blob: baadca4213eba3d05234a5327bcb68fc0e742c31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.import_table;
import 'ast.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
abstract class ImportTable {
int getImportIndex(Library library);
class ProgramImportTable implements ImportTable {
final Map<Library, int> _libraryIndex = <Library, int>{};
ProgramImportTable(Program program) {
for (int i = 0; i < program.libraries.length; ++i) {
_libraryIndex[program.libraries[i]] = i;
int getImportIndex(Library library) => _libraryIndex[library] ?? -1;
class LibraryImportTable implements ImportTable {
final List<String> _importPaths = <String>[];
final List<Library> _importedLibraries = <Library>[];
final Map<Library, int> _libraryIndex = <Library, int>{};
factory LibraryImportTable(Library lib) {
return new _ImportTableBuilder(lib).build();
/// The list of imports.
/// Should not be modified directly, as the index map would go out of sync.
List<String> get importPaths => _importPaths;
List<Library> get importedLibraries => _importedLibraries;
int addImport(Library target, String importPath) {
int index = _libraryIndex[target];
if (index != null) return index;
index = _importPaths.length;
_libraryIndex[target] = index;
return index;
/// Returns the index of the given import, or -1 if not found.
int getImportIndex(Library library) {
return _libraryIndex[library] ?? -1;
String getImportPath(Library library) {
return _importPaths[getImportIndex(library)];
/// Builds the import table for a given library.
class _ImportTableBuilder extends RecursiveVisitor {
final LibraryImportTable table = new LibraryImportTable.empty();
final Library referenceLibrary;
LibraryImportTable build() {
return table;
_ImportTableBuilder(this.referenceLibrary) {
table.addImport(referenceLibrary, '');
void addLibraryImport(Library target) {
if (target == referenceLibrary) return; // Self-reference is special.
var referenceUri = referenceLibrary.importUri;
var targetUri = target.importUri;
if (targetUri == null) {
throw '$referenceUri cannot refer to library without an import URI';
// To support using custom-uris in unit tests, we don't check directly
// whether the scheme is 'file:', but instead we check that is not 'dart:'
// or 'package:'.
bool isFileOrCustomScheme(uri) =>
uri.scheme != '' && uri.scheme != 'package' && uri.scheme != 'dart';
bool isTargetSchemeFileOrCustom = isFileOrCustomScheme(targetUri);
bool isReferenceSchemeFileOrCustom = isFileOrCustomScheme(referenceUri);
if (isTargetSchemeFileOrCustom && isReferenceSchemeFileOrCustom) {
var targetDirectory = path.dirname(targetUri.path);
var currentDirectory = path.dirname(referenceUri.path);
var relativeDirectory =
path.relative(targetDirectory, from: currentDirectory);
var filename = path.basename(targetUri.path);
table.addImport(target, '$relativeDirectory/$filename');
} else if (isTargetSchemeFileOrCustom) {
// Cannot import a file:URI from a dart:URI or package:URI.
// We may want to remove this restriction, but for now it's just a sanity
// check.
throw '$referenceUri cannot refer to application library $targetUri';
} else {
table.addImport(target, target.importUri.toString());
visitClassReference(Class node) {
visitLibrary(Library node) {
for (Reference exportedReference in node.additionalExports) {
defaultMemberReference(Member node) {
visitName(Name name) {
if (name.library != null) {