:{i} allows us to force this behaviour as d8 can actually stop at foo too.

All of these annotations are removed before compiling to js and the expected output thus refers to the unannotated code.

When the test confirms that the debugger broke at the expected locations it allows for additional breakpoints before, between and after the expected breakpoints.

One can filter which tests are run by running (from the sourcemap folder):

dart sourcemaps_ddc_suite.dart -- sourcemaps_ddc//printing_class_fields

One can additionally get debug output for failing tests (i.e. tests with different outcome than expected), e.g.:

dart sourcemaps_ddc_suite.dart -Ddebug=true -- sourcemaps_ddc//printing_class_fields

Some of the logic comes from, for instance see front_end/sources/JavaScriptSourceFrame.js#L1520-L1523 for how a line breakpoint is resolved: Basically the line asked to break on in user code (e.g. in dart code) is asked for first and last javascript positions; these are then used to get possible breakpoints in that part. If there are none it tries the next line (etc for a number of lines). Once it finds something (in javascript positions) it converts that to user code position (e.g. in dart code), normalizes it by converting to javascript position and back to user code position again, then converts to javascript position and sets the breakpoint. This is to some extend mimicked here when setting a line break (though not a “column break”).