blob: 5e35c74450e4b8f6b8c1e8b52499095d2379aeb0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
[ $compiler == spec_parser ]
conditional_import_string_test: Fail # Not yet supported.
conditional_import_test: Fail # Not yet supported.
config_import_corelib_test: Fail # Not yet supported.
config_import_test: Fail # Not yet supported.
const_native_factory_test/01: Fail # Uses `native`.
deep_nesting1_negative_test: Skip # Stack overflow.
deep_nesting2_negative_test: Skip # Stack overflow.
factory3_negative_test: Fail # Negative, puts `default` in class header.
field3_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `final var a`.
getter_declaration_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses getter with parameter.
interface_injection1_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses interface injection.
interface_injection2_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses interface injection.
is_not_class1_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `a is "A"`.
is_not_class4_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `a is A is A`.
issue1578_negative_test: Fail # Negative, is line noise.
issue_1751477_test: Skip # Times out: 9 levels, exponential blowup => 430 secs.
list_literal_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `new List<int>[1, 2]`.
map_literal_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `new Map<int>{..}`.
new_expression1_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `new id`.
new_expression2_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `new id(`.
new_expression3_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `new id(...`.
operator1_negative_test: Fail # Negative, declares static operator.
operator2_negative_test: Fail # Negative, declares `operator ===`.
prefix18_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses `lib1.invalid` as library prefix.
string_escape4_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses newline in string literal.
string_interpolate1_negative_test: Fail # Negative, misplaced '$'.
string_interpolate2_negative_test: Fail # Negative, misplaced '$'.
switch1_negative_test: Fail # Negative, `default` clause not last.
test_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses non-terminated string literal.
unary_plus_negative_test: Fail # Negative, uses non-existing unary plus.
unhandled_exception_negative_test: Fail # Negative, defaults required parameter.
vm/debug_break_enabled_vm_test: Fail # Uses debug break.